2023 Final Command Annual Report

Final Command Ministries 2023 ANNUAL REPORT

We are by all means going north What’s Inside to reach the most unreached. 4 Letter From the Executive Director 5 From the Field 6 The Power of Movements OUR WORK IN 2023 8 2023 Milestones 9 Where It's Happening HOW WE WORK 10 Field Spotlight 14 Theory of Change 16 Exploring DMM 18 Engaging Muslims 19 In Their Words JOIN THE JOURNEY 20 Get Involved 21 Ministry Partners 22 Financials Why We Exist 23 Leadership & Board of Directors To catalyze movements of indigenous-led disciple makers that multiply among the least-reached people groups.

Letter from the In 2002, FCM was formed through a providential meeting between Claude King (Co-author of Experiencing God), Jerry Trousdale (Author of From the Field Executive Director Miraculous Movements), and two in昀氀uential African leaders, Younoussa Djao and Shodankeh Johnson. 2004 In the midst of violence and evil, Habakkuk cried out for help. 吀栀e • Supporting the surge of DMM interest across the U.S. to reach Lord responded: “Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be marginalized communities. We are grateful for God's faithfulness in 2023. 吀栀is year marked a signi昀椀cant God laid on their hearts 19 Muslim unreached people astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not m Looking ahead to 2024 and beyond, we are milestone for Final Command Ministries—the full transition of 昀椀eld leadership in groups in sub-Saharan Africa. believe if told.” (Habakkuk 1:5) the Sahel to our indigenous partners. 吀栀is transition was planned from the start. 2011 encouraged and challenged to join God through: In 2012, Sierra Leonean missionaries were commissioned to lay the groundwork Engage! DMM training launched Unreached and unengaged people groups have remained so for a • Collaborating with other like-minded organizations to identify the for Disciple Making Movements (DMM) in four countries in the African Sahel. In for churches in the U.S. 2011 reason. 吀栀ere are not enough followers of Christ within or near remaining unengaged people groups in the Sahel and begin to 昀椀ll 2023, the baton of leadership passed to our in-country teams in 11 countries. 吀栀ese Go North Initiative launched these people groups to initiate gospel work. 吀栀ere is great risk these gaps. teams are cultivating movements among 49 unreached people groups from Senegal to 2015 to expand DMM into the Sahel in following Jesus—heavy persecution is a reality. 吀栀e spiritual, and North Africa. Djibouti—185 million people who have never heard the good news of Jesus Christ. Engage! Africa DMM video political, cultural, linguistic, and developmental barriers seem • Launching Disciple Making Movement work in 3 new countries series released in 10+ impossible to overcome. But ordinary people are learning to hear in the Sahel. Empowering African leaders to reach their unreached neighbors has always been our languages across 54 African 2017 countries. and obey God as He works among these groups. Uneducated taxi • Partnering with other like-minded organizations to launch a heart. A core principle of DMM is that an inexperienced insider is more e昀昀ective All 19 Muslim unreached drivers are discovering the truth and immediately making disciples. than the most experienced outsider. 吀栀is approach is particularly crucial in the Sahel people groups pursued now prayer movement into North Africa. 2018 engaged. Illiterate women are praying for the sick and seeing multitudes region. Home to more than half of Africa's unengaged people groups, the Sahel is the Indigenous partners now healed. Former terrorists are discipling others seeking the Truth. We • Auditing our work throughout the Sahel to bring greater frontlines of the Christian and Islamic struggle for the continent. As cultural insiders, engaging 30 people groups in look among the nations in wonder; we’re astounded by what we see. clarity and more e昀케ciency in movements. 6 countries. 2022 our indigenous partners are uniquely equipped to work in this volatile region where God is doing a work that we would not believe if we were told! terrorism, coup d'etats, and deep human poverty are commonplace. Indigenous partners engaged For His Glory, 2022 Nigeria’s 昀椀nal UUPG. (p. 10) m Looking back on 2023, we thank God for God has already given African believers the vision to reach the lost in their own DMM Training Manual allowing us to partner with Him by: countries. Our role is simply to identify and support them. We’re excited to see this published into 6 strategic 2023 Brandon Cole languages. • Engaging 134 people groups across 11 countries to see 2,629 new Director of Field Operations, spirit continue among our indigenous leaders. In the pages that follow, join us in Coaching 11 U.S. DMM partners Final Command Ministries praising God for the incredible work that He is doing. among refugees, apartments, Discovery Bible Studies, 9,425 new followers of Jesus, and 654 new 2023 homeless, and tra昀케cking churches. (p. 8) survivors. Blessings, Horn of Africa Initiative • Engaging 5 new unreached people groups and 5 new unengaged launched in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Somalia. 2023 unreached people groups. (p. 9) James Forlines Appointed African leaders to Executive Director of Final Command Ministries coach 129 partners across 134 • Supporting and coaching gifted leaders to accelerate movements in people groups in 11 countries. the Horn of Africa. (p. 13) 4

