easier it will be for them to adapt to changes and all levels to help create and sustain a culture increased race and ethnicity representation in our explain them to their customers, shareholders Accelerating of equality. Our areas of focus include gender; workforce overall and among managing directors and employees. At the end of the first quarter ethnic and racial diversity; disability inclusion; in the United States, the United Kingdom and of fiscal 2021, approximately 75% of Accenture equality for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex South Africa; new mandatory training in the people had started their TQ journeys. (LGBTI); mental health; cross-cultural diversity; United States, the United Kingdom and Ireland— religion and faith; and additional areas as which will be rolled out in other markets—to We believe skills are the common currency that determined by our local markets. support our people in identifying and speaking will unlock boundaryless opportunities for our Our unwavering commitment to inclusion and up about racism and reinforcing what we expect people and power our networks. In fiscal 2020, diversity enables us to attract, develop, inspire We also commit to diversity and equal of them; and increased community investments we renewed our focus on skills and specialization and reward the best people. It creates an opportunity by eliminating discrimination in to support economic inclusion. Additionally, we as we implemented our new growth model. We environment that unleashes innovation, allows employment and applying our principle of continue to stay closely connected to our people continued our focus on Specialization at Scale— our people to perform at their very best, and meritocracy when we make decisions about through a host of channels, including townhalls a program that provides a robust and agile way underpins a culture in which everyone feels they our people. with leadership and Board members. to ensure that the right team, with the right skills, have an equal opportunity to belong, advance is ready to serve our clients. Using the power and thrive. We approach inclusion and diversity Ethnic and racial diversity Examples of how we are putting our commitment of AI, we help our people identify their skills with the same discipline and rigor as any other into action for our people include Drive, a and specializations, and then match them with business priority. We set goals, share them learning and development program designed project leaders and career opportunities. Since publicly, collect data to continuously improve In the face of more tragic losses of African to enhance performance of U.S.-based African the program went live in fiscal 2019, more than and hold our leaders accountable. American and Black lives in the United States, American and Hispanic American non-executive 80% of our people have updated their skills and we took immediate action to confirm our stand consultants; the African & Caribbean Network continue to maintain their skill profiles. These In fiscal 2021, we are implementing a new against racism. Our CEO, Julie Sweet, and our Accelerate Program, which helps African and skills credentials are a source of pride for our shared success scorecard for our leadership entire Global Management Committee reaffirmed Caribbean employees in the United Kingdom to people and help them be visible to leadership teams, including new metrics for advancing our sincere commitment to equality for all, with achieve their full potential; and the Planning for as new opportunities arise. inclusion and diversity. zero tolerance for discrimination, bigotry or hate Success Forum, a sponsorship program for all of any kind. U.S.-based African American and Hispanic Our commitment starts at the top with our American managing directors that is focused Board, our executive chairman and our chief To reinforce our commitment, we announced on increasing the representation of diverse executive officer, and we expect leaders at three next steps: new goals for 2025 for managing directors at the most senior levels. United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 | 15