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TeachUNITED 2020 Impact Report

2020 IMPACT REPORT Reshaping the future of education.

Impact ReportWe envision a world where every teacher, everywhere, has 2020 opportunities for professional learning and support so that | every child has access to a quality education. eachUNITED T

Dear Friends and Supporters, TeachUNITED was founded in 2016 with a mission of supporting and empowering small and rural community teachers to ensure every child can reach their full potential. With a model that helps teachers tangibly shift their practice for a proven impact on student outcomes, this mission is more relevant and urgent than ever. T 2020 was an unprecedented year for education. Disruptions to schooling eachUNITED widened gaps for millions of kids, shined a spotlight on global inequities, and made it increasingly apparent that teachers need our focused attention and support. | Throughout this turbulent year, the TeachUNITED team and community of 2020 schools, partners, and supporters responded with tenacity and resilience, gave selflessly for the larger good, and stood together every step of the Impact Report way — for a powerful and profound impact on kids and families. Much remains to be done in overcoming educational inequality, but together our community truly moved the needle for underserved students in 2020. We will continue to build the platform for a better education and a brighter future for small and rural communities in the long term. With our utmost gratitude, Heather Hiebsch Stephanie Cornell Chief Executive Officer Chair, Board of Directors 1

The Learning Crisis Every child on the planet deserves access to an equitable and quality education. Impact ReportYet, more than half of the world’s children are not 2020 learning critical math, literacy, and life skills. | Without these foundational skills in place, students often fail to thrive as they progress through school and join the workforce. Without eachUNITED action, more than 1.5 billion adults could be living in extreme poverty T in 2050. Underserved and rural areas are the hardest hit. We believe teachers are the solution. 2

T eachUNITED OUR MISSION | To support and empower every educator so that they have the skills needed to 2020 fully develop each student’s potential. Impact Report 3

Scale & Sustainability In line with United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal #4: Quality Education (SDG4), we invest in teachers on a global scale to drive local action that increases opportunity for every child. What is UN SDG4? Impact ReportThe United Nations developed a unified agenda for 2020 sustainable development, which covers a broad series | of global and local goals for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. eachUNITED Ensure inclusive and equitable quality T education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Target 4.C: Increase the supply of qualified teachers in developing countries. As teachers are a fundamental condition for guaranteeing quality education, teachers and educators should be empowered, adequately recruited and remunerated, motivated, professionally qualified, and supported within well- resourced, efficient and effectively governed systems. 4

STUDENTS REACHED SINCE PROGRAM LAUNCH IN 2016. 200,000 T eachUNITED 150,000 100,000 | STUDENTS 2020 50,000 Impact Report 0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 YEAR OF PROGRAM LAUNCH Our goal is to improve outcomes for one million children by 2030. TeachUNITED is both on track and on mission to reach our goal ...and 2 million children by 2035. 5


We are so grateful for the support from our community, which enabled us to provide urgent, in-the-moment support during the global pandemic. Crisis-response training delivered through our partnerships with with state departments and ministries of education helped teachers gain the skills needed to deliver online and hybrid education. Newly developed T digital content and tools allowed us to coach teachers virtually eachUNITED during school closures — even in off-grid areas, where teachers with connectivity issues joined first-ever virtual workshops. | Within a year of adversity came 2020 the seeds of greater benefit. Impact Report This year profoundly influenced our ability to empower positive change in small and rural school systems. Our reach grew 5x across all programs, and the shift to virtual coaching laid the groundwork for expansion to new countries. The hard work of our community delivered short-term aid during the pandemic while also helping build more resilient and equitable educational systems for small and rural communities around the world. 7

