Jesuits Africa - Annual Review 2023

Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM)

Annual “Let us not close Review our hearts to those in need” 2023 - Pope Francis, February 2024

CONTENTS FROM THE PRESIDENT 01 SAFEGUARDING Safeguarding in the Jesuit North-West 22 FROM THE EDITOR 02 Africa Province (ANW) - A Communal Endeavour JENA - JESUIT JUSTICE ECOLOGY NETWORK IN AFRICA DEVELOPMENT AND JENA's Presence at the 2023 IMF and 04 COMMUNICATIONS World Bank Annual Meetings in Morocco Labourers in God’s Vineyard: A Shared 26 Experience Rich in Knowledge for Effective Elevating Human Dignity: A Jesuit Voice at Leadership the United Nations 07 JHIA - JESUIT HISTORICAL 7th Annual West Africa Peasants' Seed INSTITUTE IN AFRICA Fair: A Way to Fight Vulnerable Farmers’ 10 Building on History: Conserving Our Past 30 Food Insecurity RESEARCH NETWORK COP28: A Catalyst for Urgent Climate Enhancing Joint and Collaborative 33 Action 12 Research in Formation Centres AJAN - AFRICAN JESUITS AIDS FORMATION NETWORK God’s Grace – Our Constant Companion 36 Exciting Moments with the AHAPPY Generation: Sierra Leone, Kenya, 15 SYNODALITY Zambia, Uganda 39 Reflections from an African Perspective TERTIANSHIP FINANCE A time of Renewal for Jesuits, Solidifying We are grateful 42 the Call to Always Place those in Need 18 Ahead of Themselves OUR PEOPLE 45

JCAM 2023 01 Annual Review Le琀琀er from the President Fr. José Minaku Lukoli, SJ - President of JCAM I was welcomed into this office of President of the Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar on 31st July 2023 in a moving ceremony involving all of the staff of JCAM and my brother Jesuits. Blessings were asked for and have indeed been given. Our God is a God who seeks peace and justice and who shares with us love and mercy. In so many ways that also sums up the mission of JCAM as we seek to support and coordinate the work of the Society of Jesus in this continent, in a difficult moment. Of course, I already know JCAM well! As a Provincial Superior of the Central Africa Province, I have had a long association with my fellow Provincial Superiors who are JCAM and also with the outgoing JCAM President, Fr Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, SJ. But no matter how well one knows something already, one sees it from a new perspective from this office of the President. I am delighted to introduce this review of JCAM’s work for 2023. I hope that many eyes will enjoy it – the many younger Jesuits who are in training or studies; the many Jesuits who work across the Conference supported by so many lay women and men with whom we collaborate in the mission of Our Lord; all of their families and friends; and especially the many people who support our mission in such generous ways. This record of achievement is a record of your generosity and you deserve a particular word of thanks. Please remember us here in JCAM in your prayers as we do yours and enjoy this Review; none of it is possible without all of you. Thank you! Fr. José Minaku Lukoli, SJ - President of JCAM

02 JCAM 2023 Annual Review Le琀琀er from the Editor Anastasia Makunu - Development Communications Officer, JCAM Welcome to this 6th edition of the JCAM Annual Review for 2023! In introducing this review allow me to ponder a little bit about where we are - Africama House in Nairobi. You see, this ecological spot is not only where big ideas are developed and implemented but it is a community. And as a community often does in Africa, there are places of baraza [Swahili word for gathering] - one of those is what we call the “java chai” [outdoor coffee and tea space]. It is in this serene space that my colleagues and I gather often. As we enjoyed the morning tea, tilting our heads almost in unison towards the warmth of the sun peeking through the trees, the subject of Final Vows was not just one to pass off quickly. Questions like “Are the First Vows after two years of Novitiate not enough?” “Isn’t a Jesuit priest already ordained?” “Why a fourth vow?” Inside these pages is a short report on the Final Vows celebrated towards the end of 2023 in Lusaka, Zambia and Arrupe Jesuit Community, Harare, in the Jesuit Southern Africa Province. The scope of JCAM’s work is well reflected in this issue - one of dedication to God and to God’s people. We are grateful for the advocacy work carried out by the Justice and Ecology Office – JENA, on the grand international stage of world leaders’ gatherings: the World Bank and IMF, the 78th Session of United Nations General Assembly; and COP28. In the field of HIV/AIDS, the African Jesuit Aids Network steered to a new frontier - Sierra Leone where a training of 53 young people took place to mark the launch of the AJAN AHAPPY Programme. The work of Safeguarding six years on from its JCAM-led beginnings continues to be implemented in the various programmes across the six provinces and one region of JCAM. The Synod on Synodality held in Rome in October was a major event for us, seeing the participation of some of the members of the African Synodality Initiative, all well-known to us here in JCAM, bringing diverse voices within the Church to the big table. Featured is also the work of the Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa, which continues its important mission with support from many people of goodwill. And, finally, we also get to see the importance of the work of the Development and Communications Office, one of collaboration and networking, in response to Father General’s call. As you enjoy the stories inside, I will leave you with this African proverb “Birds sing not because they have answers but because they have songs.” For us, our song is for the greater glory of God! Happy reading! Anastasia Makunu - Development Communications Officer, JCAM


04 JCAM 2023 Annual Review JENA's Presence at the 2023 IMF and World Bank Annual Mee琀椀ngs in Morocco Fr. Charles B. Chilufya, SJ - Director, JENA The recently concluded 2023 IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings held in the picturesque city of Marrakech, Morocco, will undoubtedly be remembered as a significant milestone in the global effort to address poverty, inequality, and environmental challenges. The Jesuit Justice and Ecology Network - Africa (JENA) was present amidst the bustling discussions and deliberations that took place from the 9th to the 14th of October, shining a spotlight on crucial issues that resonate deeply with its mission. At JENA, that mission revolves around the twin pillars of eradicating poverty and safeguarding our planet's delicate ecology. These two imperatives are not mere abstract goals but represent the core of our work as a faith-based Fr. Charles Chilufya, SJ, (JENA Director) attending the institution. The 2023 Annual Meetings provided an ideal IMF and World Bank Summer meeting at their platform for JENA to champion these causes on an international stage. Headquarters in Washington DC.

