50 USc § 3024(1) (U) AVAILABLE REPORTING LARGELY INCONCLUSIVE (U) Limited Data Leaves Most UAP Unexplained (U) Limited data and inconsistency in rep0l1ing are key challenges to evaluating UAP. No standardized rep0l1ing mechanism existed until the Navy established one in March 2019 . The Air Force subsequently adopted that mechanism in November 2020 , but it remains limited to USG rep0l1ing . The UAPTF regularly heard anecdotally dming its research about other observations that occUlTed but which were never captured in fOlmal or infOlmal rep0l 1ing by those observers. carefully con~ion , the UAPTF focused on a dataset of _ Df()l)al)lv des c ribing ~ that involved UAP largely witnessed ftrsthand aviators and that were collected from systems considered to be reliable . These rep0l1s describe incidents that OCCUlTed between 2004 and 2021 , with the majority coming in the last two years as the new rep0l1ing mechanism became better known to the military aviation commtnllty. In only one instance , the UAPTF was able to identify the reported UAP with high confidence . . In that case , we identified the object as a large , deflating balloon. The others remain lmexplained. 144 repol1s originated from USG somces. Of these, 80 rep0l1s invo lved n h.,,,,, • .,, ""tt · with multiple sensors including 14(a) ••• and . The remaining IIIEJ observed incidents were (See Tables 1 and 2.) 1.4(a) Of the 144 USG repol1s_ riginated from Navy "Range Fouler,,2 which provide basic infOlmation , such as the time , date , location , description , and what occmred dming the event. _eports were from a 1.4( a) combination of Air Force , Marine Corps , Coast Guard , and other USG agenCIes. UAP were described in most rep0l1s as objects that intenupted pre- planned or other militaIY activity . l.4(a)(g) 50 USc § 3024(1) f the 144 rep011s contained 1 A(a)(g) 50 USC § 3024(1) 1 4(c) Although these rep0l1s 14(c) the descriptions of lmknown targets 1 4(c) ===============- •••• as in a limited lllUllber of instances. 1.4 c 2 (U) U.S . Navy aviators defme a "range fouler" as an activity or object that interrupts pre-phullled training or other in a military operating area or restricted air space. - 4 50 USC § 3024(1)
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena | NI Report Page 10 Page 12