2020 Achievements CLOSING LEARNING GAPS, EVEN IN THE PANDEMIC 18% higher student growth Teachers have shown time and time again that, if supported with score in literacy.* coaching, high-impact strategies, and a cohort of their peers, they will set and reach ambitious student outcome goals. Our 21% Tanzania partner schools demonstrated this significantly in 2020 higher student growth Impact Reportwith higher growth scores; despite months-long school closures. score in math.* 2020 *In comparison to Tanzania control schools. | eachUNITED HELPING TEACHERS DEVELOP SKILLS T TO KEEP STUDENTS ON TRACK At the end of the program, 94% of TeachUNITED partner teachers in the United States reported they felt confident they could address the needs of students struggling academically. These skills are critical for accelerating growth to close learning gaps associated with school closures and disruptions. 8

BUILDING SKILLS AND DRIVING FUNDS TO LOCAL COMMUNITIES In the midst of the pandemic, the Latin America team secured an important partnership with the Universidad Nacional — bringing critical funds to a high-poverty region. Teachers who complete T the program will now receive professional credit eachUNITED for their participation and a salary increase. | EXCEEDING GROWTH AND IMPACT MILESTONES 2020 TeachUNITED exceeded a critical growth milestone in 2020 — we have Impact Report impacted more than 100,000 students globally by supporting their teachers. This represents a 5x increase in global reach from 2019. We are on track to reach our goal of ensuring one million students from small and rural 100,000+ school systems have access to a quality, equitable education by 2030. Students Impacted EXPANDING PARTNERSHIPS FOR EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT In 2020, TeachUNITED was thrilled to develop two new and expanded partnerships to deliver a COVID crisis-response program. Our new partnerships with the Costa Rica Ministry of Education and the US Wyoming Department of Education allowed us to serve even more schools in each region, reaching almost 2,200 teachers total! 9

What We Do THE SCHOOL ACCELERATOR PROGRAM | TeachUNITED empowers teachers and leaders with the high-impact strategies necessary to set and reach ambitious student academic goals. PROVEN STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVING STUDENT OUTCOMES. Impact Report 2020 COACHING | Research tells us that sustained instructional coaching is one of the most effective methods for improving instructional practice and student success. Coaching occurs during 1:1 calls, webinars, workshops, online course feedback, and small group PLCs. eachUNITED T PEER LEARNING COMMUNITIES Teachers support each other’s professional growth and work collaboratively to improve student success. HIGH-IMPACT STRATEGIES Strategies like building growth mindsets, personalized learning, and data-driven instruction improve student engagement and outcomes. 10

By the Numbers 4-Step Process for School and Totals for year ending District Transformation on December 31, 2020 TeachUNITED enters into formal 104k T partnership with schools and districts. Students reached eachUNITED Education leaders and teachers work +459% YoY Growth alongside coaches to develop engaging, | student-centered classrooms driven by data. 2020 Professional networks allow for 2,600 Impact Report ongoing collaboration, support, and Educators served leadership opportunities for teachers. +1,138% Teachers mentor others in their schools YoY Growth and districts for sustained growth. We partner with regional and national 394 governments to ensure change is School / district partnerships integrated into school systems. +591% YoY Growth 11

Why TeachUNITED? What makes our program unique. Impact Report 2020 | 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Designed for Accessible for Builds Evidence-based Tested, eachUNITED T small and rural any school, capacity, not and data-driven proven, and school systems. anywhere. dependency. model. effective. We fill gaps in Our program is Our program is a We rigorously Across multiple access to teacher effective, regardless comprehensive measure and test regions, our professional learning of community journey to build our research- program consistently in historically socioeconomic status long-term capacity based model to demonstrates overlooked or technological so change and ensure teachers meaningful impact communities. capability. skills are sustained develop skills that for teachers and within schools. have the greatest students. 12 impact on kids.

