2024 Evidence of Coverage for UnitedHealthcare® Group Medicare Advantage PEBB Complete (PPO) Chapter 1: Getting started as a member 9 · If you have any liability claims, such as claims from an automobile accident. · If you have been admitted to a nursing home. · If your designated responsible party (such as a caregiver) changes. · If you are participating in a clinical research study. (Note: You are not required to tell your plan about the clinical research studies you intend to participate in but we encourage you to do so) If any of this information changes, please let us know by calling Customer Service. It is also important to contact Social Security if you move or change your mailing address. You can find phone numbers and contact information for Social Security in Chapter 2, Section 5. Section 7 How other insurance works with our plan Other insurance Medicare requires that we collect information from you about any other medical or drug insurance coverage that you have. That’s because we must coordinate any other coverage you have with your benefits under our plan. This is called Coordination of Benefits. Once each year, we will send you a letter that lists any other medical or drug insurance coverage that we know about. Please read over this information carefully. If it is correct, you don’t need to do anything. If the information is incorrect, or if you have other coverage that is not listed, please call Customer Service. You may need to give your plan member ID number to your other insurers (once you have confirmed their identity) so your bills are paid correctly and on time. When you have other insurance (like employer group health coverage), there are rules set by Medicare that decide whether our plan or your other insurance pays first. The insurance that pays first is called the “primary payer” and pays up to the limits of its coverage. The one that pays second, called the “secondary payer,” only pays if there are costs left uncovered by the primary coverage. The secondary payer may not pay all of the uncovered costs. If you have other insurance, tell your doctor, hospital, and pharmacy. These rules apply for employer or union group health plan coverage: · If you have retiree coverage, Medicare pays first. · If your group health plan coverage is based on your or a family member’s current employment, who pays first depends on your age, the number of people employed by your employer, and whether you have Medicare based on age, disability, or End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD): - If you’re under 65 and disabled and you or your family member is still working, your group health plan pays first if the employer has 100 or more employees or at least one employer in a multiple employer plan that has more than 100 employees. - If you’re over 65 and you or your spouse or domestic partner is still working, your group health plan pays first if the employer has 20 or more employees or at least one employer in a multiple employer plan that has more than 20 employees. · If you have Medicare because of ESRD, your group health plan will pay first for the first 30 months after you become eligible for Medicare. These types of coverage usually pay first for services related to each type:

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