SHAPING PATHS SHORT “Life is about choices. Some we regret, some we’re proud of. Some will haunt us forever. The message: we are what we choose to be.” - Graham Brown Center Stage Alliance • Friday 9/8 • 9:15AM - 10:45AM Center Stage Alliance • Saturday 9/9 • 2:45PM - 4:15PM RESURRECTION UNDER THE OCEAN FILM Director: Serkan Aktaş Turkey • 2021 • Short Narrative • 0:03:00 The resurrection of a man who was helplessly sinking to the bottom of the ocean, with a symbolic narrative. FRAGILE STRENGTH SES Director: Chris Weatherly United States • 2022 • Short Narrative • 0:09:07 When the obstacles of poverty prevent a highly gifted SIONS student from succeeding, a teacher steps in to advocate for the success of those in need by building a support team around her. NIGHT VOICES Director: Bradley Hawkins United States • 2023 • Short Narrative • 0:23:59 A jaded talk radio host in a cycle of hopeless and demoralizing monotony makes a life-altering decision while on-air. FIVE AND A HALF Director: Heidi Nyburg United States • 2022 • Short Narrative • 0:14:58 Based on a true story, a sheltered little girl spends an unnerving afternoon with her estranged father where she’s left with just her imagination to stop time and escape impending disaster. ALICE, MY FATHER! Director: Fernando Cunha Jr. Brazil • 2023 • Short Narrative • 0:24:35 Alice is a drag queen who has a son who will be a father. The girlfriend wants an abortion. In the conversation between father and son, a secret is revealed and a decision is made. 23

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