While size isn't the main focus, many measure success by having The Power of over 100 churches and at least 1,000 believers. 吀栀is signi昀椀es a 3 widespread and self-sustaining movement. Final Command Movements Ministries sees a movement as a sustainable and generational multiplication of obedient disciple makers, leaders, and coaches. In 29years, over 1%of the world In less than 30 years, over 1% of the world population has come 24:14 is a global network of organizations, churches, and believers has come to faith 1 with the same heart to see every unreached people and place in Jesus through to faith in Jesus Christ through movements alone. engaged with an e昀昀ective kingdom movement strategy. 吀栀ey movements alone. Movements are drastically changing the world for Christ. describe the history and practice of movements: 吀栀rough a rapid growth of disciples primarily across the Global South, churches planted have grown from 1,219 in 1995 to m "When modern “kingdom movements” began to 6,879,000 in 2022. Today, there are over 1,966 movements emerge in the 1990s, the term “Church Planting responsible for this success across the globe, with an estimated Movements” (CPMs) was used to describe the 50,000 to 60,000 disciples per movement. 吀栀is equates to visible results… As CPMs emerged, best practice 115 million disciples who have come to faith in Jesus through strategies and tactics to make reproducing 2 disciples began to be identi昀椀ed and passed on. movements. God has shown his creativity by using several A movement is an expansion sets of disciple-making “tactics” or processes to result in CPMs. These include Disciple Making of Christian believers that Movements (DMM), Four Fields, and Training for endures across at least Trainers (T4T), as well as a variety of very fruitful indigenously developed approaches. Closer All movement- four generations and created disciples continuously grows by examination of these approaches indicates that: worldwide would 1) the CPM principles or strategies are mostly the account for of adding new generations in a same; 2) these approaches all are bearing fruit the U.S. population. relatively short time frame. by reproducing disciples and churches; and 3) all reciprocally in昀氀uence the other sets of tactics." 4 1995 1,219 God is at work among the nations. Please pray with us to see the 2022 6,879,000 Great Commission 昀椀nished in our lifetime. 6

m 17% of the UPGs remaining in 2023 MILESTONES these West African countries are now engaged by FCM partners. Seeds are being planted in the Last year, God used you to: Horn of Africa to see similar 6 engaged breakthroughs. 9 engaged NIGER 30 unreached SUDAN MALI 169 unreached m Intercede With Prayer m Enable Multiplication 44 unreached Over 2,700 people prayed regularly for our DMM trainings led to 2,629 new Discovery Bible Study m 45% of these are UUPGs—22.5 ERITREA disciple makers—because disciple making groups, 9,425 new believers, and 654 new churches million people with virtually 9 unreached movements are powered by prayer movements. planted across 8 countries in the Sahel. no chance to hear about Jesus without outside engagement. m Reach The Unreached m Give Generously DJIBOUTI 7 unreached Indigenous disciple makers are engaging 49 $2,487,470 was given to advance the gospel north into unreached people groups. This represents 185 the Sahel region of Africa, support humanitarian work in million people who have never been given the Uganda, and train and catalyze DMM in the U.S. 4 engaged chance to hear about Jesus—but are now. SENEGAL m Accelerate Hope 26 unreached m Establish Local Leaders We have come alongside gifted East African movement 8 engaged Leadership of our work successfully passed from leaders—who over 25 years have seen hundreds of NIGERIA 10 engaged outside African coaches to local leaders. Five thousands come to faith in Jesus—to accelerate the 53 unreached 5 engaged CHAD 3 engaged SOMALIA regional leaders and 25 country leaders are now gospel among the most unreached people groups in MAP OF SAHEL CAMEROON 80 unreached ETHIOPIA 20 unreached coaching 129 partners to reach their unreached the Horn of Africa. 17 unreached 38 unreached neighbors throughout the Sahel. This map displays the number of unreached people groups engaged by FCM compared to the total number in that country.5 134 9,425 654 11 2,629 129 Engagement started prior to 2023 Engagement started in 2023 PEOPLE GROUPS NEW BELIEVERS CHURCHES COUNTRIES NEW DISCOVERY INDIGENOUS ENGAGED PLANTED ENGAGED BIBLE STUDIES PARTNERS Con昀椀dential Unreached People Group (UPG): 5% or fewer Christian Adherents, of which 2% or fewer are Evangelical. Unengaged Unreached People Group (UUPG): 0.1% or fewer Christian Adherents and no con昀椀rmed, sustained church planting movement underway. 8 Our Work in 2023 9