JCAM 2023 05 Annual Review One of the most remarkable aspects of this year's event was the fact that it marked the first time in five decades that the IMF and World Bank convened in Africa. This historic occasion offered a unique opportunity for global financial leaders to engage with the pressing challenges facing the African continent. JENA seized this moment, ensuring that the voices of Africa's most vulnerable populations were heard loud and clear. Africa, despite its vast potential and resources, faces daunting challenges. Nearly 600 million people out of its 1.3 billion population endure extreme and unacceptable poverty. Approximately 280 million individuals go to bed hungry, a stark reminder of the need to address food insecurity. Many African economies are still reeling from the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, further exacerbated by the shocks of regional conflicts, rising living costs, and an exceptionally high vulnerability to climate change. Speaking of climate change, it too is a global challenge, but Africa bears the brunt of its consequences. As African Heads of State emphasized in their recent Nairobi Summit, the continent is not historically responsible for the emissions causing global warming. Yet, it suffers disproportionately from the devastating impacts, affecting lives, livelihoods, and entire economies. In 2025, the Catholic Church will celebrate a new Jubilee year under the motto "Pilgrims of Hope." This Jubilee, as envisioned by the Holy Father, holds the potential to restore hope and trust, paving the way for renewal and rebirth. JENA understands that to achieve this, universal solidarity must be embraced, and the tragedy of rampant poverty must be confronted head-on. As we reflect on the significance of the 2023 Annual Meetings, we earnestly pray that the global financial leaders who gathered in Marrakech will heed the imperative to "choose life, so both we and our children may live" (Dt 30:19). In alignment with the upcoming Jubilee year, we call upon these leaders to take decisive action: » Debt Relief: Remove the obstacle of debt that hinders countries from investing in crisis response and protecting the most vulnerable. Debt relief remains as crucial today as it was when first emphasized by the Holy Father in 1999. Resolving debt crises today requires addressing the challenges posed by multiple Ellyanne (centre), a Children’s Climate Finance creditors, including private entities. Champion from Kenya, addressed African Faith Leaders during their meeting to address Africa’s multiple crises, including debt.

06 JCAM 2023 Annual Review JENA delegates among those who attended the 2023 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in Marrakech, Morocco. » Increased Development Resources: Significantly increase resources for development needs such as health, education, and social protection, provided on affordable terms. The ongoing momentum for reform in international financial institutions presents an opportunity to align these institutions with the current needs, ensuring accountability and community participation. » Responsible Lending and Borrowing: Prevent new cycles of high indebtedness by establishing responsible lending and borrowing practices, debt contract authorization, and disclosure safeguards. Additionally, implement automatic debt reduction clauses in the face of natural disasters or other economic shocks. In conclusion, JENA's presence at the 2023 IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings was a testament to a commitment to advocate for those who often go unheard. An unwavering dedication to justice, ecology, and the well-being of all people shone brightly in Marrakech, serving as a guiding light toward a future filled with hope and dignity for the current and future generations of Africa and the world.

JCAM 2023 07 Annual Review Elevating Human Dignity: A Jesuit Voice at the United Nations Fr. Charles B. Chilufya, SJ - Director, JENA Zambia Minister for Education Hon. Douglas Syakalima (back row, third, left), receives an Education Declaration from Africa’s SDG4 Network representatives presented at the UN SDG Summit, New York . Looking on are (Left-Right) Dr. William Sugut, Director - Kenya Ministry of Education, Hon. Beatrice Elachi, Kenya MP and Champion of Girl Education and Fr. Charles Chilufya, SJ, JENA Director.

08 JCAM 2023 Annual Review » Global Solidarity & Trust: JENA's mission aligns with the broader goals of UNGA, emphasizing the importance of poverty eradication, the protection of the planet, achieving peace, prosperity, and sustainability on a global scale. This commitment to solidarity and trust underscores its efforts to address pressing issues in Africa. A nurse attends to a patient in a health clinic, in Sierra Leone. o Communicable Diseases: while progress has been made in some areas, diseases like malaria and neglected tropical diseases continue to affect African populations. Blessing of a borehole in Mchenga community, o Maternal and Child Health: Africa faces high Phalombe, Malawi. An initiative by the Jesuit Centre for maternal mortality rates and child deaths, with Ecology and Development in Malawi to increase access many of these being preventable. to clean and safe water for cyclone Freddy survivors. o Mental Health: nearly 1 billion people in Africa are impacted by mental health disorders, which significantly reduce life expectancy. » Health Equity: JENA raised concerns about the state of health equity in Africa, highlighting the following issues: » Education Equity: JENA also emphasized the need for o Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs): these equity in education across the African continent: diseases are a major concern in Africa, responsible o Educational Disparities: disparities in education, for a significant portion of global deaths. particularly disadvantaged girls, persist. o Unmet Health Needs: the lack of access to essential healthcare services leads to increased morbidity and mortality.

JCAM 2023 Annual Review 09 o Gender Disparity: gender disparity in school enrollment is more pronounced in secondary education, and sub-Saharan Africa experiences the most significant gender disparities in education. o Out-of-School Adolescents: those who are out of school face social and economic marginalization, with girls at a higher risk of early marriages and related health issues. Public education on health matters organised by Loyola Social Centre o Policy Advocacy: JENA called for policies that promote (CSL) in Lomé, Togo. gender equality in secondary education and stressed the importance of addressing gender disparities in youth literacy. JENA's active involvement at UNGA 78 shed light on critical issues affecting Africa, particularly in the areas of health and education. JENA’s vision remains clear: it advocates for a more equitable world for all, for improved health and education outcomes and reduced gender disparities, and. This highlights the importance of collective action and global cooperation to address the The Bakhita Partnership for Education with JENA at a side event challenges faced by the during the UN SDG Summit, in New York. African continent.

10 JCAM 2023 Annual Review 7th Annual West Africa Peasants' Seed Fair: A Way to Fight Vulnerable Farmers’ Food Insecurity Kevin Okoth Ouko - Research and Policy Analyst, JENA In March 2023, JENA was among many international organisations which attended the 7th annual West Africa Peasants' Seed Fair. This vibrant celebration of agricultural diversity and sustainable farming practices was held in Zoungbonou, Benin Republic. It provided a dynamic platform for farmers, seed producers, and agricultural enthusiasts to exchange knowledge and seeds. The theme of the fair was, ‘Food Sovereignty: People’s Rights in the Face of the Rise of Genetically Modified Organisms in Africa’. The objective was to strengthen movement building to promote farmer-managed seed systems (FMSS) and mobilise against the entry of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into food systems on the continent. One of the most striking aspects of the Seed Fair was the incredible diversity of seeds on display. Farmers in West Africa and beyond showcased their local and traditional seed varieties, each with unique qualities and adapted to specific ecological conditions. This diversity is essential for maintaining resilient and sustainable agricultural systems, especially in the face of climate change. The Seed Fair was a testament to the rich cultural heritage of farming communities in West Africa. Participants had the opportunity to see and learn about a wide range of crops, from staple grains like millet and sorghum to lesser-known but equally valuable species such as Fonio and Bambara groundnut. The preservation and exchange of these seeds play a vital role in food security and biodiversity conservation. At the heart of the Seed Fair was the spirit of collaboration and knowledge sharing. This exchange not only helps in diversifying the genetic pool of crops but also promotes sustainable agricultural practices. Workshops and seminars were organised throughout the event to facilitate discussions on topics such as organic farming, seed-saving techniques, and the importance of indigenous knowledge in agriculture. Participants gained insights into innovative approaches to farming that prioritise both productivity and environmental sustainability.

