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SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 37 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 TYPE A TYPE B ¾x ¾x 1x 1x 1x ¾x ¾x 1x 1x 1x MONUMENT SIGNS When incorporating a monument sign, it is important to consider landlord requirements, city/local restrictions, visibility and other building materials used nearby. The sign should be appropriately scaled for the location. Be sure to maintain adequate clear space around the logo as outlined below. SIGN TYPE The preferred sign type is a white sign cabinet with black icon and red letters (Type A), or a black sign cabinet with white icon and red letters (Type B), and full internal illumination as shown. When other conditions and restrictions require a specific background material, individual icon and letters should be used. If the background material provides sufficient contrast, internally illuminated channel icon and letters are preferred. These general guidelines apply to signage for Superior Essex, Essex and Essex Brownell offices and buildings. Do not recreate logo artwork. Download the Superior Essex logo at or contact [email protected] . Before producing or installing signage of any kind, submit drawings and specifications to Corporate Marketing for approval at [email protected].

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