FIELD SPOTLIGHT character produces hope, and hope does not Nigerian believers are uniquely positioned to access places that Mike shares, “I would like to appreciate and encourage the Missions put us to shame, because God's love has been Western missions never can. Final Command is equipping ongoing support of supporters with us in our e昀昀ort to envision poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit them to e昀昀ectively leverage this opportunity through our Go and equip this formidable harvest force with movement principles, Unstoppable who has been given to us.” - Romans 5:3-5 North Initiative to see movements of disciple makers across to be able to engage the Sahel and the Maghreb.” northern Nigeria, and the Sahel. Please join our Nigerian brothers and sisters in Christ in praying But they are undeterred. With hearts on 昀椀re, Nigerian believers are The global Church must watch Nigeria. courageously taking the hope of Jesus to the unreached Muslim Since 2019, the Go North Initiative in Nigeria has been led by for the breaking of strongholds and the salvation of the Sahel. and pagan communities in their own country. Samuel, who leads our Nigeria Director, Mike Adegbile. Mike and his wife, Yinka, And pray as they do, as ordinary heroes of the faith—without With 60 million evangelical Christians, Nigeria possesses the have successfully been catalyzing Nigerian and other African shame and full of con昀椀dence, believing with every 昀椀ber of your strongest missions force in the world—second only to the a Nigerian missions organization, is valiantly single-minded in response to the evil committed against Christians: denominations and missions organizations to adopt Disciple being that God hears you and will answer your pleas. 6 United States’ 90 million. Making Movements to reach the remaining unreached peoples “Our hearts are 昀椀lled with love and praise to our God for counting In the mighty name of Jesus, But they won’t remain second for long. Within the next 20 and places of Nigeria. Under Mike’s leadership in 2022, our years, Nigeria’s population is poised to surpass that of the us worthy to co-labour with Him in bringing the nations to Nigerian partners succeeded in engaging the 昀椀nal unengaged Amen. 7 worship Him. In a dispensation where mission work has su昀昀ered unreached people group (UUPG) in Nigeria—the Lopawa United States. In the coming decades, Nigerian believers m “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great will increasingly take on a leading role in 昀椀nishing the Great a great setback, most especially in the Sahel region where we are, people. Mike also intimately knows about the persecuted due to insurgency and the activities of the bandits/terrorists, these a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every Commission. church in Nigeria. In 2018, he and his wife were abducted and weight, and sin which clings so closely, and evil acts have caused the Church and its missionary mandate to held hostage. Yet, when he was released, Mike led NEMA to 吀栀at’s tomorrow’s vision—but today, they endure violent withdraw or slow. But on the contrary—God gave us His Word: let us run with endurance the race that is set persecution. Nigeria remains the world’s deadliest country in rally the Nigerian church to re-engage and move beyond areas before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and Missions Unstoppable. He said the gates of hell shall not prevail destroyed in the north. which to follow Jesus. Of all Christians martyred this year, 82% against His Church, and on this sure Word we stand.” perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was were in Nigeria.8 Christians in northern Nigeria su昀昀er like 吀栀is means that today, there are evangelical e昀昀orts occurring set before him endured the cross, despising nowhere else on earth as Boko Haram, Fulani herdsmen, and “In Islam, they must among all of Nigeria’s 53 remaining unreached people groups. the shame, and is seated at the right hand of Islamic terrorists relentlessly ravage their communities. 吀栀ey live With the harvest force of Nigeria, it’s only a matter of time the throne of God. Consider him who endured in the new epicenter of global terrorism—which has relocated 昀椀ght for their God. As until these 112 million unreached peoples—roughly 50% of from sinners such hostility against himself, so 10 that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.” from the Middle East to the African Sahel—where over half of Christians, we believe our the nation —all have the opportunity to be set free by the 9 love of Jesus Christ. FCM is catalyzing 19 Nigerian missions - Hebrews 12:1-3 all deaths from terrorism occur. God 昀椀ghts for us.” m “Not only that, but we rejoice in our su昀昀erings, organizations to adopt DMM principles in the 昀椀eld. In 2023, knowing that su昀昀ering produces endurance, - A NIGERIAN PASTOR FROM BOKO we saw 4,368 new disciples of Jesus and 1,807 baptisms among and endurance produces character, and HARAM STRONGHOLDS 40 people groups. 10 How We Work 11

