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Good Morning. Russia invaded Ukraine

Collection of texts that Ukrainians exchanged on 24.02.2022. Buy a printed version here https://forms.gle/fwQ1dcHbMWPrR3wb9 Donate to the project: https://paypal.me/irayer/ Visit my website: https://irayeroshko.com/

Good Morning. Russia invaded Ukraine

irayeroshko.com @irayeroshko 2023 Доброго ранку. Росія напала на Україну. 24.02.2022, коли Росія вторглася в Україну, я прокинувся від звуків вибухів і одразу зрозуміла, що це означає. Я почала писати друзям. Більшість українців зробили те саме. Я була дуже налякана і відчувала вину, тому що ніхто навколо мене, здавалося, не почувався так. Зібравши ці тексти від інших українців, більшість з яких я не знаю, я прийняла свій страх. Тисячі повідомлень і дзвінків, як нитки, об’єднали нас. Мене надихають гумор, чесність, хоробрість та багато «як ти» і «я тебе люблю», які були сказані того дня. Іра Єрошко авторка проєкту

Good Morning. Russia invaded Ukraine. On 24.02.2022 when russia invaded Ukraine, I woke up from the sound of explosions and I knew immediately what that meant. I started texting my friends. Most of Ukrainians did the same. I was very scared and felt guilty for feeling so. Through collection of these texts from other Ukrainians, most of whom I don’t know, I validated my fear and don’t feel guilty about it anymore. Thousands of messages and calls, like threads, united us. I am inspired by humor, honesty, bravery and many “how are you’s” and “I love you’s” that were said on that day. Ira Yeroshko creator of the project

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— Going to the village — Hugs — Are you going to the village? — I’m in Rozhyshche. We have a house. The bags are packed. — Good, take care of yourself — Hugs — Hugs

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— Hi. How are you? What is the situation? — Mom heard in the morning how they bombed Myrgorod (this is our Poltava region), and my dad woke me up with the words “kid don’t worry, the war has begun”. Scary, I cannot collect myself. How is it with you? — Scary. In Khmelnytskyi it is quiet. They bombed in Starokostyantyniv. I’m scared for my dad. He is a border guard. But for now he is in Khmelnytskyi. He says there are a lot of provocations right now, not everything is true. I’m standing in a huge line to an ATM. Praying for Ukraine! — Here there are around 100 people next to each ATM and it’s in a tiny village. Write to me in any case. There are many fakes, I want to listen to real witnesses. Praying for Ukraine! — Staying strong!

— Hello, how are you? — Hello) All good) Everyone here want to start stressing out :D And how about you? — Good, holding on, I came to my parents. Let’s cancel tomorrow, if all goes well we’ll see each other next week:) — Of course:-* — everything will be fine <3 <3 Text me if anything. — You too:-*

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— Hi. How are you, what’s up? — Hi. All is quiet — Good. Are you with parents? — Yep — Super, take care! — You too! It’s all quiet by you over there, isn’t it? — Yes, nothing happened here for now. Mom said that in Lutsk there were some noises at night. People are fussing around. — Well yes, there is panic here too

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— Where are you now? — We left Kholodna Gora — Aren’t you scared? — Somehow I’m ok surprisingly. When we are together and have a plan then it’s not that scary — Thank God. I love you — Now I will cry. Love you too. — Don’t cry) — Seems lik e Cyprus is canceled? — Most likely so

— Did you hear that? At 5 am? We are getting ready. Mom and I woke up from the roar of flying planes — No, I slept deep. Mother woke me up. We are home, but packing — Lucky you. The sounds are very scary. My group mates say they saw military machinery in the city. And that we are not going to the university today, they schedule online classes instead — Yes the same — I’m very scared — Everythin will be fine. I believe.

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— How are you? — We are in Warash. It’s scary. And you? — We are at parents. Also nervous, but now it’s a bit calmer. A bit scared to sleep. — We are also scared. Is Andriy home? — Yes. He came. — How I wish for peace ( — It’s ok, we are humans and no one prepared us for it. We also want peace

— We are home. And how are you? — For the last hour I’m sitting in shock and I don’t even know what to do. — Why? — Have you seen the news? — No — Just fucked up. Seems like the worst that could happen — has happened — Fuck. I called. I don’t know what to do. I’m just weeping. — Me too. I called my parents, told them to maybe go to Germany by car. Ask yours as well.

