2024 Evidence of Coverage for UnitedHealthcare® Group Medicare Advantage PEBB Complete (PPO) Table of Contents Section 5 During the Initial Coverage Stage, the plan pays its share of your drug costs and you pay your share................................................................165 Section 6 Costs in the Coverage Gap Stage.........................................................168 Section 7 During the Catastrophic Coverage Stage, the plan pays the full cost for your covered Part D drugs.....................................................................169 Section 8 Additional benefits information............................................................. 169 Section 9 Part D Vaccines. What you pay for depends on how and where you get them.........................................................................................................169 Chapter 7: Asking us to pay our share of a bill you have received for covered medical services or drugs..............................................................................................172 Section 1 Situations in which you should ask us to pay our share of the cost of your covered services or drugs.............................................................173 Section 2 How to ask us to pay you back or to pay a bill you have received.....175 Section 3 We will consider your request for payment and say yes or no...........176 Chapter 8: Your rights and responsibilities....................................................................... 177 Section 1 Our plan must honor your rights and cultural sensitivities as a member of the plan............................................................................................... 178 Section 2 You have some responsibilities as a member of the plan.................. 191 Chapter 9: What to do if you have a problem or complaint (coverage decisions, appeals, complaints).......................................................................................................193 Section 1 Introduction.............................................................................................194 Section 2 Where to get more information and personalized assistance............194 Section 3 To deal with your problem, which process should you use?............. 195 Section 4 A guide to the basics of coverage decisions and appeals................. 195 Section 5 Your medical care: How to ask for a coverage decision or make an appeal of a coverage decision.............................................................. 198 Section 6 Your Part D prescription drugs: How to ask for a coverage decision or make an appeal...................................................................................... 205 Section 7 How to ask us to cover a longer inpatient hospital stay if you think you are being discharged too soon............................................................. 214 Section 8 How to ask us to keep covering certain medical services if you think your coverage is ending too soon.........................................................221 Section 9 Taking your appeal to Level 3 and beyond..........................................227 QuestionsQuestions?? Call Call CustomCustomer Serviceer Service at at 1-8551-855-873-32-873-326868, TTY , TTY 711711, , 8 a.m.-8 p.m8 a.m.-8 p.m. local time. local time, , Monday-FridayMonday-Friday

UnitedHealthcare PEBB Complete EOC (2024) - Page 5 UnitedHealthcare PEBB Complete EOC (2024) Page 4 Page 6