2024 Evidence of Coverage for UnitedHealthcare® Group Medicare Advantage PEBB Complete (PPO) Chapter 5: Using the plan’s coverage for Part D prescription drugs 159 You will have an opportunity to tell us which doctors or pharmacies you prefer to use, and about any other information you think is important for us to know. After you’ve had the opportunity to respond, if we decide to limit your coverage for these medications, we will send you another letter confirming the limitation. If you think we made a mistake or you disagree with our decision or with the limitation, you and your prescriber have the right to appeal. If you appeal, we will review your case and give you a decision. If we continue to deny any part of your request related to the limitations that apply to your access to medications, we will automatically send your case to an independent reviewer outside of our plan. See Chapter 9 for information about how to ask for an appeal. You will not be placed in our DMP if you have certain medical conditions, such as active cancer- related pain or sickle cell disease, you are receiving hospice, palliative, or end-of-life care, or live in a long-term care facility. Section 10.3 Medication Therapy Management (MTM) programs to help members manage their medications We have programs that can help our members with complex health needs. One program is called a Medication Therapy Management (MTM) program. These programs are voluntary and free. A team of pharmacists and doctors developed the programs for us to help make sure that our members get the most benefit from the drugs they take. Some members who take medications for different medical conditions and have high drug costs, or are in a DMP to help members use their opioids safely, may be able to get services through an MTM program. If you qualify for the program, a pharmacist or other health professional will give you a comprehensive review of all your medications. During the review, you can talk about your medications, your costs, and any problems or questions you have about your prescription and over-the-counter medications. You’ll get a written summary which has a recommended to-do list that includes steps you should take to get the best results from your medications. You’ll also get a medication list that will include all the medications you’re taking, how much you take, and when and why you take them. In addition, members in the MTM program will receive information on the safe disposal of prescription medications that are controlled substances. It’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about your recommended to-do list and medication list. Bring the summary with you to your visit or anytime you talk with your doctors, pharmacists, and other health care providers. Also, keep your medication list up to date and keep it with you (for example, with your ID) in case you go to the hospital or emergency room. If we have a program that fits your needs, we will automatically enroll you in the program and send you information. If you decide not to participate, please notify us and we will withdraw you. If you have any questions about these programs, please contact Customer Service.

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