A letter to our stakeholders We believe sustainability is the new digital—it will We are proud of Accenture’s progress in a very create the most powerful force of change in our challenging year, but there is still much more work generation, transforming how we live and work to do. As this report demonstrates, we continue to A year unlike any other has brought us to an and driving new value and growth. We are making raise the bar for what we can accomplish—and the inflection point. The single biggest change in sustainability one of our greatest responsibilities, speed at which we act. With our people remaining human behavior in history, triggered by the embedding it by design into our core business— our top priority, we are now expanding our focus pandemic, has now triggered the single biggest into everything we do and for everyone we work on helping our clients and partners more fully reinvention of industry in living memory. We with: our clients, people, shareholders, partners embrace sustainability. To help guide these efforts, are seeing a world awakened to an incredible and communities. This is Accenture’s Sustainability we are partnering with the UNGC on studies of opportunity to reimagine and rebuild responsibly Value Promise. CEOs’ views on two key issues—progressing and sustainably, and, in turn, transform our global sustainability in a post-pandemic world and taking economy into one that works for the benefit of Since 2008, we have been committed to the 10 action on climate change—which we will publish Julie Sweet all. Shared success will depend on the ability to Principles of the United Nations Global Compact later this year. Chief Executive Officer understand all stakeholders; connect the power of (UNGC), supporting its efforts to advance technology, human ingenuity and business value; sustainability, equality and human rights. As a We are grateful to our people around the world for and accelerate technology-led transformation. Global Compact LEAD member, we champion the their boundless humanity and heart, and for their UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with unstinting dedication, resilience and commitment To realize this future, business, government and a special focus on those that are most relevant for to our clients and all our stakeholders. Together, society must embrace this moment of change. our company, and we are working with the UNGC, we are driving positive change every day—and We must think differently, act boldly and reach SAP and 3M on SDG Ambition, which challenges delivering true shared success. new levels of collaboration—and we must do it and supports participating companies of the now. Accenture’s position as partner to many of UNGC in setting ambitious corporate sustainability the world’s leading businesses, organizations targets and accelerating the integration of the and governments—and as the workplace of more SDGs into core business management. We also than 500,000 people around the globe—affords continue to align with Environmental, Social us both an extraordinary opportunity and a and Governance (ESG) best practices, such as Peter Lacy tremendous responsibility to make a difference. the World Economic Forum’s new Stakeholder Chief Responsibility Officer and Capitalism Metrics. Global Sustainability Services Lead United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 | 3