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CVCS Passport

CVCS Passport - Page 1

O u r S c h o o l s ' M i s s i o n The mission of Yosemite Valley Charter School & Monarch River Academy is to develop the individual gifts of students in Tulare, Fresno, and adjacent counties to become proficient in Common Core State Standards, become critical thinkers, responsible citizens, and innovative leaders prepared for academic and real-life achievement in the 21st Century. The mission will be accomplished in a personalized environment that fosters successful . achievement through quality, personalized, standards-based education, which could include online coursework, offline textbook work, and unique hands-on and experiential learning experiences facilitated in partnership with students, parents, staff, and community. l a r t n e C y e l l a V r e t r a h C s l o o h c S

YOU ARE IN STORE FOR AN AMAZING JOURNEY OF LEARNING TOGETHER! OUR SCHOOL STAFF AND SUPPORT TEAMS ARE READY TO GREET YOU AND PROVIDE EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR SCHOOL THIS YEAR. f o L e y a e r n n r i n u o g J T r o e g e h t Use this online Passport to get started. You will find useful information and resources along the way. If at any point you have questions or would like to know more, your Teacher is just a call, text, or email away! You can also email [email protected].

Your Journey Starts Now! I T I N E R A R Y 1. Welcome Call Overview & Introduction 2. New Family Orientation 3. Teacher Welcome 4. Back to School Night 5. First Day/Week of School 6. Curriculum & Library Resources 7. Ordering System (OS) 8. Online Subscription Package (OSP) 9. Parent Portal 10. Learning Period Meetings & Work Samples 11. STAR 360 Benchmark Testing 12. Field Trips & Student Clubs Main Office Phone (559) 258-0800 | (559) 258-0811 Fax (559) 532-0203 [email protected]

Welcome Call Overview & Introduction Thank you for spending time with us on the phone for your Welcome Call! We shared a lot of information and imagine you may have questions for us. Feel free to contact us via phone or email at any time throughout the year. New Family Orientation You will be invited to a virtual orientation by Anna Wilkinson. The orientation includes a live, online meet & greet and Q&A with school administration. Date: ____________ Time: ___________________ Zoom Link: ____________________ Page 1

Teacher Welcome Starting in early August, Teachers will be reaching out to welcome your child to their class. Your Teacher will be your guide throughout your Journey of Learning! Teacher Name: ____________ Work Phone #: ___________________ Email Address: ____________________ Back to School Night This will be a virtual event to help start the 2022-2023 school year off with excitement & useful information! Date: ____________ Time: ___________________ Location: ____________________ Page 2

First Day & Week of School It's August 15th! You've set up your Home Classroom & have learning materials for the first few weeks of school & until your ordered curriculum arrives. The start of new school year is exciting! The first week of school is the perfect time to develop a school day routine that works for you & to make adjustments as needed. There is no one way or right way - only your way! Your Teacher will help you develop a Personalized Educational Plan (Ed Plan). Use it as a guide to stay on track. A school day schedule or general routine can be very helpful. One great thing about independent study is the ability to make adjustments; slowing down to dig deeper or revisit the material again, or even to speed up if the material is review. You also have the flexibility to add unique learning experiences that bring learning alive for your student. Making Decisions about Learning Resources & Curriculum Learning Resources & Curriculum are selected to align with student's Learning Plan. No cost learning materials are available at the Lending Library. Curriculum & other learning materials can be ordered through the Curriculum Ordering Systems or the Ordering System. Technology can be ordered on the Ordering System. Page 3

Curriculum & Library Resources m u 3 7 l u c i r r S u L A I R You will have many different sources of learning C E T A M G N I N R A E 7 L 1 O E materials this year! Explore them all! Working together, you and your Teacher will design a personalized Educational Plan (Ed Plan) for you child that can incorporate: A variety of curriculum options and platforms Recommended High School Curriculum Options Recommended TK-8 Curriculum Options Academic support including live instruction and interventions A child’s optimal learning modalities Seemingly limitless enrichment resources, materials, and experiences School sponsored learning enrichment, field trips, and student activities Pick Curriculum in Two Ways: 1.Curriculum can be selected from your school's procured curriculum list. Click HERE to take a look at the procured curriculum list. Your Teacher must order this curriculum. You pick the classes, the teacher places the order. 2.You can also order curriculum from one of the school’s many vendors using the Ordering System (OS). Access the OS HERE. Need Help? Email: [email protected] Page 4

J r m . L 3 . 2 . Y 1 R 0 A Library Resources R B I L G IN D N E L Teachers & Library Staff will be out at local community centers/parks to share curriculum samples & learning resources. Watch out for dates & times to be published soon! You have free access to many non-consumable items through the school's Library! You can check out picture books, novels, games, puzzles & Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, & Math curriculum. Key Features of the Library: The Library contains thousands of items to choose from! You can order a Library item online & select a location near you to pick it up. Checking out Library items is FREE. All items must be returned to the Library a the end of use. Pick up to 15 curriculum items and 10 non-curriculum items for each student. Click HERE to access our Library Smores page. The page includes dates and locations to pick up and drop off items. Click HERE to access the Library Ordering System. Click HERE to make an appointment to visit the school's Library. Login Tip: Your Library and Ordering System (OS) logins are the same. If you forgot your password, go to the OS and click on “Forgot Password” to reset it. Need Help? Email the Library Team at [email protected] Page 5