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— Erika — They are shooting — Shit — We woke up from explosions — I’m panicking hard — Shit — I’m scared — I never trembled like this — I’m sitting in the kitchen and cannot calm down — let’s not turn off the phones for the night — So that we could call if anything happens

— Good morning. Russia has attacked Ukraine — Good morning. Russia has started a process of self- destruction — Sounds rational.

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— How are you? — Completely fucked up — They are shooting, I can see everything from the window — it’s a horror — Are you home — yes, where else — Are there just sirens in Lviv? — yes, screaming like crazy — Maybe you have bomb- shelters in the house? — Nope

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- Hello Andrysha. We have a war already

— Lusik, how are you? — Good, taking in the wounded. One is 200, now I’m going to trepanation. — What is your function in this process? Regarding the last one. Are there many wounded? Lusik, I don’t want to bother. Praying for you, for your family, for the country. — I’m the reanimation. Setting up venous access, intubation, anesthesia, if death — then preparation of the body for the morgue, etc. The imposition of harnesses. Help in general. — (emojis).

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— kate. the war has started. i’m scared. — yeah I hear. our airport was blown up. and I’m not far away. seems like Belarus is against us too. — oh my god kate. please. tell me everything is going to be ok. — everything will be ok. absolutely.

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— Inga, stay and don’t go anywhere. — (Missed call) — what’s wrong Diana? sorry I just woke up. what’s up? — Ah. just don’t worry. The war has started. — what where — Bombing since 5 am, the whole ukraine — In kyiv? — Ukraine. Yes. Boryspil and Zhyliany. And the sirens went off. You overslept everything.

— Oops, I also heard the explosions. Seems like it’s Antonov, the airport. — yes. it has just fell near our home. — what fell? — A missile shell

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— i really want to finish sleeping my legitimate hour of sleep. — i wouldn’t recommend that. one hour of sleep won’t change anything for you. but if you really feel bad — lay down. — did you hear that? — shit. — shit.

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— Irynko. How are you? I love you very much. Are you home?

— Hi. The war has started. Already firing at Lutsk. — I saw…be careful. Take care of yourself. — I will <3. — If I was at home, we would go out together with machine guns. For a walk. — Haha, thanks for the support. — Seriously, I want.

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— Shit, I just woke up. And that’s some news. My hands are shaking. — Tape up the windows and collect water. Hopefully everyone has the bug-out bag ready — Get your machine guns and let’s go out singing Bandera song — Thanks. Wishing everyone endurance!!!! Peace and don’t panic!!! — We are an example of unity, so feel it in your hearts right now.

— Vanya, how are you? Are you home? — No. I’m “in the uniform”

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— Vitia, did Olya go to Kyiv? — Oh, why don’t you sleep? — The war has started. Why should I sleep. Did Olya go? — No — Phew — She is still sleeping — Thank God. Cause Boryspil is being bombed.

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— Tell me, how does a shelling happen? Are they unceasing or what? When should one run to a bombshelter? — I can only speak from my experience, I don’t know how it will be. If you are at home and the shelling has started, you need to run to the bathroom. It’s dangerous to run outside during the shelling. When there is pause in shelling — run to the shelter. And better to lay down. You can also tape up the windows — We did — So that the debris doesn’t fall — How about mirrors — Same or take them down — Ania, Artyom said he will take us out of here

— Yasia. Yasiyna. How are you? YASIA! Are you home?? Are you kidding me?? yasia! Are you asleep? YASIA!!! — I know — I know that you know — I just woke up — are you going somewhere, or will you go hide in the parking? It’s too far to metro — I don’t know

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— It’s even hard to imagine that maybe yesterday was the last music class and maybe I will never sit at a piano, maybe I had the last voice-over yesterday and we laughed for the last time. Maybe I will see you all for the last time in person. I will never walk in Lviv park. And how about the theaters where I spent all my childhood. I love everything, I don’t want to part with my country. — Calm down. We are all in panic but hope for the best. — I know