What You Measure, Matters RIGOROUS PROGRAM MEASUREMENT ENSURES A MEANINGFUL IMPACT ON STUDENT AND EDUCATOR SUCCESS. A PARTNER IN DATA T We work with our partner schools to determine which assessments, metrics, and measures of success eachUNITED are most important to them. We make sure to collect the data that really matters. EMBEDDED AND SCHEDULED | Data collection is built into the program. Our Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) team and coaches work closely with district and school partners to gather data on the schedule that works best for teachers 2020 and students. Impact Report MULTI-LEVEL DATA Student and teacher data is collected in multiple forms, allowing schools to track measurable outcomes for their entire community. SHARING RESULTS When data is collected and analyzed, we share results with our partner schools and districts so that everyone can learn together. CONTROL SCHOOLS Data is collected from control schools with similar attributes to partner schools to compare student outcomes for a complete understanding of program success. 13

OUR MODEL TO GET TO THERE We support schools, districts, and government education systems to shift toward a more effective model for teaching and learning. IMPACT. Our multi-year model and partnerships allow us to saturate a district, state, or region to create systemic change. Starting with a small IMPACT cohort of teachers per site in year-1, those teachers Impact Reportbecome mentors to others to shift school culture in We focus on 2020 year-2 and beyond. whole systems. | SCALE. In five years, our reach has grown 60X. Participating schools across three unique regions have seen eachUNITEDmeaningful improvements in teacher SCALE T efficacy and student outcomes for We keep costs low to FINANCIAL less than $30/child per year. support greater reach. Our diversified revenue ensures we are FINANCIAL. With diverse revenue streams from here long-term. school and government partnerships alongside philanthropic support, our sustainable revenue model meets our mission and scaling goals. 14

Where We Work Our program can be implemented in any rural setting — even in remote, off-grid schools. As a criteria for scaling, TeachUNITED has tested the efficacy of our model by operating in T countries with diverse cultures and socioeconomic factors. eachUNITED EAST AFRICA » Teachers participated in first-ever virtual workshops, overcoming substantial connectivity issues | » Double-digit growth scores compared to control students in math and literacy, despite months-long school closures. 2020 » From 2018 to 2020, TU secondary schools in Tanzania averaged a 23% increase Impact Report in their national exam pass rate and a 25% increase in girls’ pass rates. LATIN AMERICA » 3x increase in program reach, impacting 10,000 students in 2020. » Implemented a new short-term, crisis-response program to help hundreds of teachers develop digital instructional skills. UNITED STATES » 10x increase in program reach, impacting nearly 60,000 students in 2020. » Statewide partnership with the Wyoming Department of Education. 15

2020 PARTNER SCHOOLS Afflerbach Elementary Colegio Nocturno Puerto Escuela El Naranjal Nocturna Ft. Washakie Elementary Albin Elementary Viejo Escuela Estero Grande Ft. Washakie High School Alcova Elementary Colonia Nazareth Escuela Finca Cinco Ft. Washakie Middle School Alta Elementary Colonia Villalobos Nocturno Gannett Peak Alta Vista Elementary Colter Elementary Escuela Finca Cuatro Gilcrest Elementary School Arp Elementary Cooperative High School Nocturno Glendo High School Ashgrove Elementary Cottonwood Elementary, Escuela Finca Once* Glenn Livingston Elementary Baldwin Creek Campbell #1 Escuela Finca Seis* Glenrock High School Bar Nunn Elementary Cottonwood Elementary, Escuela IDA Otoya Nocturno Glenrock Intermediate Bayfield Middle School Natrona #1 Escuela Juan Santamaria* School Beitel Elementary Crest Hill Elementary Escuela Kay Rica Goins Elementary Black Butte High School CTP Puerto Viejo Sarapiquí Escuela La Flamilia Nocturno Granger Elementary Bondurant Elementary Davis Middle School Escuela La Flaminia Grant Elementary Boxelder Elementary Dean Morgan Middle School Escuela La Guaria* Green River High School Impact ReportBuffalo High School Desert Elementary Escuela La Tigra Nocturno Greybull High School Buffalo Ridge Elementary Desert Middle School Escuela La Trinidad Nocturno Greybull Middle School 2020 Burlington Elementary Desert View Elementary Escuela Las Orquideas Hanna Elementary C Y Middle School Douglas Intermediate School Nocturno Harrison Elementary | Campbell County High Douglas Primary School Escuela Las Palmitas HEM Junior/Senior High School Dry Creek Elementary Escuela Líder Puerto Viejo* School Campbell County Virtual Dubois Elementary Escuela Lindo Sol* Henderson Elementary School Dubois High School Escuela Los Lirios Nocturno Hobbs Elementary Cariblanco Dubois Middle School Escuela Luis Demetrio Horizon Alternative School eachUNITEDCasper Classical Academy Eastside Elementary Tinoco* Hulett School T Centennial Middle School El Coyol Escuela Pueblo Nuevo IDA CARTAGENA Chugwater High School El Cruce Nocturno Proyecto EPJA IDA La Gata Chugwater Junior High Encampment K-12 School Escuela San José del Río IDA LA PAZ School Escuela Bajos de Chilamate Sucio* IDA La Otoya CINDEA Puerto Viejo Escuela Buenos Aires* Escuela San Ramón IDA Nazareth Nocturno CINDEA San Miguel Escuela Calle La Lucha Evansville Elementary IDA Sarapiquí Clark Elementary Nocturna Farson-Eden Elementary Indian Paintbrush Elementary Claudio Lara Campos Escuela Cariblanco Farson-Eden High School Jackson Elementary, Fremont Clear Creek Middle School Escuela Chilamate* Farson-Eden Middle School #25 Cloud Peak Elementary Escuela Cristo Rey* Finca Dos Jackson Elementary, Teton Cole Elementary Escuela Cubujuquí Florence Jr./Sr. High School #1 Colegio Nocturno de Río Escuela El Achiote Frontier Academy Jackson Hole High School Frío Escuela El Jardín Ft. Caspar Academy Jackson Hole Middle School 16

