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21 But I would not go as far as making the claim that these skills we re a c om plete waste of my time. In my vie w of education, an elementary school student still needs to learn that 7 x 7=49 and that the c apital of Pennsylvania is Harrisburg, even though calculators have been widely used fo r over 50 years and students can use Google or Wikipedia to find answers for most factual que st ions. It is the nature of foundational skills that the y are required to comprehend more advanced to pics. How does the increasing market volatility post Covid impact the suitability of a just- in-time supply chain? Should US manufacturers with most of their suppliers located in China embrace a dual sourcing st rate gy? To c ompetently answer these questions one needs a so lid unde rstanding of the foundations of o pe rations management. You need to be able to walk before you can run! So, business school faculty or eleme ntary school teachers – as educators we still must teac h the foundations. Imp lication 3: Deal with the cheating when testing foundational knowledge M any educators are interested in the Chat GPT d iscussion o ut of a concern that their students might be c heating on homework assignments and final e xams. They sho uld be. Though in the past I have had an open bo ok, open notes policy for my exams and I allowed students to use computing devices, I will now join thousands of professors and teachers and explicitly ban the usage of Chat GPT and oth er tec hno logies of this type for the purpose of homework assignments and the final exam in my foundations courses . I re alize that regulating exciting new technol og y i s oftenti mes perceived as a desire to hang on to the status quo. N evertheless, allowing a student to ac cess Ch at GPT during an exam that tests facts and found atio nal co ncep ts is like allowing t he student to call a friend with an average academic competenc e and take the exam fo r h er. Reliable tests play an important role in teaching and skill certification and this should not be compromised be cause of a new technology. Im plication 4 : M im ic th e workplace by tea ching h ow to evaluate a p roposed plan of a ction M BA programs are professional degrees that pre pa re stud ents f or careers in the business community. Techn ologies like Chat GPT are a lready used in the workplace and that usage is only going to increase. Their ultimate goal is to improve managerial decision making. Managerial decision making invo lves creating a set of alte rnatives and then critically reflecting which alternative is the best for the situation at hand. As our MBA graduates advance in their careers, they will make more and more of these dec isions in groups where alternatives will be generated by consultants, co- wo rkers, and direct reports. The skill of looking at a suggeste d

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