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— Seems like my birthday is canceled — Believe in Ukraine and in Armed Forces of Ukraine and everything will be good) — If anything, I have already bought booze, you can come with your snacks without presents and we will celebrate:) - (emojis)

— Where are you? — I’m in Dnipro region but don’t tell mom, cause I tell her I’m in Mykachevo — Ok. Are you already at war, or just getting ready? Hold on. For me it’s a privilege to have a brother like you — We came yesterday, we are 200 km away from them. Don’t know, maybe will go to the frontline today — When you have a chance text me that you are ok — Ok — Where will you be taken?

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— Dude. Are you asleep? It has started. — What? War? — Did you just wake up? — What’s going on? Yes I did. - 47 minutes ago. — Don’t scare me please. — Look. I’m gonna send you something. Don’t panic. It’s alright.

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— Tell me not to panic. Cause I will explode now. — Are you in Kyiv? — Yes — Just don’t go anywhere, it’s gonna be fine. — Blablacar today only at 15:30. — Is there still a place? — Well, I managed to get one. — What’s going on in the streets? — Not clear. I heard one bang bang. Ania called and woke me up. Everyone woke up nervous. But no one knows what to do. The tickets are sold like hot potatoes. — Waiting for you here and hope for the best. — I’m panicking.

— How are you? — In a very deep shock — Can I do something for you? — Yes, speak Ukrainian to me <3 — Ok:) - (hug emoji)

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— Asleep? — Woke up from strange sounds. How is it by you? What was it? — Explosions. — what a horror…really. How scary. In Kharkiv? — Don’t know. The mirrors were trembling. Pack up your things. — Are you serious? — Money, documents into the bag. Preferably in plastic bags so that they don’t get wet. Just for them to be ready. So that you don’t forget anything in a hurry.

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— Lada, where are you? I’m near Kulparkiv hospital. — I’m home. — They shot at Lviv airport, my aunt says. — Are you staying in Lviv for now? come to us if you want, we are not scared:) — Yes I stay home, cause I have corona. For now I’m hanging around at Kulparkiv. — I know but you know in comparison to war it’s not such a big deal. — Do you have a bomb shelter? — There are no bomb shelters anywhere.

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— Dima…There are sounds of shelling next to Prague square. God. How scary. I’m shaking — It has started. Leave. They are bombing Boryspil. — And you? — We are leaving — I made you such a cool present. But most probably we’ll eat it ourselves

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- Dad, are you alright?! Tell me if you need any help! - Daughter, everything is ok. They shelled the peripheral. Oleg’s windows have fallen out. We are getting the cellar ready. People are coming. Shops and pharmacies don’t operate

— Are you asleep? Vita, watch the news! I’m scared to call you not to wake up the kids. — Yes. We woke up just now. Will watch them now. Where are you? — I heard the explosions. We are home. — Yana! Where to go? What is your plan? God, does it happen to us?!!! — We are getting ready, but scared to drive somewhere.

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— Hello Svetik. The war has started here. Russia is bombing and attacking us. We are alright. — Hallo Lyosha! I was thinking of you and of Kharkiv people the whole day. Happy that you are ok. If necessary, we are waiting for you here. — Thank you dear sister. I am ready but I wouldn’t want to. But thanks for the offer anyway. Maybe we’ll see each other. — When you get ready, prepare your certificate of good conduct — I will help with the job. I am working at a recruitment agency for foreigners at factories (so in Slovakia these are all nonslovaks). But hopefully you won’t need that.

— Dear, how are you? — We hear explosions. Creepy. The bombing has started at 5 am — I also woke up at 5 am from explosion sounds. As it turned out it was from Boryspil airport. — Kate. It’s just a bad dream, isn’t it? — We just cannot wake up — My dear Daryna, praying for you, for your city, for all of us. May God save us — I’m also praying for you. Everything will ok, right? — I don’t know

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— Are you ok? Show some signs of life please. — Yes. What’s wrong? — The war in the country. I just wanted to know if you are ok. — I am. And you? — I fell asleep around 5 am. Around 7 I wake up from talks that the shelling has started. In short, my psyche has left the room. Stock up on food, I barely withdrew cash. There are lines everywhere. — Are you home now? — Yes — Did you discuss an evacuation plan? — There is nowhere to evacuate.

