Goals & Progress at a glance Path to net-zero by 2025 Science-based target: By 2025 reduce our absolute greenhouse Encourage Procure Gender- Grow our percentage Maintain gas emissions by 11% of women managing and our scope 1 and 2 75% 100% balanced directors to at least 90%+ greenhouse gas workforce by 2025 S emissions by of key suppliers to renewable energy employee completion disclose their targets in our locations 25% rates for Ethics & AL 65% and actions toward by 2023 worldwide by the Compliance training GO from our 2016 emissions reduction by end of 2020 baseline the end of fiscal 2020 S We have reduced Having achieved this We reached 30% Our workforce was Having achieved our More than 99% of our total emissions goal in fiscal 2019, renewable energy 45% women in goal of 25% women people completed by 32% we set a new goal in our locations in 2020 and women managing directors their Ethics & , scope 1 by the end of 2020, Compliance training OGRESand 2 emissions by for 2025—we will fiscal 2020 accounted for 49% of we have now set a in fiscal 2020 more than 39% and require 90% of our key new hires new goal of 30% PR emissions per unit suppliers—representing by 2025 of revenue by more three-quarters of our than 45% scope 3 emissions—to disclose their targets and actions. Already, 57% have disclosed both targets and actions. NOTE: In geographies where measured, we have set race and ethnicity goals that represent the communities we serve. (SDG 10.2) See page 16 for more detail. See page 66 for a more complete look at our Goals & Progress. United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 | 5
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