Meet the Africa Dr. Sammuel Doungous Cameroon & new countries Leadership Team A medical doctor, Dr. Sammuel is passionate to see movements in Cameroon. In 2022, the government awarded him the rank Commander Justice of the Peace because of his work Twelve years ago, Sierra Leonean missionaries were commissioned to spark movements in in Cameroon’s extreme north. 吀栀is honor opens new doors for impact. He is married to the Sahel. 吀栀is year, movement leadership has fully transitioned to our in-country disciple Bernadette and has six children. makers. We are pleased to introduce our newly-appointed Africa Leadership Team: Voundina Pierre Mike Adegbile Chad & Niger Nigeria Driven to reach the unreached in his country, Voundina founded and led a denomination Mike leads the Go North Initiative in Nigeria while serving on 7 global missions bodies: for 19 years to pursue movements. He serves on the leadership team of CONEMET, a “吀栀e Nigerian harvest force is going through a major transition, and it is translating collaborative e昀昀ort seeking to reach every people group in Chad. Voundina and his wife from the old paradigm of engaging the harvest to the movement paradigm, and Final Christine have 12 children and 6 grandchildren. Command has been a major force in that transition.” For almost a quarter of a century, Mike led the Nigerian Federation of Evangelical Mark Name changed for security. Students (NIFES), which has a presence in universities and colleges across all 36 states of Horn of Africa Nigeria. He directed the Nigerian Evangelical Missions Association (NEMA) from 2012 to 2019. NEMA contains over 150 indigenous mission agencies, some with thousands of With more than 25 years of missional leadership experience in the Horn of Africa, Mark missionaries. Along with his role in FCM, Mike currently advises seven global missions is a senior leader in one of Africa’s largest disciple making movements, where hundreds of networks and remains among the most in昀氀uential missions leaders on the continent of thousands have come to faith. Mark and his wife have 3 children, and raised many more Africa. Mike and his wife Yinka have three sons. from war-torn environments. William Adeleke Mali, Senegal & a closed country African believers hold the vision to reach the unreached in their countries. We joyfully support this team and their 25 country leaders Over 40 years ago, God gave William a vision—in his lifetime, he would see a movement to coach our indigenous partners—individuals, churches, and entire in Mali. He pastored and planted churches across the country before learning about missions organizations—who are taking the gospel to where it has Disciple Making Movements. Today, he has initiated a prayer movement in Mali. He is never before been heard. married to Rebeccah and has one son. 12 How We Work 13

