71 reach diverse neighborhoods in ways that advance small business growth, housing affordability, financial health, and sustainability . Philanthropy Through our business and the Wells Fargo Foundation, we provide financial donations, volunteers, and business expertise to a wide range of nonprofits and charitable organizations to actively support and positively impact communities and help address racial disparities, particularly around housing, small business, financial health, sustainability, and environmental justice . We prioritize funding to philanthropic activities and programs that align with our four strategic priorities and organizations that can work with us on a broad level to tackle social, economic, and environmental challenges and drive innovation at scale . To foster a truly inclusive economy, we’re also intentional about prioritizing the needs of underserved communities and those disproportionately impacted by systematic racial and economic inequities . Housing affordability There is a global shortage of affordable housing for low- and moderate-income communities, and high housing costs have only amplified growing economic inequity . Our goal is to support solutions that allow people to have a safe and affordable place to call home, which is the foundation for wellness, dignity, and economic We’re focused on fostering an inclusive, sustainable future and strengthening the resiliency of our communities and our planet for the long term . Working hand in hand with nonprofits and other community stakeholders, we’re combining our resources and expertise to empower change in underserved communities with a focus on creating greater racial equity and curbing climate change . Community engagement is essential to our overall approach to social impact and sustainability, which includes four strategic priorities: • Opening pathways to economic advancement . • Championing safe, affordable homes . • Empowering small businesses to thrive . • Accelerating a just, low-carbon future . We believe in the importance of thriving communities that offer people access to economic opportunity . Wells Fargo continues to accelerate positive change in local communities by collaborating with nonprofits, state and city leaders, government agencies, and other public and private groups to help develop new opportunities for underserved communities . This kind of multi-stakeholder collaboration is a hallmark of our community engagement approach . It’s helped us build relationships that Community engagement Performance trends can be found in the Wells Fargo ESG Goals and Performance Data (PDF) .