Goals & Progress Most relevant SDG targets Most relevant Guiding SDG Most relevant Accenture Accenture metrics for Accenture’s operations UNGC principles Ambition benchmark goals and programs and progress 5.5 Ensure women’s full and effective Principle 1 Gender balance at all • We set a goal to achieve 25% women managing • We met our goal of achieving 25% women managing participation and equal opportunities Principle 6 levels of management directors by the end of 2020. directors by the end of 2020. for leadership at all levels... • Our new goal is to achieve 30% women managing • In 2020, women accounted for 45% of our global 5.b Enhance the use of enabling directors by 2025. workforce and 49% of new hires. technology, in particular information and • Additionally, by 2025 we will achieve a gender-balanced communications technology, to promote workforce (for those whose gender is binary). the empowerment of women. 8.2 Achieve higher levels of economic Principle 1 100% of employees • We are firmly committed to pay equity and have robust • We pay 100% of employees working for Accenture productivity through diversification, Principle 6 across the organization processes in place to ensure that all our people—across a living wage or more. technological upgrading and earn a living wage gender, race and ethnicity—are compensated fairly based • Our Adjustment Request Tool is now available in innovation… on their markets and skills, from the moment they are hired 16 countries and we plan to expand availability. 8.5 Achieve full and productive through the milestones of their careers at our company. employment and decent work for all If we find an issue, we fix it. • We currently operate Accessibility Centers in China, women and men, including for young • We invest nearly US$900 million annually in continuous India, Japan, Malaysia and three in the Philippines people and persons with disabilities, learning and professional development opportunities with plans for more locations around the globe. and equal pay for work of equal value. for our people. 8.8 Protect labour rights and promote • We have invested in our applications to ensure that at safe and secure working environments least 75% are accessible and have supplemental resources for all workers… to navigate additional accessibility requirements. • Through our Adjustment Request Tool, our people with disabilities can easily ask for accommodation such as assistive technology, flexible work arrangements, sign language interpreters, screen readers and more. • We continue to invest in Accessibility Centers focused on enablement and advisory services, and collaborative technology research for persons with disabilities. United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 | 66