m To illustrate these principles, FCM 1. Pray & Fast THEORY OF CHANGE Discovery Bible Study developed the DMM Wheel: Praying, fasting, and listening to God aligns us to His leading. A Disciple Making Movement is: The DMM Wheel Thanks • Preceded, sustained, and advanced by prayer movements What is something you are thankful for? • The Lord’s work, so we fast to tune our ears to hear from Him Although DMM is relatively new to missions e昀昀orts, its Challenge 5. Embrace Multiplication • Impossible through our own strength and strategies principles are not. Rooted in prayer, fasting, and listening to God, What is a challenge or need that you, your family, or DMM is saturated simply with the longing to join God where your community are facing this week? From the start of a Discovery Group, each member has a He is working. 吀栀e early Church used these same principles to Accountability role to play. Multiplication occurs when: 2. Serve with Purpose guide new believers and churches to be faithful disciples who How did you obey, share, and meet needs expressed obey the Word. 吀栀e rapid multiplication experienced by the 昀椀rst • Members begin to hear from God and in the previous meeting? immediately start to obey and share what Genuinely caring for people and meeting followers of Christ is the same we seek to replicate today. needs creates acceptance into a community. Read they are learning Obedience must not be overlooked in this endeavor. 吀栀roughout This allows us to: Hebrews 8:10-12 • Members 昀椀nd new Persons of Peace and DISCIPLE Scripture, God blesses obedience. 吀栀at’s why we equip believers form new Discovery Groups • Obey Jesus’ command to love our in DMM. By shifting from the often knowledge-based Reread • Members become coaches, generations of MAKING neighbors and enemies discipleship of the West to the obedience-based discipleship of Hebrews 8:10-12 MOVEMENTS Discovery Groups become churches, and • Speci昀椀cally and e昀昀ectively pray for people the Bible, we have witnessed ordinary people—empowered by all disciples continue to multiply the Spirit of God—make extraordinary gains in the race to 昀椀nish Retell • Build trusting relationships and 昀椀nd persons the Great Commission. A group member retells the passage in his or her of peace own words. “Therefore go and make Group Discussion Questions 3. Find Persons of Peace disciples of all nations… • What does this passage say about God? 4. Start Discovery teaching them to obey • What does this passage say about people? Groups As seen in Luke 10 and Matthew 10, a person of peace • How can you apply what you learned from this is an individual in whose heart God has already been everything I have passage this week? After 昀椀nding a person of peace, we start a Discovery working. A person of peace is: commanded you.” Bible Study (DBS) with this person and their circle of • Who can you share this story with this week? in昀氀uence. A DBS promotes obedience-based, group-based • Welcoming and hospitable MATTHEW 28:19-20 (NIV) • How can we help with one of the challenges discipleship. This creates accountability to the authority of • Interested in listening to & discussing spiritual ideas shared today? the Bible, reduces persecution, is easily reproducible, and • The key to gaining in昀氀uence with the community holds the DNA of an emerging church. 14 How We Work