JCAM 2023 11 Annual Review The seed fair held in Benin, attracted participants from over 20 countries in Africa and Europe. One of the most striking aspects of the Seed Fair was the incredible During one of the workshop gatherings at the seed fair, Seed sovereignty, the right of farmers to save, exchange, diversity of seeds on display. Farmers in West Africa and beyond JENA presented a paper on ‘The Landscape of Agroecology and use their seeds, was a central theme of the event. The showcased their local and traditional seed varieties, each with Policies Towards Transforming Food Systems in Seed Fair emphasised the importance of protecting this unique qualities and adapted to specific ecological conditions. This Sub-Saharan Africa’, drawing lessons from other countries right against the encroachment of commercial seed diversity is essential for maintaining resilient and sustainable including Cuba, France, and Senegal which have made the companies. Farmers must have control over their seeds to agricultural systems, especially in the face of climate change. The transition from an industrial system of agriculture into maintain their agricultural heritage and ensure their Seed Fair was a testament to the rich cultural heritage of farming agroecological integration by relying on a social process communities' food security. Comité Ouest Africain de communities in West Africa. Participants had the opportunity to see that has encouraged adoption.Semences Paysannes (COASP) and other organisations and learn about a wide range of crops, from staple grains like millet including JENA at the Seed Fair advocated for policies that and sorghum to lesser-known but equally valuable species such as With climate change posing new challenges to farmers, the protect seed sovereignty and promote farmers' rights. They Fonio and Bambara groundnut. The preservation and exchange of need for resilient crop varieties is more significant than also emphasised the need for fair and equitable seed these seeds play a vital role in food security and ever. Many of the seeds showcased at the fair systems that benefit small-scale farmers rather than biodiversity conservation.demonstrated remarkable adaptability to varying multinational corporations. environmental conditions. Participants were inspired by At the heart of the Seed Fair was the spirit of collaboration and the success stories of farmers who had adopted The event served as a reminder of the invaluable knowledge sharing. This exchange not only helps in diversifying the climate-smart farming practices and integrated contributions of small-scale farmers to global food security genetic pool of crops but also promotes sustainable agricultural drought-tolerant and heat-resistant crop varieties into and the preservation of agricultural biodiversity. As the practices. Workshops and seminars were organised throughout the their fields. These practices not only contribute to world faces increasing challenges from climate change and event to facilitate discussions on topics such as organic farming, improved food security but also help mitigate the impacts diminishing resources, events like this Seed Fair play a seed-saving techniques, and the importance of indigenous of climate change. crucial role in fostering resilient and sustainable knowledge in agriculture. Participants gained insights into agricultural practices. innovative approaches to farming that prioritise both productivity and environmental sustainability.

12 JCAM 2023 Annual Review COP28: A Catalyst for Urgent Climate Ac琀椀on Tione M. Phwandaphwanda - Jesuit Centre for Ecology and Development (JCED) Delegates at the COP28 UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates. As a delegate representing Malawi and faith-based organizations, my focus at COP28 hosted in Dubai in November 2023, centred on discussions related to agriculture and food systems. Given my involvement in resilience-building projects with farmers at the Jesuit Centre for Ecology and Development (JCED), this theme resonated deeply. Additionally, my interest in loss and damage stemmed from JCED's extensive work on supporting and advocating for financing in this domain to aid those vulnerable to climate-related disasters. COP28 was a truly awe-inspiring experience, with over 90,000 participants engaging both physically and online. The dedication exhibited during negotiations, despite the laborious and sometimes frustrating processes, was commendable. Various side events and pavilions were bustling with presentations and discussions, providing valuable platforms for knowledge sharing. Attendees enriched each other with theories, practices, and technologies aimed at accelerating climate action.

JCAM 2023 Annual Review 13 African children climate advocacy representatives. At the faith-based pavilion at COP28 during side events Foday (left) from Sierra Leone and Ellyanne from are (L-R) Fr. Paul Igweta, Ms. Yvonne Kuntai, Amoko Kenya attending the African Climate Summit held (child climate activist from South-Sudan), Fr. Charles in Nairobi, Kenya. Chilufya, SJ and Mr. Matthews Tione, representing JENA and partners. The presence of indigenous people defending their connection with the environment was particularly moving. Rituals and prayers for the protection and conservation of Mother Earth underscored their vulnerability to climate change and environmental degradation. Youth participation was noteworthy, with young individuals actively engaging in side events and pavilions. I, too, had the privilege of participating in a panel discussion on blue food systems, sharing experiences of local communities in Malawi with our lakes, rivers, and wetlands. Notably, 15-year-old Amoko from South Sudan echoed Sudanese children's voices on climate justice and stewardship. The pavilion of Chad showcased children's involvement in climate change discussions and education material improvements, adding an inspiring dimension to the conference.


JCAM 2023 15 Annual Review Exciting moments with the AHAPPY Genera琀椀on: Sierra Leone, Kenya, Zambia, Uganda Fr. Ismael Matambura, SJ - AJAN, Director AJAN HIV and AIDS Prevention Programme for the Youth (AHAPPY) goes to where the young people are, including the margins: in prisons, churches, institutions of learning, religious houses of formation, among others. It has reached tens of thousands of young people and hundreds of trained trainers in at least 17 African countries. To ‘Keep HIV and AIDS on the Agenda of the Jesuits, the Church and the rest of society’ is one of the goals of AJAN. This statement of purpose led AJAN to reflect on the situation of young people who are both members of the community and the Christian family, in the quest to create an HIV-free generation in Africa. To intervene at point zero, before the damage is done is the goal! How? Through applying the Jesuit principle of cura personalis as a way of accompanying young people, forming their conscience and modelling character based on religious and cultural values. This framework gives them the capacity to make the right choices and adopt responsible behaviour that cushions them against risk behaviours. New to the AJAN community in 2023 is Sierra Leone, a country of about 8.8 million people. Against the backdrop of a recent civil war, and outbreaks of Ebola and COVID-19, the harms suffered by young people were considerable; they are a vulnerable category of the population as they search for their identity. In a context like this, there is a strong need to create well-rounded young people who can face these challenges in a healthier way through the decisions they make daily. To protect them from predators, they need to be equipped from within by reaching a level of living a principled life, based on values and virtues. This means in other words, becoming people of integrity, who do always good even when nobody is watching. That is what AHAPPY does. A nurse attending to a mother and child at an AJAN supported Centre.