Javillos Meadowlark Elementary, Roosevelt High School Torrington High School Jessup Elementary Laramie #1 Sage Elementary Trail Elementary Johnson Junior High School Meeteetse School Sage Valley Junior High Uinta Meadows Elementary Journey Elementary Midwest School School Ujarras Kaycee School Monroe Elementary School Sagewood Elementary Upton High School Kelly Elementary Moorcroft High School San Bernardino Upton Middle School Kelly Walsh High School Moorcroft K-8 San José Urie Elementary Kemmerer Jr./Sr. High School Moran Elementary San Rafael Abajo UW Laboratory School La Isla Mountain View K-8 San Vicente Velma Linford Elementary Lance Creek Elementary Munger Mountain Saratoga Elementary Verda James Elementary T Lander Middle School Elementary Saratoga Middle/High Walnut Elementary eachUNITED Lander Valley High School Natrona County High School School Washington Elementary Laramie High School Natrona Virtual Learning Sheridan High School West Elementary Laramie Junior High School NGARASH Sheridan Junior High School Westridge Elementary Lendikinya Primary Niobrara County High School Shoshoni Elementary Westside Elementary Libbey Elementary Njiapanda Shoshoni High School Westwood High School | Liceo Ambientalista Northpark Elementary Shoshoni Junior High School Wheatland High School Liceo El Paraíso Oregon Trail Elementary Skyline Academy Wheatland Middle School 2020 Liceo La Virgen Overland Elementary Snowy Range Academy Willow Creek Elementary Impact Report Liceo Río Frío Paradise Valley Elementary South Side Elementary Wilson Elementary Liceo Rural San Julian Park Elementary Southridge Elementary Wind River Elementary Liceo Rural Unión del Toro Parkside Elementary Southside Elementary Wind River High School Lincoln Elementary School Peak High School Spur Virtual Academy Wind River Middle School Lincoln High School Pilot Butte Elementary St Margaret’s Catholic School Woods Learning Center Lincoln Middle School Pinedale Elementary St. Anthony Tri-Parish Wyoming Indian Elementary Little Snake River Valley Pineview Elementary Catholic School Wyoming Virtual Academy School PODER Academy Stagecoach Elementary Zapote Los Lirios Poison Spider Elementary Star Valley High School Lovell Elementary Powell High School Stocktrail Elementary Lusk Elementary Powell Middle School Summit Elementary *Denotes daytime and Lusk Middle School Rawlins High School Summit Innovations School nightime schools. Lyman Intermediate School Rawlins Middle School Sundance Elementary Manor Heights Elementary Red Creek Elementary Sunrise Elementary McCormick Junior High Riverton High School Tambor School Riverton Middle School Ten Sleep K-12 Meadowlark Elementary, Rock Springs High School Thunder Basin High School Johnson #1 Rock Springs Junior High Ticari 17

