© 2020 Kishi Creative Agency Cultured Eerie Black #f6f6f6 #1e1e1e CMYK 00 00 00 04 CMYK 00 00 00 88 RGB 246 246 246 RGB 30 30 30 Colors Rufous These are the only valid color pairings of the brand’s #a30f0f color palette with the key visual element. No other CMYK 00 91 91 36 colors parings should be used in any of our brand RGB 163 15 15 communications. Rosso Corsa #df0fo1 CMYK 00 93 100 13 RGB 223 15 01 Silver Chalice #b2b2b2 CMYK 00 00 00 30 RGB 178 178 178 KEY VISUAL ELEMENT
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