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the past and be part of the collective history through sight, sound and sensations. Implementatio December 2014 to June 2015 n Date Brief The Project was written in collaboration with the Department of Culture and Description/Ke youth policies of the Municipality of Montopoli Sabina and the Cultural y Association “Il Melograno” or “Teatro delle Condizioni Avverse”, ranking in characteristics an excellent position and first among all the funded projects that insist on (Word limit: the Province from Rieti. 500 words) The project has as its primary objective the enhancement of the historical memory of Sabina relating to the Second World War in the period between spring 1944 and spring 1945. The program is aimed particularly at students, young people and the elderly who are they will be the spokesman for moments of sharing, involvement and reflection addressed to all citizens. This project aims to create a cultural fabric capable of acquiring historical memory through a deeper knowledge of its roots by providing the opportunity to learn about different artistic languages with the aim of being able to express their emotions in reference to the events of seventy years ago. Main results The project promotes the history, environment, uses and customs, habits, for the local work and culture of the territory involved in the project in the period 1944- community 1945; (social, -Involves young people, their interests and needs by promoting their role, economic, with attention to a significant impact on the community level environmental , etc) -Recovers collective memory through theater shows and dramaturgy (Word limit: workshops, promoting the recovery of the intergenerational relationship 700 words) through the development of the social fabric; -Creates a processing network (Institutions, enterprises, Associations, etc.) who have an interest in enhancing the memory and cultural and social development of the territory; - Promotes awareness among the population of the value and events of the Resistance; 31

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