2024 Evidence of Coverage for UnitedHealthcare® Group Medicare Advantage PEBB Balance (PPO) Chapter 11: Legal notices 243 Section 6 Medicare-covered services must meet requirement of reasonable and necessary In determining coverage, services must meet the reasonable and necessary requirements under Medicare in order to be covered under your plan, unless otherwise listed as a covered service. A service is “reasonable and necessary” if the service is: · Safe and effective; · Not experimental or investigational; and · Appropriate, including the duration and frequency that is considered appropriate for the service, in terms of whether it is: 1. Furnished in accordance with accepted standards of medical practice for the diagnosis or treatment of the patient’s condition or to improve the function of a malformed body member; 2. Furnished in a setting appropriate to the patient’s medical needs and condition; 3. Ordered and furnished by qualified personnel; 4. One that meets, but does not exceed, the patient’s medical need; and 5. At least as beneficial as an existing and available medically appropriate alternative. Section 7 Non duplication of benefits with automobile, accident or liability coverage If you are receiving benefits as a result of other automobile, accident or liability coverage, we will not duplicate those benefits. It is your responsibility to take whatever action is necessary to receive payment under automobile, accident, or liability coverage when such payments may reasonably be expected, and to notify us of such coverage when available. If we happen to duplicate benefits to which you are entitled under other automobile, accident or liability coverage, we may seek reimbursement of the reasonable value of those benefits from you, your insurance carrier, or your health care provider to the extent permitted under State and/or federal law. We will provide benefits over and above your other automobile, accident or liability coverage, if the cost of your health care services exceeds such coverage. You are required to cooperate with us in obtaining payment from your automobile, accident or liability coverage carrier. Your failure to do so may result in termination of your plan membership. Section 8 Acts beyond our control If, due to a natural disaster, war, riot, civil insurrection, complete or partial destruction of a facility, ordinance, law or decree of any government or quasi-governmental agency, labor dispute (when said dispute is not within our control), or any other emergency or similar event not within the control of us, providers may become unavailable to arrange or provide health services pursuant to this Evidence of Coverage and Disclosure Information, then we shall attempt to arrange for covered services insofar as practical and according to our best judgment. Neither we nor any provider shall have any liability or obligation for delay or failure to provide or arrange for covered services if such delay is the result of any of the circumstances described above.

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