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From a larger point of analysis, we can fix 6 different types of community assets: 1. Physical Assets They include land, buildings, transportation, and facilities that can contribute to community strengthening. 2. Economic Assets They include what residents produce and consume in the community, in both formal and informal ways, through local businesses, or bartering and trading relationships, that can contribute. 3. Stories They carry the memory of a community and can describe the potential of a community based on previous times as remembered by those who live there. 4. Local Residents Are those who live in the community. Residents’ skills, experiences, capacities, passions, and willingness can contribute to community strengthening. 5. Local Associations These include associations in the community primarily run by volunteers, such as athletic clubs, faith-based groups, and others that can contribute 6. Local Institutions Local institutions are public spaces in the community such as schools, libraries, parks, and government entities, such as non-profits. 30

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