2020 Impact Spotlights COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS TO OVERCOME CHALLENGES, BUILD RESILIENCE The Challenge The Response Impact Report 2020 In the United States, as many of the nation’s In the 2020-2021 school year, thousands of schools and districts grappled with how to teachers across Wyoming participated in | quickly turn to remote or hybrid learning TU’s professional development programs. during the COVID-19 pandemic, small and With cohorts of their peers, they learned rural districts found additional challenges and applied best instructional practices unique to their communities, their students, and received individualized feedback. eachUNITED T and their educators. The Wyoming Focusing on adaptable, blended, and Department of Education recognized those virtual strategies, TU coaches supported challenges and acted quickly to ensure teachers through the challenges of teaching teachers felt prepared to serve students’ and learning during a pandemic. individual learning during this year, no matter where the learning occurred. 18

THE RESULTS — WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP T 94% eachUNITED of educators reported that the course had a positive impact | on their teaching practice. “I enjoyed this course because 2020 of all the resources that were Impact Report 100% brought to my attention. I was of educators reported they were confident able to see connections across in their ability to implement new teaching my practice and within the strategies by the end of the course. sources, which brought a sense of pride for my lessons and creations within the classroom.” 94% — Teacher, Wind River High School of educators said they were confident (Pavillion, Wyoming) integrating technology into their classroom by the end of the course. 19

2020 Impact Spotlights EMPOWERING TEACHERS AS LEADERS Born in Saraquipí, Costa Rica, Ericka Peralta Jimenez has been a teacher for 10 years. Selected as “TU Teacher of the Year” in 2019 due to her outstanding Impact Reportcommitment, Ericka completed the TeachUNITED 2020 program and then continued to support other teachers in the region through our local alumni network. | Ericka has been an incredibly important resource and a model for teachers in the community, especially “Teaching is a gift. Teachers can make during the pandemic. As TU coaches implemented the a positive impact that is carried eachUNITED program virtually due to school closures, Ericka used her forever in the hearts and minds T knowledge from completing the TeachUNITED coaching of students. That is why it is so program and acted as a resource during the pandemic. important to model positive examples She answered questions, helped teachers overcome for our colleagues. Only by working challenges, and supported teacher success in delivering together and supporting each other high-quality, effective online learning experiences. can we make sure that students from our community succeed.” Ericka has shown that, collectively, teachers can support — Ericka Peralta Jimenez, Costa Rica and mentor each other to transform teaching and learning. 20

BE THE TEACHER THAT CHANGES LIVES T eachUNITED When he was young, Jonas Ngowi was not interested in school. He did not feel motivated or understand the importance of learning — until a very important teacher “When I was a child, I was not interested in school. But I had a | changed his life. Jonas was inspired to become a teacher and help kids like himself who were struggling in school. great teacher and he made me 2020 who I am today. The objective Jonas volunteered for the TeachUNITED program in of being a teacher is not to Impact Report Tanzania because he wanted to inspire his students give the student a uniform. It to be successful, but he found that he struggled to is to help them one day be our understand how to get students to engage in lessons ambassadors. So when they are and ask questions. The skills taught by TU coaches proud and have a job in a bank, gave Jonas, who already cared deeply for his students, or a hospital, or the market, the tools to reach them in a more effective way. they will say, ‘My teacher helped me be who I am today in the Through his work and dedication, Jonas is community.’ They may have a transforming his community by ensuring that his house or car, but I want them to students develop the motivation to learn so they can know how to live!” succeed in school and reach their full potential. — Jonas Ngowi, Tanzania 21