m "The Word of God EXPLORING DMM —illuminated by the Holy 1. God can use the ordinary and untrained to Spirit of God—is enough to m 3. Leaders are developed as they lead. m 5. Movements of God start with prayer The Power of DMM m create the people of God." make disciples and plant churches. and fasting. Rather than waiting for leaders to be formally trained Lies in Its Simplicity DMM works in the underlying conviction that every believer before making disciples and planting churches, we have Before strategic plans, training, data analysis, and can and should be a disciple maker. Rather than reserving seen training be most e昀昀ective when done in the 昀椀eld— human resources, DMM asks believers to 昀椀rst and DMM is something ordinary people can do with little education church planting and discipleship for those painstakingly especially among oral learning cultures. Believers with foremost rely on prayer and fasting. When we pray and or 昀椀nancial investment. It empowers them to become vessels of quali昀椀ed by seminaries, we have seen God use ordinary people no seminary training at all can pray, fast, and sense God fast 昀椀rst, we are humbled to depend on God and not God’s grace in reaching others. It is only possible by God’s divine for his extraordinary purposes. By simply obeying His Word, leading them where to go, who to engage, and how. As ourselves. Our spiritual sensitivity is increased. God intervention. they are transformed into multiplying disciple makers who these ordinary people serve, their true spiritual gifts and reveals Himself to us, and we join Him in what He is plant multiplying churches. 吀栀ere will always be a need for capacities emerge. As their responsibilities and e昀昀orts already doing. Our strategies and initiatives become We understand that this missional approach may be foreign the biblical roles of overseers, shepherds, and elders—spiritual increase, they are coached in areas needing reinforcement. m aligned with God’s purposes. among the traditions of the Western world. But we’re okay with leaders who encourage, coordinate, and bless the e昀昀orts of the 4. When making disciples is the goal, 6. The Church is its people. that. We’re not interested in the acronym. We’re interested in 昀氀ood of believers released to obey Jesus’ 昀椀nal command. m getting the job done. churches will be planted. m 2. Discovered truth is stronger than shared A limiting factor we have seen in traditional approaches Christians have hovered around 33% of the global population knowledge. DMM doesn’t believe that attractional church models— is that to be a “real” church, you must have a building. since the early 20th century. To deliver the good news of Christ people gathering in larger group settings, often in a DMM is not opposed to churches having buildings. to every last people group, multiplication of obedient disciples 吀栀e Word of God—illuminated by the Holy Spirit of God—is building—should be done away with. 吀栀ese churches 吀栀e point is that we are called to be disciple makers who must be sustained. We have witnessed great gains toward this end enough to create the people of God. People are shaped into do have the capacity to accomplish vital objectives in make disciple makers. If every local body of believers through these simple biblical principles driven by prayer, fasting, multiplying disciples of Jesus through personal and group Kingdom advancement. However, traditional approaches must have a building, it will hinder the speed of church and the Holy Spirit. discovery. 吀栀is builds their faith on the authority of Scripture. that operate from the conviction that churches must be planting, if by no other means than 昀椀nances. Believers 吀栀ere are appropriate times where teaching can enhance planted before disciples can be made should consider: everywhere can gather anywhere: in a church building, FCM invites you to explore the following observations we have continued discovery. However, an early reliance on teaching can is this the only approach needed? Is it possible that this in a home, beneath a tree, in a 昀椀eld, or even in prison. made in our journey with the Lord. We ask that as you read, pray stunt a disciple’s capacity to hear directly from God. 吀栀eir faith model promotes passive attendance instead of obedient Overall, however, buildings will be a reality for many for God to open your eyes to what He is doing and how you can becomes knowledge-based, dependent on teachers to reveal discipleship? What should we do about the growing churches in many cultures. join Him. truth. In DMM, people simply learn to hear from God and percentage of people who are not responding to this obey. Because it was simple and led by the Holy Spirit within approach, even in the West? Can it scale globally to reach Remember that Jesus’ 昀椀nal command ends with this promise: the 2.5 billion more people who will be on the planet by “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” them, they are able to replicate the process and help others do the same. 2050? Matthew 28:20 (NIV) 16 How We Work 17 Comnimperibus erio magnis evenis nime nim quam ilic test omnim voluptat o昀케cid minullabo. It et audaest, cus dem invero beaquis

Engaging Muslims In Their Words m "When he saw the crowds, he had Jerry Trousdale, FCM Co-Founder and Board Member, “Though I am chased and disowned by compassion for them, because they were recounts in Miraculous Movements 33 true stories of my family, I understand that through harassed and helpless, like sheep without God revealing Himself through visions, dreams, and persecution the Lord leads me to people a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, healings throughout the Muslim world—stories that he has prepared to receive his word. I “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers continue to this day. am very happy to be in the service of the “I dreamed that I was in the middle of Lord. Every day, I listen to his voice and angels singing, dancing, and beating are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord obey the direction he indicates to me.” drums. A person gave me a paper that of the harvest to send out laborers into his said, “Jesus is the way, the truth, and the harvest.” - Matthew 9:36-38 I FADIMATOU light.” After reading many stories in the Bible, I said in my heart, 'God, help me. “It is not easy to be a Muslim today. If Christians can I want to follow you. I am afraid of my begin to engage Muslims beyond the headlines of burkas “Three months ago, I received Jesus as family though.' ” my savior. I found joy sharing my faith and bombs, we will discover hundreds of millions of with my family and classmates. My entire I A TUAREG BELIEVER disheartened and discouraged people. Muslims' lives are family abandoned me and I became too often bounded by desolation and broken walls, but homeless. But one night, the Lord spoke today many of them are desperate to discover people to me, 'Do not be afraid. Everyone can “My father is a devout imam. When I fell who love them, a God who loves them, and hope for the abandon you, but I never will.' ” deadly ill, Jesus came in a dream and healed me. I could not stop talking about future.” 11 I BAH what Jesus did for me, so my father chased me away. My aunt is giving me We love Muslims. We long for them to 昀椀nd freedom in shelter and one meal each day. Every day the love of Jesus. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims are at school, I ask God to reveal someone to turning their lives over to the Lordship of Jesus Christ share my meal with so that they too can because courageous disciples are risking everything to help be visited by the bread of life.” them discover God and his love for them. I 17-YEAR-OLD GIRL IN CAMEROON 18 How We Work