16 JCAM 2023 Annual Review In Free Town, at St John Paul II quasi-Parish of Grafton, we reached out to 53 youths to the surprise of the pastoral team members at the Parish. Fr. Apili Cornelius SJ, the Parish priest kept saying “It is not easy ooh, it will be a miracle to get even 15 youth to complete the training!” We were all proven wrong. Our youth thirst for knowledge and are ready to invest their time and allow themselves to be challenged. They need to be trusted. Their reactions were very consoling. One of the participants stated that: “This world is God’s gift to us, I will embark on things that will give life and not the other way round, I will spread love, happiness and joy to myself and to those around me.” Another shared, “As a medical student who is aspiring to be a medical doctor, I loved the fact that African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN) facilitators used most of the time in the training to share with us knowledge on major epidemic diseases in Africa (HIV, Malaria and Tuberculosis) that are mostly affecting the younger population”. At the end of the training, youth established work plans of concrete actions to build and promote a healthy community, church, and nation for the wellbeing of all. In addition to Sierra Leone, AJAN’s team this year was in the Dioceses of Nakuru, Ngong, Eldoret, and Homabay in Kenya, training youth leaders. These were very exciting moments for interaction, bonding and sharing of experiences. The youth shared that such a shared space of interaction is scarce due to many factors, such as the terrain and the expansiveness of their dioceses, coupled with limited finances. In fact, some participants in the workshop came from a region experiencing insecurity due to banditry, such that they had to be brought to the training by an ambulance of the Catholic Mission (as a way to ward off any would-be attackers). Furthermore, two more AJAN centres received AHAPPY training of trainers sessions: Chikuni Home-Based Care (CHBC) in rural Southern Zambia and Ocer Campion Jesuit College in rural Northern Uganda. In both settings, the coordination of local leaders is essential to success. In Ocer Campion (Uganda) given the importance accorded to AHAPPY by the School, all teaching and non-teaching staff also underwent the training. AJAN believes that together we can build a well-rounded, healthy, more caring, and responsible young African generation who are committed to protecting the planet. AJAN team, and Ocer Campion Jesuit College Staff, This is our motivation! during a visit to Radio Pacis studio in Uganda, for a programming of AHAPPY.


18 JCAM 2023 Annual Review Tertianship: A time of Renewal for Jesuits, Solidifying the Call to Always Place those in Need Ahead of themselves Sch. Timóteo Portásio, SJ - JCAM Tertianship Minister The Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM) tertianship sits on Zinkwazi Beach in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. It is among the sugar cane fields on the edge of the Indian Ocean. Apart from the sub-tropical weather, it provides a tranquil place to pray and carry out the proposal of St. Ignatius of Loyola of a tertianship. He says in the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus, “For this purpose, it will be helpful for those who had been sent to studies, upon finishing the work and effort of intellectual formation, to apply themselves during the period of final probation to the school of the heart, exercising themselves in spiritual and corporal pursuits which can engender in them greater humility, abnegation of all sensual love and will and judgment of their own, and also greater knowledge and love of God our Lord; so that when they themselves have made the progress they can better help others to progress for the glory of God our Lord.” In other words, the tertianship helps Jesuits to prepare themselves for their complete incorporation into the Society of Jesus.

JCAM 2023 19 Annual Review The JCAM tertianship offers two programmes: a full six-month tertianship, from September to March, and two sessions of the three-month tertianship from May to August. Jesuits are given an opportunity to rekindle the fire of their vocation to the Society of Jesus through a communal experience. Tertians and their instructors: » Share their own life stories, » Comprehensively look at the autobiography of St. Ignatius, and » Once more, undergo the profound experience of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Thus, they meditate and contemplate their own lives, the life of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the life of St. Ignatius. After these special and unique experiences, the tertians have a period of study of the history and the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus, some important documents of the Church, the documents of the General Congregations, and a consideration of the life of the vows and administration in the Society of Jesus. Fr. John Nugent, SJ (UCS), Fr. Michael Lewis, SJ (SAP-Tertian Instructor), Sch. Timóteo Portásio, SJ (JCAM Tertianship Minister), Fr. Justin Glyn, SJ (ASL), Fr. Arnold Moyo, SJ (SAP), Fr. Thomas Idergard, SJ (ECE), Fr. Christopher Mapunda, SJ (AOR).

20 JCAM 2023 Annual Review Fr. John Nugent, SJ (UCS), Fr. Michael Lewis, SJ (SAP-Tertian Instructor), Sch. Timóteo Portásio, SJ (JCAM Tertianship Minister), Fr. Justin Glyn, SJ (ASL), Fr. Arnold Moyo, SJ (SAP), Fr. Thomas Idergard, SJ (ECE), Fr. Christopher Mapunda, SJ (AOR). To fulfil all that St. Ignatius desired in a tertianship, the tertians at Zinkwazi are sent on a one-month experiment within South Africa. They work with and among people on the street, the old and the sick, local rural Zulu people, and in parishes. They also work in spirituality centres through giving retreats. They return to the tertianship and share their experiences with their fellow tertians, hence enriching each other. Here, the tertians also get some leisure time to relax Chapel’s Stations of the Cross by Joseph Capelle. and refresh their minds and they can interact with nature by visiting places such as the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park, where they get to see some of the Big-Five, the Durban harbour, the uShaka Marine World, and many more. The JCAM tertianship community is staffed by the Tertian Master, Fr. Michael Lewis, SJ, his assistant, Fr. Isaac Kiyaka, SJ, who guides the tertians through the experiences of the tertianship, and by a Jesuit in formation Sch. Timóteo Portásio, SJ, working as the Minister. The Minister’s primary work is to respond to Fr. Thomas Idergard, SJ (ECE), one of the Jesuit the physical, material, and temporal needs of the Tertian’s during a moment of prayer at the lush gardens Tertianship. The three members of the community on the Zinkwazi Beach in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. work together to provide a quiet and welcoming formation and spiritual atmosphere.