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— how are you there? — here’s seems to be quiet — I’m sitting in the corridor from 5 am — Do you hear explosions? — Yes there were a few. And mine in Melitopol heard them too. Very scary. — Everything will be fine. Hold on

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— Your folks came in time. Good morning:( — Shit. I just read about it. What will happen? — I think WW3.

— We just had some kind of explosions. Two — We too, girls. I cannot understand was it explosion or thunder — Definitely not thunder — There is nothing in the news for now — Gosh my hands are shaking — I’ll sit and wait. I think I also heard 2 loud sounds like explosions — Bodia just came in and said he heard explosion, we didn’t believe him and sent to bed. In 5 minutes it banged so hard that the cars started yelling

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— When all of this be over, we will be giving you grandchildren. While those will choke up but not defeat us!!!!! — That’s right, daughter!!! — In Poltava 5 drones were shot down. — I saw. — This will happen to all of them!!!!!!

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— You have to go to mommy. Eat delicious breakfast. And just wait. Now the whole world has to stand up. — Are you going to be in the west of ukraine? — For a few days. We didn’t plan this. — No one planned this. It’s messed up. — I don’t believe it at all. It looks like a bad dream.

— Daughter, how are you? — Ok. Why don’t you sleep? — Don’t know. How is it going? — Everything is ok. Is the internet working? — For now yes. — Does it rattle outside? — I woke up because of it and got scared. Now it’s quiet. — Write to me. Nobody outside? — Ok. I didn’t look. — Was it just one explosion? Maybe it was petards? — Maybe — Was there something just now? — I didn’t hear. — Don’t fall asleep, ok?

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— did you see? — What? I slept — war. that’s it. good morning. but they are bombing. explosion heard all over the country. explosion? — Yes. It’s firing again. — shit. tell me it’s a dream

— Are you awake? — Oh, Nika. I woke up at 5:20. Don’t know what to do. Packed up a suitcase. Is it quite by you? By us it is. I closed the windows.

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— Woke up from some kind of very strong explosion outside the institute. The windows were rattling. But don’t tell ANYONE. - (voice message) — Tell me that everything will be fine and that you won’t go anywhere. Please. - (voice message) — I’m scared for you. Really. I’m crying. — Don’t be. I love you. — I love you too. Very much

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— hello. how is it? what woke you up? — human panic — oh I see. did you hear explosions? — yes — I heard thumps. like it was in anti-terrorist operation few years ago — i’m talking to people all morning in order to not get worried — I also thought that yesterday they celebrated 23th of February (day of soviet army) and then will attack. You are doing good. I’m looking for a ride to Chernivtsi.

— NATASHAAAA (missed call). — What happened? — Boryspil and Vasylkiv are being bombed!!!! That’s what!!!!! — Shit. Oh my God. God, my hands are shaking. — Max woke me up. I woke up immediately. Everything within me is turning upside down. Tears are just streaming.

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- Masha, the explosions are heard. Very scary. The house is shaking. We have a war here. I don’t know what to do.

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— Everyone is leaving Kyiv. — To go where? We are thinking to pack up things. — Are you leaving? — No. There is nowhere to go. For now just packing. And what do you think? — I’m completely in panic. I hope they do this just to scare people. Usually I’m not an alarmist but I’m very scared and don’t even know what to do — And I am very much an alarmist

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— Mom? What is going on over there? — Well it has started…But just don’t worry, they introduced martial law. — But are there any explosion? They say to hide in cellars. Mom, please write to me every hour. — Ok. — Mom maybe you should stay near the cellar? — My dear! Don’t panic! We have cellars in school, in military registration offices, grandma Raya has a long house! The village is big, I think we will all fit in. Please don’t worry. Go to work and try to distract yourself from sad thoughts. — Oh yes, easy to say.