GET INVOLVED Become a Our Generous Ministry Partner Ministry Partners Gold Support the engagement of least-reached people groups in one country. MONTHLY ANNUAL Bobo $4,200 $50,000 Construction Silver Support a team of 昀椀ve local leaders to engage least-reached people groups. MONTHLY ANNUAL $2,100 $25,000 Bronze Support a local leader and their family to engage least-reached people groups. MONTHLY ANNUAL $420 $5,000 Our Ministry Partners stand in the gap to support Give a one-time gift or sign up to give monthly at our frontline African leaders as they reach the 昀椀nalcommand.com/donations unreached. Learn how to become a Ministry Partner at 昀椀nalcommand.com/ministry-partners 20 Join the Journey 21

Board of Directors Leadership Claude King James Forlines Board President & FCM Co-Founder, Discipleship & Church Health Executive Director, U.S. Specialist (Retired), Lifeway Christian Resources, Financials Co-Author of Experiencing God Joseph Fee Director of Finance, U.S. Jerry Trousdale Statement of Financial Position Statement of Activities FCM Co-Founder, Director of International Ministries (Retired), New Fred Miller As of December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020 Generations, Author of Miraculous Movements Director of Communications, U.S. Younoussa Djou Brandon Cole Field Team Leader, New Generations Director of Field Operations, Senegal John Elam Stephen Barnett Director, The Restoration Foundation Director of Business Operations, U.S. Rick Rogers June Neu U.S. Director, Divine Care Ministries Prayer Coordinator, U.S. Wendy Taylor Terry Neu Spiritual Care Coordinator, Street Hope Ministries Engage DMM Training, U.S. Larry Hargrave Gary Jennings CEO, Larry Hargrave Ltd. CityLife Director, U.S. Ben Bobo Gordon Baines CEO, Bobo Construction DMM Connector & Coach, U.S. James Forlines Randy Sawyer Complete 昀椀nancial statements and the independent auditors’ report are available upon request. Executive Director, Final Command Ministries North American Associate, U.S. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Photography by Stephen & Andrea Barnett, and unnamed indigenous 昀椀eld partners. Creative direction, strategy, and content by Seismic Agency. Visual design and layout by Honeystreet. END NOTES 1, 2“Global Dashboard March 2022,” 24:14. https://2414now.net/resources/ 8“Nigeria: Full Country Dossier,” Open Doors International. https://www.opendoors.org/ 3Justin D. Long, “DMM Dashboard June 2023.” https://justinlong.org/presentation/dmm-dashboard-2022.html persecution/reports/Nigeria-Full_Country_Dossier-ODI-2024.pdf 4Stan Parks, “De昀椀nitions of Key Terms,” 24:14. https://2414now.net/de昀椀nitions-of-key-terms/ 9“Global Terrorism Index 2024,” Institute for Economics & Peace. https://www.visionofhumanity. 5De昀椀nitions & country data courtesy of the Joshua Project: https://joshuaproject.net/ org/maps/global-terrorism-index/#/ 6“All Countries,” Joshua Project. https://joshuaproject.net/global/countries 10“Country: Nigeria,” Joshua Project. https://joshuaproject.net/countries/NI 7“Fertility, mortality, migration, and population scenarios for 195 countries and territories from 2017 to 2100: 11Jerry Trousdale, Miraculous Movements (Nashville, Tennessee: 吀栀omas Nelson, 2012), 13. a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study,” Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. 12“Return on Spiritual Investment,” World Christian Database. https://www. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30677-2/fulltext worldchristiandatabase.org/ 22 Join the Journey 23 23

Why you should support Final Command Ministries FROM THE MACLELLAN FOUNDATION Our friends at the Maclellan Foundation created this 20 minute video to share their case for supporting Final Command Ministries. Scan the QR code to learn more. Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. - Ephesians 3:20-21 昀椀nalcommand.com | admin@昀椀nalcommand.com | PO Box 330998, Murfreesboro, TN 37133 EIN: 943424395 | ©2024 Final Command Ministries. All Rights Reserved.