22 JCAM 2023 Annual Review Safeguarding in the ANW Province - A Communal Endeavour Grace Evuen - Child Protection Officer, ANW Province Two African proverbs informed the safeguarding journey of the Jesuit North-West Africa (ANW) Province right from the start: ‘It takes a village to raise a child’; and the second, ‘until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter’. As a team, we identified the WHO, WHAT and WHERE the ‘village’ is and HOW informed is or are such village(s) on child protection and safeguarding issues. We developed a framework that is all-encompassing to reflect local realities and complexities of the formal and informal actors so that we had the narratives explained by the people in their local context. Then, follow-ups and interventions for Happy children at school, during a class lesson. specific contexts. By May 2023, we had trained 25 designated Safeguarding Officers through the Jesuit Centre of Safeguarding in Africa (JCSA) online course offered at Hekima University College, Nairobi. The trainees are replicating the same within their Apostolates and Communities, ensuring we get balanced narratives directly from the communities.

JCAM 2023 Annual Review 23 The Jesuit North-West Africa Province safeguarding journey from the year 2021-2023 was divided into three action phases, with the year 2024 and beyond being designated for Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning as the fourth stage. Each of these action phases had a theme to promote intentionality and goal in the process of implementation. Promoting a new culture of protection consistently involves more than keeping children safe, it is a whole communal role and responsibility towards not only the children’s wellbeing and development but also the entire family, workplace, camps, schools, rescue centres, church, wherever power may be abused. The overall safeguarding strategy involves consistent sensitization; investing in diversity, inclusion and having the courage to speak out against the old culture that enables abuse; building shared values; distributing responsibility where appropriate; being attentive to different contexts and engaging different methodologies; risk assessments and gathering emerging issues and challenges for follow-ups, intervention and research on the dynamics of the new culture towards goals that are S.M.A.R.T, both in the short and long run. Our journey has not been without challenges. In the initial stages of the framework implementation, we encountered resistance, denial, and ignorance of the existence of specific abuses, and even minimization of the effects of abuse on survivors, hence, for some directors of works, this new culture was not on their priority list. And there are sometimes voices which suggest that one training session is sufficient! A visit to one of the Jesuit schools in Cameroon by Jesuit Development and Communications Officers.

JCAM 2023 24 Annual Review Ms. Grace Evuen the Child Protection Officer, of the Jesuit North-West Africa Province, during a safeguarding awareness session in one of the Jesuit Schools in Nigeria. In response, the Province developed a strategy where the apostolates designed programmes that suited them. Work plans for the year, emerging issues and follow-ups had to be sent to the central body for monitoring and learning. This allowed them to write the context of their narratives and enabled the Province to move towards the goals of the Promotion of Consistent Culture of Protection Project (PCCP); of being accountable to the children, survivors, organisations, and the public. All this could not have been possible without the visible leadership of the Provincial, initially led by Fr. Chukwuyenum Afiawari, SJ and the men in the province engine room; Fr. Noel Nwadike, SJ, Fr. Cornelius Apili, SJ and Fr. Alex Irechukwu, SJ. Fr. Chukwuyenum Afiawari, SJ, former Provincial of ANW, leading a Mass for students at Loyola Jesuit College, in Abuja, Nigeria.


JCAM 2023 26 Annual Review Words from some of the par琀椀cipants of the capacity-building training: Labourers in God’s Vineyard: A Shared Experience Rich in Knowledge for Effec琀椀ve Leadership Anastasia Makunu- Development Communications Officer, JCAM Father General Arturo Sosa, in his book Walking with Ignatius, responds to a question on a shared mission, saying that “Jesuits are partners on a mission that is not ours, but belongs to Christ”. So, when Father General speaks about “Jesuits being partners”, that extends beyond being “Jesuit”. It opens up to those who embody the values that guide the mission of the Society of Jesus - lay people as co-workers who are companions in the mission - those going further into the sharing of the apostolic work, its identity, sources of inspiration and all that a mission entails, while not ignoring those that simply want to render a professional service. AFRICAMA House has become home, even for short periods for lay people and Jesuits from various provinces, seeking to share knowledge and learn through building capacity in their various works and formation needs. The aim was to bolster hope and transform these functions through training, coaching and mentorship to benefit Jesuit works internally or externally. In turn, this provided an avenue to improve the ability of the team in the JCAM secretariat to meet their coordination objectives and goals for the mission, enhancing overall efficiency and effectiveness to better serve our beneficiaries in the six provinces and one region. During each training session, distinct capacity-building sessions were tailored around promoting access to the creation and exchange of information for open access to knowledge on information, communications infrastructure and technologies. The sessions explored how to develop a strategic plan, communications plan, and fundraising plan stemming from the Apostolic Plans of the provinces/region. These avenues for sharing knowledge are fundamental to the mission of the Society of Jesus because the Society has increasingly realised that it must strategically position itself in the digital era to better carry out its mission. For all those who have joined with us here in Africama these engagements have enhanced their capacity and capability to carry out specific tasks, achieve goals, solve problems, improve performance and effectiveness and explore technology that is driving the mega-trends in a world of unprecedented global digital transformation and to respond to the crises and challenges, opportunities and promises of these times with creativity, audacity and hope.

JCAM 2023 Annual Review 27 Words from some of the par琀椀cipants of the capacity-building training: (L-R): Grégoire Baisle (former RWB Development Director), Fr Ernest Ngiyembere, SJ (Jesuit Urumuri Centre, Director), Ms. Henriette Mushimiyimana (Jesuit Urumuri Centre Communications Officer), Fr. Pascal Bihorubusa, SJ (Communications Officer, Rwanda-Burundi Region), and Ms. Diane Mballa (Assistant Communications Officer - Jesuit West Africa Province). “In a secure and picturesque setting I had the pleasure of spending a month of training in communication from May 29 to June 29, 2023. AFRICAMA House is a harmonious blend of environmental protection and modernity. The training gave me a better knowledge of the Jesuit culture, communications tools and channels, website building and management, photography and videography, digital media and content development and also the significance of safeguarding children and vulnerable adults when communicating. I also joined the Rwanda-Burundi Region communications and development team for a training organised by JCAM, in Kigali where together we deepened our knowledge of strategic communications and digital fundraising. I am very happy and grateful for the lessons I have received.”- Ms. Diane Mballa, - Assistant Communications, West Africa Province, (AOC). “The training was crucial for me as a new RWB communicator. I learned how to use social media tools in my mission. The topics such as building and managing a website, learning how to shoot and edit photos and videos, and creating and running a newsletter account for journals and newsletters, will be of great help in my mission. The four sessions equipped me with social media skills to carry out my mission of communication well.” - Pascal Bihorubusa, SJ, Communications Officer, Rwanda-Burundi Region (RWB).

