2024 Evidence of Coverage for UnitedHealthcare® Group Medicare Advantage PEBB Balance (PPO) Chapter 11: Legal notices 247 responsible for the services or information provided by third parties, the content on any linked site, or for any injuries you may sustain while participating in any activities under the Program. Other requirements · You must verify that the individual gym/fitness location or service provider participates in the Program before enrolling. · If a Program service provider you use, including a gym or fitness location, ceases to participate in the Program, your Program participation and waived monthly membership rate with such service provider through the Program will be discontinued until you join another service offered by a participating service provider. You will be responsible for paying the standard membership rates of the service provider should you elect to continue to receive services from a service provider once that service provider ceases to participate in our Program. If you wish to cancel your membership with such service provider, you can opt to do so per the cancellation policy of the applicable service provider, including the applicable gym or fitness location. You should review your termination rights with a service provider when you initially elect to sign up with such service provider. Data requirements · Optum (the Program administrator) and/or your service provider will collect and electronically send and/or receive the minimum amount of your personal information required in order to facilitate the Program in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws, including privacy laws. Such required personal information includes, but is not limited to, program confirmation code, gym/fitness location/provider membership ID, activity year and month, and monthly visit count. By enrolling in the Program, you authorize Optum and your service provider to request and/or provide such personal information. ©2023 United HealthCare Services, Inc. All rights reserved.

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