What's new for 2024

What’s new at UMP (PEBB) for 2024 For details about these changes, visit the UMP website at ump.regence.com/pebb/benefits/oe-2024 or read your UMP open enrollment newsletter. For questions about changes to medical benefits, contact UMP Customer Service at 1-888-849-3681 (TRS: 711). For questions about changes to prescription drug benefits, contact Washington State Rx Services (WSRxS) at 1-888-361-1611 (TRS: 711). General changes The 24-hour nurse line phone number is changing for most plans The phone number for the 24-hour nurse line for the UMP Classic, UMP Select, UMP Consumer-Directed Health Plan (CDHP), and UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (PSHVN) plans is changing to 1-877- 375-2599 (TRS: 711). Members on these plans will receive new member ID cards for 2024. The 24-hour nurse line phone number is not changing for the UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (ACN) plan. UMP Notice of Privacy Practices updated The UMP Notice of Privacy Practices is being updated and will be effective November 1, 2023. To find the notice, visit the UMP Notice of Privacy Practices webpage at hca.wa.gov/ump-privacy. Changes to existing medical and prescription drug benefits To learn more about these benefits, check your plan’s 2024 certificate of coverage by visiting forms and publications at hca.wa.gov/ump-pebb-coc. All changes are effective January 1, 2024, unless otherwise noted. The UMP Consumer-Directed Health Plan (CDHP) deductible is increasing The deductible for UMP CDHP members is increasing to $1,600 for a single subscriber and $3,200 for a family. This is an increase from $1,500 for a single subscriber and $3,000 for a family. This deductible increase is required to maintain compliance with IRS rules, so that a subscriber can make eligible health savings account (HSA) contributions in 2024. UMP CDHP members will be receiving a new ID card for 2024 with the updated deductible amounts. Changes to coverage for hearing aids Starting January 1, 2024, you will pay $0 of the $3,000 benefit limit per ear every 3 calendar years for prescribed hearing aids. You will be responsible for any charges exceeding the $3,000 benefit limit. Other covered hearing-related services such as ear molds and the initial batteries, and cords will be paid at the standard rate. Hearing aids are subject to the deductible under the UMP CDHP plan. Changes to coverage for family planning services Starting January 1, 2024, you pay the preventive rate for covered voluntary and involuntary termination of pregnancy (abortion or miscarriage) from a network provider. If you receive covered services from an out-of- network provider, you pay the standard rate. These services are subject to the deductible under the UMP CDHP plan.

Changes to coverage for outpatient dialysis services for most plans Starting January 1, 2024, you pay the standard rate during your initial outpatient treatment period of three months. Once the supplemental treatment period begins, you will pay 0% of the allowed amount for covered outpatient dialysis services. You may also be eligible for Medicare Part B coverage and to get your Medicare Part B premiums reimbursed by the plan. If you are not enrolled in Medicare Part B and you receive outpatient dialysis from an out-of-network provider during the supplemental treatment period, you will be responsible for any amount exceeding the allowed amount (known as balance billing). Note: This change does not apply to the UMP CDHP plan. Call UMP Customer Service to connect with a care manager who can assist you. Changes to the Centers of Excellence Program MultiCare Capital Medical Center will no longer participate in the Centers of Excellence Program for spine care as of January 1, 2024. Virginia Mason Medical Center will continue to serve members through its Centers of Excellence Program for knee and hip joint and for spine care. See changes to the UMP Preferred Drug List Starting in November, you can view a list of anticipated changes to the UMP Preferred Drug List. Visit ump.regence.com/pebb/benefits/prescriptions, select “Find Forms” at the top of the page, then click “Visit HCA’s website to access UMP’s forms & publications database.” Type “preferred drug list changes” into the search box and click the “Search” button. The list is updated monthly and is subject to change. It does not contain every anticipated change to the UMP Preferred Drug List. It only contains changes that may negatively impact members, such as increasing a drug’s cost or limiting the amount of drug available per refill. UMP Plus service area changes UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (PSHVN): Learn more about the plan by visiting the UMP Plus–PSHVN webpage at ump.regence.com/pebb/plans/2024/plus-pshvn. • For 2024, UMP Plus–PSHVN does not have any service area changes. The plan will continue to serve Chelan, Douglas, King, Kitsap, Pierce, Snohomish, and Yakima counties. UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (ACN): Learn more about the plan by visiting the UMP Plus–UW Medicine ACN webpage at ump.regence.com/pebb/plans/2024/plus-uw-medicine-acn. • For 2024, UMP Plus–UW Medicine ACN will no longer serve Kitsap County. Franklin and Benton counties are being added to the service area. The plan will continue to serve King, Pierce, Skagit, Snohomish, Spokane, and Thurston counties. For more information For more information on 2024 medical benefits, call UMP Customer Service at 1-888-849-3681 (TRS: 711), 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Pacific), Monday through Friday; 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Pacific), Saturday. For more information on 2024 prescription drug benefits, call WSRxS Customer Service at 1-888-361-1611 (TRS: 711), 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Pacific), Monday through Friday. Customer Service available outside these hours with limited services. Regence complies with applicable Federal and Washington state civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity or sexual orientation. ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-888-344-6347 (TTY: 711). 注意:如果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電 1-888-344-6347(TTY: 711). WSRxS does not provide BlueCross BlueShield services and is solely responsible for their products/services Regence BlueShield serves select counties in the state of Washington UMP 24-301 and is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association © 2023 Regence