28 JCAM 2023 Annual Review “This period offered me the invaluable opportunity to immerse myself in a professional communications environment and gain hands-on experience of the workings of JCAM, particularly through the perspective of how Words from some of the par琀椀cipants of the capacity-building training:communications strategies, content creation and management project the image of the organisation to the larger Society. Through observation and attending weekly meetings, I also witnessed the coordination within JCAM’s works and how communication strategies are developed, refined, and executed to deliver effective communication solutions. This also allowed me to engage in brainstorming sessions and Fr. Jean-Claude Bindanda Kiala, SJ, Director, Maisha strategy meetings aimed at identifying target audiences, Centre, Kisangani, DRC. defining key messaging and aligning communications efforts with achieving set goals. This skill will undoubtedly come in handy to enable me to create more focused and “Guided by the motto “Allies for the promotion of life!” impactful communication strategies. I also had the Centre Maisha’s mission is to defend life through the opportunity to participate and carry out media relations promotion of physical, spiritual and moral health, and and coverage during the African Faith Leaders’ meeting on protection of the environment to fully live out the integral navigating contemporary crises like debt, and climate development of the human person. For us, indeed, we can change which took place from 7 -8 August in only live by the name that defines us “Maisha” - a Swahili Nairobi, Kenya.” word for “Life”, and to fully be immersed in the new mission, my journey to Kenya’s capital was one worth undertaking. The training sessions tailored around the AJAN HIV and AIDS Prevention Programme for Youth (AHAPPY) strengthened my capacity to assist in the conservation and expansion of Maisha Centre. The sessions with the AJAN team around project management - writing and submitting proposals, and the techniques elaborated for strategic communication by the JCAM Communications team laid a background for my participation in lectures at Tangaza University College, field trips to the St. Joseph the Worker in Kangemi, St-Aloysius-Gonzaga High School in Kibera all in Nairobi and the Nyumbani Village in Kitui County located in the Eastern part of Kenya. Following these experiences I feel energised and equipped to continue the mission given to me, one of being in service to the people of Kisangani, for the glory of God. As I embark on my mission back home, I Fr. Benedict Mayaki, SJ – Jesuits Global Curia will be forever grateful to the Director of AJAN Fr. Ismael Communications Rome. Matambura, and his team for the intense program, the testimonies and feedback from the 22 social centres spread across 17 African countries”


30 JCAM 2023 Annual Review Building on History: Conserving Our Past Fr. Jean-Luc Enyegue, SJ - Director, JHIA Fr. Jean-Luc Enyegue, SJ, showcasing some of the significant historical pieces, housed at the Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa (JHIA), in Nairobi, Kenya. A new year begins, and the Jesuit Historical Institute The Institute’s mission in the field of research and in Africa continues its journey away from the radar, publication also continues apace. Publications on the history of the Society of Jesus in Africa by Africans fulfilling the mission entrusted to it by Father Adolfo themselves are multiplying. JHIA itself, through its Nicolás (the 30th Superior General of the Society of researchers and publishing house, has been involved in at Jesus) at the time of its creation 13 years ago. least 4 major publications, the most recent being: Competing Catholicisms: The Jesuits, the Vatican and the Making of Post-colonial French Africa (2002) and Jesuit Ethos. A Social and Spiritual History (2023). We are particularly proud of a co-publication with our mother institute in Rome (ARSI). In his masterful Splash of Diamonds, Dr. Festo Mkenda, SJ, Director of ARSI in Rome, lifts the veil on the Society’s contemporary history in Ethiopia, completing what is the richest historiography of the Society of Jesus on African soil.

JCAM 2023 31 Annual Review Our international outreach enabled us to host a meeting of librarians and archivists from Christian universities in Nairobi in August 2023, in collaboration with Yale University in the USA. The exchanges helped better appreciate JHIA’s growing role in strengthening ecclesial structures in Africa, particularly in the field of archiving. At the Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale (UCAC), the Board of Governors has just approved the creation of an Ecclesiastical Archive Centre for the entire sub-region of Central Africa, a joint initiative between JHIA and the university’s President, Rev. Prof. Bertrand Sala. JHIA Staff at a book signing event following the launch JHIA does all this while keeping up with international of several books written by Jesuits. conferences, and remaining faithful to the formation of Jesuits, priests, and religious and lay Christians in Africa and Anthea Zell, whose donation strengthens our collection while growing its digital archive. in the field of African literature and Research on African Studies. Thanks to it we are positioning ourselves as a This year, the Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa (JHIA) reference point for African sources on African soil. In received an important consignment of books that will help addition to Hans and Anthea, Terry Barringer of the to enrich its Special Collections. Grateful thanks to Hans Cambridge Center for Christianity Worldwide also offered her special collection. Terry is a former librarian of the Royal Commonwealth Society. These two important gifts were made possible by our faithful friend Angus Crichton of the Cambridge Center for Christianity Worldwide. We can never thank enough all those who support our work with their prayers, human, material, and financial resources. We know how difficult it is to support a work of archiving and documentation/publication in a continent where people are still hungry. But in this continent, which is experiencing an unparalleled demographic and Christian boom, we understand the urgency of our mission as a mission of and to the Church and humanity in general. For, the consolidation of ecclesial structures in Africa is a Some of the historical African scrolls and figurines service to the universal Church and helps build a better housed at the institute. world. Without your help, this mission would be severely handicapped.


JCAM 2023 Annual Review 33 Participants listening to (Frs) Jean-Luc Enyegue, SJ and Jean-Paul Savi, SJ, presenting their papers at the Jesuit Research Network forum held at Hekima College University, Nairobi-Kenya. JCAM Research Network: Enhancing joint and collaborative research in Forma琀椀on Centres Anastasia Makunu - Development Communications Officer, JCAM The Research Network, generously supported by The forum convened scholars to identify, analyse, and study FACSI and JCAM, was envisioned to create a a wide variety of issues in the African Church and society. platform for joint and collaborative research among This 5th Edition was held from 21-24 November 2023, at Hekima University College (HUC), in Nairobi, and it was Jesuits teaching in the five Jesuit formation centres conducted in a blended format with participants joining within JCAM, partly in response to Father General virtually and others in-person, with Jesuits, lay people and Arturo Sosa’s invitation to Jesuits “to form an consecrated women working in different learning effective network” and “to collaborate in the institutions. The scholars presented ongoing research projects stemming from social and statistical studies, development of creative thinking that may propel the including technology (specifically Artificial Intelligence), new age of humanity towards social justice, dignity theological, philosophical, ecological, historical themes and and peace.” all were debated and critiqued to offer fresh perspectives and suggestions for deepening and furthering the projects.

