Governance Committee of the Board regularly th ETHICS & GOVERNANCE Most Ethical Companies list for the 14 reviews our policies and practices on significant consecutive year, recognizing our dedication corporate social responsibility issues. to ethical leadership, compliance practices Doing business responsibly, in compliance and sustainability. We have a clear governance structure to Leadership transition with laws and with integrity is the foundation of help us achieve our goals and ensure that One way we demonstrate our commitment to Accenture’s culture, reflecting our core values, these objectives are reflected throughout the behaving ethically is by supporting labor and inclusiveness and the highest ethical standards. organization. Members of our Global Management human rights across our global business and Committee sponsor our responsible business operations. We also uphold this commitment as We continue to shape our leadership strategies. These senior leaders, from multiple a LEAD participant of the United Nations Global structure so it reflects our values of corporate functions and geographies, engage Compact (which we signed in January 2008) governance throughout the business. Conducting on these topics and are responsible for making and by adhering to the United Nations Guiding Our Responsible Business, Corporate final decisions on strategies, goals and policies Principles on Business and Human Rights. Sustainability & Citizenship Lead, business with recommended by various management groups. Chad Jerdee, retired in February 2021. Together, they make strategic recommendations Our commitment to ethics, human rights and Effective December 2020, Peter Lacy was and decisions on our integrated responsible strong corporate governance is a key driver appointed to the newly created role of integrity business and ESG initiatives, including of our business strategy and is essential to Chief Responsibility Officer and Global sponsorship of our non-financial goals. safeguard our people, clients, brand and financial Sustainability Services Lead, and also performance. It is the foundation on which joined the Global Management Committee, Responsibility for Environmental, Social and We believe an ethical culture is critical to our we build trust and is evident in our long-term taking the first senior leadership position Governance (ESG) topics at Accenture starts at growth and differentiates us in a competitive relationships with our clients around the world. at Accenture with a primary focus on both the top, with our Board, our executive chairman marketplace. Clients choose to involve us in some Of our top 100 clients, 97 have been with us for client and corporate sustainability. Peter’s and our chief executive officer, and cascades of the most sensitive areas of their business in over 10 years. work spans ESG issues as they relate to our through the business, including our use of part because of our integrity and commitment to business, clients and ecosystem partners— performance objectives relating to responsible the highest ethical standards. Our robust Ethics including our actions to help achieve business. For example, the Nominating & & Compliance program has helped earn the United Nations Global Compact’s Accenture a spot on Ethisphere’s 2021 World’s Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 | 52