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— When I arrive at a military service I will write you everything. Evacuate the kid from Berdyansk. — My God. — Evacuate. I’m begging you. — There is nowhere to evacuate. Nowhere at all. We will hide in cellars. — All units and we are already going to Zaporizhzhia. — Why there?

— Hi there, I’m home. I got unplanned days off starting Wednesday, and today I woke up and there was war…I only have a phone and 100 UAH with me. — Ohhh. That’s hard. Are you in Uman or in the village? — In the village — That’s good — Anyway, what should I tell you, the most important thing is not to get nervous, but you have to understand that it’s a war, everything is serious. Our veterans have been drafted already. There will be mobilization for sure. I can’t get my head around it. But one has to be ready for everything. Dashka, how is it by you? Dad, brother, how are they? - (voice message)

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— to be honest, i’m scared to wake up tomorrow and read in the news that the invasion has started. I also thought that Putin may issue an ultimatum. So that Ukraine leaves Donetsk and Luhansk region. — the war has started. fuck. here’s me waking up.

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— Hello) how are you? — We are being bombed. Packing for now. — They say it’s a counteroffensive. Try if you can to leave Lviv. We are waiting for you. - (voice message) — We are worried here, woke up at 6 am. Take everything that you might need for going abroad. Just in case. We have a place to stay in Poland. And in Lviv you can stay with us. Keep in touch with us when you get on the train. — Ok. Love you. We don’t have connection. Just wifi — I love you too. Rooting that everything will be ok! — I hope

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- Привіт, Інессо. Я з Полом і Томасом, двома друзями, що відвідали Київ два роки тому. Хочемо тобі сказати, що думаємо про тебе і твою країну і ми дуже надіємося, що в тебе все добре і що це закінчиться зараз. Тут люди говорять лише про війну і новини, усі злі і налякані і усі підтримують Україну як можуть. Якщо ми можемо щось зробити - дай нам знати. Поки я бажаю тоді усього найкращого в цій ситуації і надіюсь, що ти і твоя родина будуть у безпеці. - Дякую. Ми в порядко, якщо так можна сказати. - Привіт Інессо. Я бачу, ти у Львові. Чи все добре? - Так, я в порядку. В мене багато роботи.

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— Svitlanka, the war has started:( — Be careful and tell mom to be careful with Myroslav. — Where did you read about it? — Everywhere. In Ukrainian Pravda. — I see. Just woke up. What do you think, when will it end? — They say it will take 48h. — Do you believe it? Do you think we will lose?

— Write down everything on a piece of paper, if the internet or electricity disappears — Ok — My heart aches for you, I can imagine your anxiety. Lena, I support you very much — Thank you Mischa. And my heart aches for my brother, he is going to the frontline tomorrow. — I was on the street in the evening. The public transport is almost nonexistant, few people on the street. ATB supermarket has no lines. Seems like they are scared to go outside. That’s why there is optimism regarding food and water. — In the morning there were huge lines — Yes, in the morning there were. I went to get water and the line was big.

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- Is it quiet? — Quiet! - (praying emoji). Wishing you a peaceful night. Love you endlessly. — Is it quiet? — Yes — Here as well. Our guys haven’t been accepted yet neither in territorial defense nor to military enlistment office. Yura went to get medicine for territorial defense. Is it quiet?

— i’m writing as fast as I can. I’m being taken from kyiv. — Why? Alina. What’s going on? — war. they got to Kyiv already. — Who is coming for you? — cousin. god, it’s so scary. sirens. news from all corners. — Where are you? Alina? — are you leaving kyiv too? — No

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— There is no bread. Other than that there is everything. — There is no bread here as well. I think they will bring it tomorrow. — For sure they will. There is also no onions and potatoes, and they also took out all the buckwheat)))) it’s such a joke.

— Honey. How is it by you? — Honey, we are refueling. Stay with our folks. I’m coming. — The doctor hasn’t come yet. Don’t know when he will. Everyone is running here. I’m hearing the doctors say: “in 5–10 minutes”. They will probably take everyone to cellars. — Oh. Bless you!

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