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4.14 Guided Tours Means of Expression of Collective Memory The collective memory can be found also in the common storytelling of events and places which become told and shown through the experience of the guided tours; it’s a different and emotional way to understand, know, discover and interact with the history of a place, the feelings of a community and to be put into the commemoration of people and, too often, tragedy, which affect the human being. During a guided tour, the visitor, or the tourist, guided by a person can not only visit a place but also to live an experience where all the feelings, the tales and the emotions become part of the storytelling. The sector where the guided tours allowed to develop collective memory is the Tourism. When we talk about the relationship between Collective Memory and Guided Tours, of course we refer to the notion of “places of memory” and the way that a particular type of tourism “the tourism of memory” has been promoted from the beginning of ’80 years. The notion of places of memory was popularized by the French historian Pierre Nora in the 1980s. According to Nora (1984), places of memory were defined as remains: “The extreme form in which a commemorative consciousness remains in a history that calls it because it ignores it”. Places of memory refer to material or immaterial objects, such as memorials, archives, associations, songs, etc. They also reflect a “work of memory”, e.g. an active practice of remembering of a various range of stakeholders. The places of memory where the guided tours have been promoted for 30 years attract tourists for their historical, artistic or experiential value, constituting a social practice. We can affirm that cultural heritage is the product of memory activation, which by selecting elements inherited from the past includes them in the category of cultural heritage following criteria of antiquity, affection, sentiment, politics, etc. (Candau 2002). 80

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