Our Staff We welcomed several new team members this past year to effectively respond to the growing demand for our model and accelerate our scaling strategy. Our staff is based in the United States, Latin America, and East Africa. TeachUNITED benefits from its strong local leadership and extensive experience in education. Impact Report EAST AFRICA TEAM 2020 Eligi Tairo, East Africa Education Program Director | GLOBAL OPERATIONS & U.S. TEAM Gidibo Tindwa, Director of East Africa Partnerships Heather Hiebsch, Chief Executive Officer Molly Hoehn, Senior Director of Programs Priscer Roma, Operations Manager Sam Stevens, Senior Director of Operations Modesta Wiley, Instructional Coach eachUNITED Chesco Sowo, Instructional Coach and M&E Associate T Jess Heitner, Director of Advancement Jenny Boyd, Director of Foundation Partnerships LATIN AMERICA TEAM Alea Thompson, Director of Product & Implementation Yohns Solis, Latin America Education Program Director Hannah Tinklenberg, Development Manager Meghan Casey, Partnerships Coordinator Rebecca Eggerman, Operations & HR Manager Armando José Bello Guzmán, Operations Manager Morgan Platt, Monitoring & Evaluation Manager and M&E Associate Joe Hoang, Accounting Coordinator Mikel Webb, Instructional Coach Meghan Antol, Instructional Coach Herlinda Alverez, Junior Coach 22

2020 GLOBAL SUMMIT In January 2020, we welcomed our international team to the TeachUNITED headquarters in Fort Collins, Colorado, for a week-long training and retreat. Among learning new techniques and strategies to support teachers and students, we had an all-day site visit at our partner schools in Estes Park, and Otterbox hosted us for a lunch and learn with their staff. We are immensely grateful to Kelly and Dave Burke for their generosity in making this a meaningful and special opportunity to learn and connect with our colleagues. A special thanks to Otterbox for hosting us at their headquarters. 23

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Stephanie Cornell, Chair Francois Chaubard Robin Mendelson Venture Partner, Draper CEO, Focal Systems Advanced Leadership Initiative Richards Kaplan Foundation Julian Farrior Fellow, Harvard University Scott Dooley, Treasurer Founder & CEO, Sunblink Robert Murphy Director of Software, Applied Entertainment Education Research Consultant Education Systems Gregg Goldenberg Ross Wehner Dr. Kathy Bartlett, Secretary Partner, Ardent Companies Board Emeritus & Co-Founder, Executive Leadership, Heather Hiebsch TeachUNITED Girl Rising / GEF Venture Co-Founder & CEO, Philanthropy Fund TeachUNITED Impact ReportDirk Adams 2020 Advanced Leadership Initiative Kago Kagichiri Global Head of Innovation, | Fellow, Harvard University Sokowatch and Managing Member, Farm Animal Transparency, LLC eachUNITED T TEACHUNITED ADVISORS Emily Edwards Gene Frantz Paul Pasin Senior Director, Portfolio General Partner, CapitalG Chief of Parish & School Fundraising Strategies, Draper Dr. Ufot Inyang Operations, Achdiocese Richards Kaplan Foundation Education Administrator, Chicago Brad Feld Dougherty School District Eric Roza Early Stage Investor and Bruce Miller CEO, Crossfit, LLC Entrepreneur CEO, Investure 24

“Teacher coaching is at the top of the list of effective levers T to improve student outcomes. I find it particularly compelling eachUNITED that TeachUNITED is bringing its experience to rural communities. They are continually building on the remarkably | strong outcomes they are getting in the schools in which they work. The organization, at the cusp of significant scale, 2020 is a strong program that has the potential to reach children Impact Report in rural communities all over the country and the world.” —Stephanie Cornell, Board Chair 25

Our Partners TeachUNITED relies on the generous support of individual donors and foundation and corporate partners to support the development of teachers to provide a brighter future for all children. FOUNDATION & CORPORATE PARTNERS Impact Report 2020 Sita Foundation | GOVERNMENT & COMMUNITY PARTNERS eachUNITED Karatu Monduli T District District Council Council IN-KIND SUPPORTERS 26

THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS SUPPORTERS This list recognizes Eric Roza* The Roddenberry Vidya Krishnan institutions and individuals Dale Thoms* Foundation Amy Love who provided generous Team4Tech Timothy Spillane Mebane Family financial support during Andew Stautberg Jennifer & John Newton our fiscal year 2020 $5,000 - $24,999 Patrick Stokes Elizabeth and (January 1, 2020 to Community Foundation of Renee & Ross Wehner* Andrew Proctor December 31, 2020). T Northern Colorado, Estes Jenna Goupil & eachUNITED $100,000+ Valley Community Fund $1 - $999 David Puckett Stephanie Dodson Bob Armour Brendan Richardson Draper Richards Kaplan Cornell & James Cornell Charles Scott Foundation* Family Foundation* Jenny & Andy Boyd Vitol Foundation Debra & Scott Dooley* Natali & Andy Bruce Skeen Family | Paige & Ian MacLeod* Sam & Kate Stevens Taylor & Francois William Sullivan 2020 $50,000 - $99,999 Sue & Bruce Miller* Chaubard* All Points North Jane & Paul Pasin* Whitney Moss & Hannah & Mark Impact Report Foundation* Melissa Roza* Ryan Currier Tinklenberg Daniels Fund Sita Foundation The Dalton Family Jane & Christopher Toll Gene & Maria Frantz Ryan Dale Kelsea Turner Family Fund* $1,000 - $4,999 Amy Flinn Lisa & Roger Vasiliadis Freddy & Gregg Kathy Bartlett* Zaida & Jorge Fuenzalida Todd Walmsley Goldenberg* Anne Gibbons Kay & Dick Ward Segal Family Foundation* M. Blake Cleary Dr. Charles & Amy Fox Joey & Jeremy Hansen Joan Wehner $25,000 - $49,999 (on behalf of Gregg Heather & Troy Hiebsch* Sarah Williams Anchor Point Foundation Goldenberg) Jeannette & Clif Hiebsch Anonymous Janet & Jim Dulin* Goldenberg Family Marcia Hiebsch Anonymous (on behalf of Gregg Molly & Jerry Hoehn Jenny & Julian Farrior Goldenberg) The International Connie & John Linehan Robert Kanick Foundation Doreen & John Long Gregory Koenig *Indicates a donation part of a multi-year pledge. 27

Our Financials INCOME FY20 Foundation Grants $471,007 51% Our work is possible because of the Individual Contributions $299,101 32% generosity of our worldwide network. Program Revenue $161,450 17% We are deeply committed to operating Other Revenue $99 .01% Impact Reportwith the utmost financial efficiency Total Income $931,657 100% 2020 and transparency, so you know your investments provide the greatest benefit | to support teachers and ensure quality EXPENSES FY20 education. Program $491,935 65% Administration $125,185 17% eachUNITED T In 2020, TeachUNITED raised over Fundraising $138,936 18% $900,000, up 60% from the prior year, Total Expenses $756,056 100% to keep pace with TeachUNITED’s accelerated program scaling. NET REVENUE $175,601 28

T WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN OUR COMMUNITY eachUNITED to support the impact of students and teachers and provide a brighter future for all children. | 2020 INVEST IN EDUCATION FOLLOW US ONLINE! Impact Report A donation to TeachUNITED helps us transform the lives Be part of TeachUNITED’s global of millions of children across the world through education. community. Join us online to see how Make a donation today at we’re supporting teachers and making quality education accessible in small ESTABLISH A MATCHING GIFT and rural communities across the world. Thanks to matching gift programs offered by many employers, » Facebook: @teachunited you can double or even triple your impact! » Instagram: @teachunited BE A CHAMPION FOR EDUCATION » Twitter: /teachunited Invite others to share our passion for ensuring all children have » LinkedIn: /company/teachunited/ access to quality education, regardless of where they live. 29

Impact Report 2020 | eachUNITED T 19 Old Town Square, Suite 228, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 © 2021 by TeachUNITED. All rights reserved. 32