Create at your pace

Kick off your journey at a starting point which fits your current stage. If you're still bringing the pieces together, begin with Develop my hardware project and get resources to build your product. If you already have a strong working prototype and you're almost ready to launch, jump to Crowdfund my product to start pre-selling. Whether project or campaign, you've got a place to create your innovation with style.

Develop with Expert mentors

You've outlined your awesome idea, and you're eager to bring it to market. The Resource pool on HWTrek is a great knowledge base to assist you with making the next step. The Expert members found here have experience from all corners of the industry. Solicit advice from these mentors to plan the details of your product before diving into the execution process. It's this smart preparation that boosts your results.

Collaborate with ease

With your consolidated idea, it's time to source your parts and bring it all together. If you're the lone ranger type, take a DIY route to access the network of suppliers, designers and manufacturers and the Solutions they provide. Alternatively, you can team up with our personal project managers. They deliver a hands-on service to steer, connect and accelerate your project through the industry.

Project Development Hub

Your product is starting to take shape, now it's time to line up your path to market. Connect to the Project Development Hub to receive your customized production plan and additional resources for navigating production challenges. You'll be able to organize project tasks, integrate chosen Solutions into your schedule with ease, and keep your team in battle formation. It's management made easy.

Fund and deliver

Everything's come together into a strong working prototype and now it's time to hit the market. But with HWTrek, you hit the market running. Tap into venture capital connections, or launch your HWTrek crowdfunding campaign. This helps you fund your first manufacturing run, while growing your fanbase and media attention. Dispatch your orders, party, then clean up. You've got a business to run.

Showcase your business Solutions

Launching cutting-edge technologies and tapping into a world of innovation has never been easier. Create your Solution to present your hardware services and products. This gives you a visible space to display your brand identity and business focus the way you want. Just describe your component or service and connect it to the HWTrek marketplace.

Advance your media reach

Finding prospects at the right stage for partnership can take up valuable time and resources. With HWTrek, you can boost your reach to new leads in an innovative way. Build up your Expert profile and Solutions portfolio to let new Creator teams learn about your brand and the services you provide. Each Solution, update and message raises customer awareness of your brand, and your visibility on the Experts panel.

Collaborate with the next big thing

Your boosted reach lets you be found by new Creators, but that's only one half of the coin. HWTrek's sourcing network lets you be proactive and Discover early-stage projects which are looking for proposals. For additional leads, you can also speak to our sourcing and PM team to hop on our exclusive partner list.

Project Development Hub

The Project Development Hub helps you manage and track all your business partnerships from one space. Discuss specifications, update project schedules, oversee their development, and seamlessly integrate your Solutions into their production plans. This cloud-based tool gives you the oversight, and gives your partner the support to take products to market smoothly.

Market validation

Your business partnerships are coming to fruition, and now it's time to prepare for the large shipments you both want. Turn your prospects into clients, as they begin pre-selling products with a HWTrek crowdfunding campaign or tap into VC funding. This stage fires up production lines, and contributes to the market validation of your partnership - giving you the ability to forecast demand and plan ahead.

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