34 JCAM 2023 Annual Review ground where we see African intellectuals deploying themselves, haunted by the spectre of alienation which wears a mask of ‘erasure of differences’ and a ‘reductive standardization.’” “Fragmented identity” then becomes a matrix or a place of production of discourses. One might argue that the above reflection by Fr. Minaku only applies to theology, but, put simply, the JCAM Research Network’s selected themes of the colloquium brought theologians and philosophers, political scientists, sociologists, anthropologists, historians and even the poets into dialogue - creating an interdisciplinary space. In any case, as Fr, Minaku put it, we detect no sign of intellectual The Principal of Hekima University College (HUC, Fr. Marcel Uwineza, SJ, welcoming participants fatigue! “How can we evoke fatigue in a social context to the forum. which does not cease to surprise us?” Fr. Minaku added: “Solidarity, or the construction of community, which seems In his welcoming speech the Principal of HUC, Fr. Marcel to be a transversal theme, will never lose relevance in a Uwineza, SJ, reiterated the call of Father General Arturo context where we observe the resurgence of wars, coups Sosa quoted above. This initiative according to Fr. Marcel, d’etat, millions of internally displaced persons, and aimed to realize this call to collaboration and networking multifaceted social crises. Therefore, the opportunity to among higher education institutions within the Jesuit discuss is created by the synodal spirit in which we are now Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM). And in his journeying as a Church. This whole context offers a ground opening message the President of JCAM, José Minaku, SJ, that justifies the relevance of the themes addressed.” asked that all may be “free from intellectual fatigue and be The colloquium was a good platform to develop an adapted shown the path of light.” He challenged participants and balanced discourse to enable learning and dialogue on referencing the late theologian Bénézet Bujo who in his issues among them the challenges of our times. In the words collective work entitled African Theology in the 21st of Fr. Minaku, let us take up the challenge: Free us from Century, noted that theological research and production in intellectual fatigue! Show us the path of light. Africa gave the impression of having run out of steam. Hinting at a sort of “stagnation of thought” after the 1980s - one of the causes to this stagnation is perceived as the difficulty of African intellectuals to live in a balanced way, a tension which tears them between an alienating globalization and an attachment to their values. Fr. Minaku further cited Bujo that, “African theology exists and that it is forever alive.” It is not only a question of proclaiming its existence, but we must also recognize the magnitude of “the path travelled, the achievements accomplished, and the often-hidden riches.” Therefore, Bujo’s panorama also indicates that there is still work to be done because every intellectual approach is somewhere The JCAM President Fr. José Minaku, SJ, gives a unaccomplished. “All theology is provisional; all theology is keynote address to researchers during the JCAM in a state of already-there, but not yet.” According to Fr. Research Network forum. Minaku, the pioneers have, therefore, prepared a fertile


JCAM 2023 36 Annual Review God’s Grace – Our Constant Companion Fr. Patrick Mulemi, SJ - Southern Africa Province (SAP) During his visit to the Southern Africa Province in December 2023, Father General Arturo Sosa presided at two Eucharistic celebrations during which seven Jesuits (six in Zambia and one in Zimbabwe) pronounced their final vows. Two of those seven were members of the Arrupe Jesuit Community in Harare the largest Jesuit community in the Conference of Africa and Madagascar. These two were Fr. John Enslin SJ and Fr. Odericky Mweemba SJ. At the vows in Lusaka, Father General began his homily by Father Sosa reminded all those present that “our (Jesuit) saying, “It is a profound joy for me to be here with you today formation is not a destination but a continuous journey.” He as we gather for this Provincial Assembly and celebrate this urged the final vow men to embrace the virtues of Eucharist together. I am especially delighted to witness the discernment, availability, generosity, and mobility” asking that “all continue to walk this path, knowing that God’s final vows of seven Jesuits here in Southern Africa. It is a special occasion, as these brothers of ours, are about to be grace is our constant companion.” fully incorporated into the professed body of the Society of Jesus.”

JCAM 2023 Annual Review 37


JCAM 2023 39 Annual Review The Synod on Synodality: Reflections from an African Perspec琀椀ve Caroline Kavita - ASI Programme Coordinator The inaugural session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome, held in October 2023, provided a moment of grace for active listening to the perspectives of churches from all continents. It provided a platform to establish pastoral priorities that needed to be more explored and deepened in order to be ready for the second session, which is scheduled for October 2024. For synodality to become the new way of being the church and truly live it, the October synod called for an extensive process of discernment and formation. Fr. Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, SJ, ASI director and former president of the Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM) and some members of ASI’s Synodality Resource Team participated in the 2023 Synod of bishops in Rome. Dr. Nora K. Nonterah was one of the only two laywomen delegates from Africa; it is the first time that lay people and non-bishops have participated in the Synod of Bishops. Speaking in Rome, Dr. Nonterah said, “This is my first time participating in a synod. I come to this synod with the hopes, the joys, the dreams, the anxieties, and the lamentations, but also the resilience of the African women, lay people from the continent, and in fact the entire Church, Pope Francis with Fr. Arturo Sosa, Superior General of which might not always get to sit at the centre of discourse.” the Society of Jesus, and Fr. Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, SJ, the Director of ASI, at the 16th General Assembly of the Synod on Synodality in the Vatican.

40 JCAM 2023 Annual Review Reflecting on his participation, Fr. Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, SJ said, “I have found this experience nourishing for my personal prayer. This synod on synodality has become a way of practicing the graces of listening, dialogue, and discernment in a prayerful manner. Even if nothing else changes after the synod, the integration of prayer and discernment in common into decision-making processes will be an important part of the goal of becoming a more synodal church. I am hopeful that the outcome of the synod will be a church that is more discerning in its ways of proceeding—in other words, a prayerful, humble, and listening church.” Delegates representing Africa in the October 2023, In a post-synodal webinar organised by ASI with some of Synod on Synodality Assembly in Rome at a the African delegates reflecting on the key insights, preparatory seminar in Nairobi, Kenya. discussions, and lessons learned, the keynote speaker, Archbishop Nkea of Bamenda, appointed by Pope Francis, We were able to talk to each other freely and bring up our and a member of the ASI's Synodality Resource Team, own ideas, and this aspect of sharing is a very strong termed the October Synod a ‘special moment for the element of synodality. It was a very special moment for the church’; “We shared freely, we shared without reserve, we church that we could sit together with our lay brethren and shared without being afraid of any subject, and everyone together express how we felt,” he said. was able to interact in this process. The synod suggests extensive discussion and consideration of revising priestly formation. The request that seminars or other training courses for candidates for the ministry be linked to the daily lives of the communities has been widely expressed. It is necessary to avoid the risks of formalism and ideology, which lead to authoritarian attitudes and prevent true vocational growth. In this regard and among other formation initiatives, ASI plans to hold in 2024 a formation conference with the Rectors and Formators of the major seminaries in the Inter-Regional Meeting of Bishops of Southern Africa (IMBISA). IMBISA is one of the seven regional bodies of the Sympodium of Episcopal Dr. Nora K. Nonterah one of the only two laywomen Conferences of Africa and Madagascar. delegates from Africa at the Synod Assembly held in Vatican, Rome, meets Pope Francis.

