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Best Practice no 9 : Local (Italy/European) Topic of the EU co-funded project “Walls and integration; images of Europe Building” best practice Exact Location Italy (Macerata) and other EU countries Memory type Collective Memory Way of Seminars, workshops and contests expression (Intervention Type) Senses mainly n.a. activated Implementatio October 2015 – April 2017 n Date Brief The project aims to stimulate the collective memory of citizens within a Description/Ke reflection that moves from the ideological divisions of the past to bring them y closer to understanding the historical-political and social changes that led to characteristics the formation of contemporary Europe. (Word limit: WALLS: real and ideological walls that mark political, cultural and customs 500 words) divisions; INTEGRATION, understood as a long journey towards an inclusive Europe; BUILDING, understood as a process in the making, are the three key words from which WAI's "ideal path" starts. A path developed into three events that in 18 months have involved 2000 citizens of 6 European countries representing old and new Europe such as Italy, Spain, Ireland, Germany, Lithuania and Hungary. Event 1 Walls: images and memories beyond war will analyse the divisions of Europe between the two blocs through a collective photographic exhibit, collected by the 6 countries involved and will represent a travelling exhibit of 40 selected photos. This exhibit will move through Italy, Germany, Ireland and Spain. The collected material will be settled in an APP free downloadable. Event 2 Integration: memory, tales and images in a comparison between old and new generations of European people. Seminars, workshops and contests will be the activities promoted in the involved countries. These activities will aim at describing to new generations the cold war and the birth of the two blocs, the development of the European western economic systems and of the consumer society and the 34

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