2024 Evidence of Coverage for UnitedHealthcare® Group Medicare Advantage PEBB Complete (PPO) Chapter 2: Important phone numbers and resources 43 State Medicaid Programs – Contact Information Minnesota | Minnesota Department of Human Services 1-800-657-3739 P.O. Box 64989 St. Paul, MN 55164-0989 TTY 1-800-627-3529 http://mn.gov/dhs 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CT, Monday - Friday Missouri | MO HealthNet Division Department of Social 1-573-526-4274 Services TTY 1-800-735-2966 615 Howerton CT, P.O. Box 6500 Jefferson City, MO 65102-6500 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CT, https://www.dss.mo.gov/mhd/ Monday - Friday Northern Mariana Islands | State Medicaid Administration 1-670-664-4880 Office TTY 711 Government BLDG # 1252, Capital Hill RD, Caller Box 100007 Saipan, MP 96950 http://medicaid.cnmi.mp/ Mississippi | State of Mississippi Division of Medicaid 1-800-421-2408 550 High ST STE, 1000 Sillers BLDG Jackson, MS 39201-1399 TTY 711 http://www.medicaid.ms.gov/ 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. CT, Monday - Friday Montana | Montana Healthcare Programs 1-888-362-8312 P.O. Box 202951 Helena, MT 59620-2951 TTY 1-800-833-8503 https://dphhs.mt.gov/MontanaHealthcarePrograms 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. MT, Monday - Friday North Carolina | North Carolina Deparment of Health and 1-800-662-7030 Human Services TTY 1-888-232-6348 2001 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-2501 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. ET, https://www.ncdhhs.gov/ Monday - Friday North Dakota | North Dakota Department of Human Services 1-800-755-2604 600 E BLVD AVE, Department 325 Bismarck, ND 58505-0250 TTY 1-800-366-6888 http://www.nd.gov/dhs/services/medicalserv/medicaid 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CT, Monday - Friday Nebraska | Nebraska Department of Health and Human 1-402-471-3121 Services TTY 1-800-471-7352 P.O. Box 95026 Lincoln, NE 68509-5026 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CT, dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/medicaid-and-long-term-care.aspx Monday - Friday

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