79 • Serving as a Steering Committee member of the Equator Principles Association , * where Wells Fargo supported the drafting of the revised Principles framework (EP4) . We also played a lead role in drafting the corresponding guidance notes related to human rights and Indigenous Peoples . • Providing financial support for the multi- year development of global ESG standards in partnership with the IFC’s collaborative global program to widely expand knowledge of ESG sustainability . Respecting human rights We recognize the role corporations play in society, and we understand Wells Fargo’s responsibility to respect human rights in our operations and through our business relationships . Many of the actions we’ve taken to rebuild trust, strengthen our culture, and reduce operational and conduct risk are critical components of a robust human rights risk management approach . We publicly acknowledge our responsibility to respect and uphold human rights in our Human Rights Statement (PDF) , which guides our efforts with key stakeholders, including employees, consumers, business customers, and suppliers . We recognize that this is an ongoing effort, and we know we must regularly assess our practices and approaches in light of our changing world . Deepening our understanding and management of human rights issues relevant to our business, operations, and culture is an ongoing journey . In the spirit of continuous improvement, we’re working throughout our value chain to improve our management of any actual or potential adverse impacts on human rights . To that end, we continue to work on: • Updating and developing human rights positions . • Exercising due diligence to enhance our understanding of potential adverse impacts on the human rights of employees, non-employees, and our customers . • Strengthening oversight of human rights issues in our supply chain . • Collaborating with external, cross-sectoral, and industry-specific leadership groups . Governance Wells Fargo’s human rights commitment is explicitly approved at the senior-most level of our company, as documented in the Wells Fargo & Company Board of Directors Corporate Responsibility Committee (CRC) charter (PDF) . Day-to-day management of human rights is led by our Environmental, Social, and Governance Integration team . External stakeholders also help inform our understanding of business and human rights issues . Our external Stakeholder Advisory Council includes organizations that focus specifically on these issues . Human rights due diligence The Wells Fargo Environmental and Social Risk Management (ESRM) process includes performance of human rights due diligence and analysis of third-party environmental, social, and governance research across identified sensitive industries, as set forth in our ESRM Framework (PDF) . When our research uncovers allegations — or they are otherwise brought to our attention — we engage with our customers to help understand their risk management approach and actively monitor developments over time . When there are different viewpoints on an allegation, we document these views and *We do not control this website . Wells Fargo has provided this link for your convenience, but does not endorse and is not responsible for the content, links, privacy policy, or security policy of this website .
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