FINANCE We are Grateful

42 JCAM 2023 Annual Review Income in USD Total Income 2,386,171 Conrad Hilton Foundation – the Bakhita 2023 The Financials Partnership for girl’s education with JENA - 612,000 - 25.64 % Fr. Paul Hamill, SJ - Treasurer, JCAM From the earliest times St Ignatius required Jesuits that they develop a profound sense of gratitude for all of God’s love for humankind and for whatever God accomplishes through the Society. That sense of gratitude always British Province of Society of Jesus – formation - 567,000 - 23.76 % comes to the fore when reflecting upon the achievements of a year in review and 2023 is no different. All of us within the Jesuit Conference of Africa and Core income from JCAM Madagascar are forever grateful for the support and generosity of our Provinces/Region - 322,000 - 13.49 % collaborators, our partners in mission, our donors and all those who keep us and our JCAM Provinces/Region solidarity works in their prayers. That is no small in formation 262,580 - 11.00 % cause for gratitude! Porticus – African Synodality 2023 saw continuing generous support Initiative phase 2 - 262,500 - 11.00 % from our major donors from outside the Society and from other parts of the Society of Jesus itself. Vatican Dicastery for Integrated Life for AJAN - 105,000 - 4.40 % Jubilee USA for JENA’s work - 64,000 - 2.68 % Private donations for AJAN and JCAM - 58,458 - 2.44% Porticus – JCAM safeguarding works phase 4 - 52,500 - 2.20 % German Jesuit Missions for Food Security research - 30,198 - 1.26 % Fadica – in support of JENA - 24,975 - 1.04 % Conference of Italian Bishops for AJAN - 24,960 - 1.04 %

JCAM 2023 43 Annual Review Expenditure in USD Total 2,248,762.38 (Any surplus of income over expenditure in a single year is grant income which has not yet been expended.) Conrad Hilton funds – the Bakhita Partnership for girls’ education 955,861.38 - 42.51% Sometimes these gifts and donations only pass through JCAM on their way to dedicated works and projects across this continent; sometimes they are given for the direct support of this Formation of Jesuits in Africa and Conference. Whatever the source and Madagascar 535,249.00 - 23.80 % whatever their purpose all our gifts are acknowledged and reported upon fully and all of our benefactors are Synodality – Preparing for Synod October remembered in prayer and masses 2023 - 225,750.00 - 10.03% throughout the year. JCAM’s accounts are externally and JCAM Administration costs independently audited each year 173,852.00 - 7.73 % according to the International Standards on Auditing. JCAM has JCAM Safeguarding work continued to retain the services of FH & 89,525.00 - 3.98% Company, 216 Muthaiga North, P.O. BOX 64587, Nairobi, 00620 as its Jubilee USA – supporting the work auditors. For any further information of JENA 71,881.11 - 3.19 % please contact the JCAM Treasurer: [email protected] Support of Eastern African Jesuit Province work in HIV 55,958.00 - 2.48 % Food Security advocacy and conferences 27,579.89 - 1.22 % FADICA – supporting the work of JENA 24,454.00 - 1.08 % FACSI Projects – Research Network and Gambia project 23,652.00 - 1.05 % JCAM support for African Jesuits Aids Network 20,000.00 - 0.88 % JCAM support for Justice and Ecology Network in Africa 15,000.00 - 0.66 % JCAM support for Development Office 15,000.00 - 0.66 % Support for Jesuit Historical Institute 15,000.00 - 0.66 %


JCAM 2023 Annual Review 45 Our People The JCAM Staff celebrate with the incoming JCAM President Fr. José Minaku, SJ. 12. Dennis Owuoche - Communications Officer, AJAN 1. Fr. Ismael Matambura, SJ - Director, AJAN 13. Scholas琀椀ca Kilonzo - Support Staff, Catering 2. Gilbert Odhiambo - Communications Officer, JCSA 3. Wambua Mulwa – Support Staff, Gardening 14. Anastasia Makunu - Anastasia Makunu - Development Communications, Webmaster and 4. Fr. Charles Chilufya, SJ - Director, JENA Child Protection Officer, JCAM 5. Kenneth Mmata - Support Staff, Gardening 15. Kevin Ouko - Research and Policy Analyst - 6. Faith Kivuva - Support Staff, Housekeeping/Catering 7. Fr. Paul Hamill, SJ - Treasurer and Development Re-thinking African Development, JENA 16. Caroline Kavita - Programme Coordinator, ASI Director, JCAM 17. Pascalia Sergon - Capacity Building Officer, AJAN 8. Joyce Githae - Accountant, JCAM 9. Fr. John the Bap琀椀st Anyeh -Zamcho, SJ - 18. Mary Wanjiku - Support Staff, Housekeeping 19. Esther Muraguri - Programme Coordinator, JENA Socius, JCAM 20. Beatrice Mumbi - Safeguarding Coordinator, JCAM 10. Sharon Achieng Oduor - Receptionist, Africama House and JASBEAM Administrator 21. Fr. Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, SJ - JCAM 11. Fr. José Minaku Lukoli, SJ - President of JCAM President (2017-2023) 1 21 2 3 6 7 11 4 5 9 12 15 18 19 20 10 13 14 17 8 16

We are very grateful for your support here in this youngest part of the Society. All your donations continue to make possible the daily miracles of the Society of Jesus in its works. If you are at all able to share something of what you have in support of this mission, you can make a gift online in the currency of your choice by scanning the QR Code. For bank transfers, you can contact Fr. Paul Hamill, SJ, [email protected] If your giving is only through prayer then know that you too are remembered and counted in the prayers and Masses for benefactors which are offered by all Jesuits across the world. For any further informa琀椀on Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM) Africama House, 260 Dagoretti Road – Karen TO DONATE P.O. Box 1540 – 00502 Nairobi, Kenya. +254 (0) 20 3884528 Fr. Paul Hamill SJ - [email protected] Anastasia Makunu - [email protected] JCAM: JENA: AJAN: SAFEGUARDING: Thank you for your generosity and support!

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