C e n t r a l Y V o a s l e l m e i y t C e V h a M a r l l t o e e n y r a S r C c c h h h a o You will have access to the R r o t l i e s v r e S r c A h c o a o d l e m y O S 2 02 school's Ordering System with 2 0 1 J U L 2 2 V P your own personalized O R D E R IN G SY ST E M 20 ordering dashboard! 2 2- 2 02 3 Ordering System What you need to know about the Ordering System (OS): Your OS login will be sent to you via email approximately 5 school days after signing your Master Agreement. Click HERE to login to the OS. Click HERE for a helpful login video. If you forgot your password, go to the OS and click on “Forgot Password” to reset it. To learn about how to order using Amazon Punchouts and for other helpful videos, visit the OS and click the video icon. Items can be returned in-person at the school's office at 3610 E. Ashlan Avenue, Fresno, CA 93726 Tuesday-Friday between 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Ordering System Virtual Tours: June 8th @ 11:00 a.m. / June 14th @ 9:00 a.m. / June 23rd @ 6:00 p.m. Click HERE to join a Tour. Need Help? YST S E G M N I R E N O Click HERE for a helpful Ordering FAQ. D T T U B R G IN R R O E E D Starting in August, your Teacher will be your M R O M U S E H T G first point of contact for order related N I R U D N E D ID questions & ordering help. H IS N O T A C N I O IF T Page 6

Each year the school selects 2 2 G U A 1 2 several online learning platforms n o i t p i r c s and provides them to students to b u S e n i l n O e g a k c a P use throughout the year. There is P O a TK-8th Grade package and one S for High School. Online Subscription Package Here is what you need to know about the Online Subscription Package (OSP): Expect your logins to arrive via email approximately 5 school days after you sign your Master Agreement. Although these are optional to use, they are highly encouraged. Waiting for an order from the Ordering System or for curriculum? The OSP can be used while you wait. Click HERE to take a look at the OSP for 2022-2023! Need Help? The OSP Department can help! Email: [email protected] Page 7

r e a n You will use a personalized P t Parent Portal to access your 2 0 2 1 - 2 0 student's information 2 2 throughout the year and to P o l enter daily attendance. r a t Parent Portal Monarch River's Parent Portal Link. Click HERE. Yosemite Valley's Parent Portal Link: Click HERE. Each year, passwords are reset for all Parent Portal accounts. As such, you will receive a Parent Portal password reset email. Please be sure to sign into the Parent Portal and change your password as soon as possible after receiving the email notification. Use the "Forgot you username / password" button if you your login credentials. Here are some of the things you will be able to view or do through your Parent Portal: View report cards View test scores Submit a Change of Address Log and sign attendance every Learning Period (LP) Access the Student/Parent Handbook Complete an annual Household Data Collection form Need Help? Email: [email protected] Page 8

L OF A V S I T H U C D R E A N Each Learning Period, your Teacher will T L E A W R O N review your student’s Body of Work & collect C S R I A K A N R M G E P - L L A Work Samples that are used to record E A D G S C R C - U c . s R . A learning throughout the year. C E E C Y N - A C I OMPL Learning Period Meetings & Work Samples Question: How does the school keep a record of learning throughout the school Year? Answer: Through constant communication with you & by holding Learning Period Meetings & collecting Work Samples. Decide on an organizational process to gather your child's body of school work and Work Samples. Your Teacher will ask you to share these items each Learning Period (LP). Work Samples can take many forms and must include the following essential information at the top: Student's First & Last Name, Date (MM, DD, YYYY), & Subject. The dates should match the LP the student completed the Work Samples. At the end of each LP, you will schedule a time to meet with your Teacher to review all of the wonderful learning you and your child have been immersed in during those 20-or-so school days. At these meetings, your Teacher will review your child’s school work to celebrate the academic progress and achievements for that LP. Your Teacher will ask you to provide a Work Sample from all 4 core subjects each LP. TK-8 Students should include four work samples; one from each core subject area (Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, & Language Arts). High School Students should include one work sample from each course listed on the Master Agreement such as: Algebra 1A, Biology 1A, Physical Education 9A (can be a PE log), World History A, Instrumental Music 1A, etc. Work with your Teacher for the first Learning Period (LP) to make sure your Work Samples are what the school needs to document your student's learning. Page 9

STAR 360 Benchmark Testing Has your student completed their Math & Reading STAR 360 assessments, yet? Make sure to touch base with your Teacher on the results to see where your child's Education Plan (Ed Plan) can be adjusted to make learning even more meaningful. Your child will be able to show what they know through the school’s internal benchmark assessments called STAR 360. These assessments are done three times a year (Fall, Winter, & Spring). This not only gives you and your Teacher information about where your child is excelling, but also where they may need additional support. It also is a fantastic indicator to show that this model of schooling-at-home is effective based on the gains and progress your child makes from one STAR 360 to the next. STAR 360 Login Information: Website: ____________ Username: ___________________ Password: ____________________ Page 10

S T Don’t miss out on all the wonderful U E V D school planned field trips, clubs, & E E F P N N U events planned throughout the year! T T 1 8 S 8 d a 8 n - c e M F F P U Field Trips & Student Clubs School Field Trips and Events (FTE) are wonderful ways to connect with other families and school staff. They can enhance the Journey of Learning with interesting experiences and unique opportunities for discovery, real life learning, and social engagement. Student safety is a primary focus and as such COVID-19 and State and Local mandates may affect the frequency and type of field trips available. Click HERE to learn how to use the FTE portal. Click HERE to access the FTE portal. Click HERE if you need to cancel a Field Trip. Login Tip: Your FTE login information is the same as your login for the Ordering System (OS). Share your ideas for future events by emailing them to [email protected]. Join the FUN! Get your year started right and pop in for a Student Club or two. There are a variety of clubs for all students in grades TK-12th. The schedule will be published in the early fall and your student is encouraged to choose at least one to try! Incorporating these activities, based on your student's academic need or personal interest, will enhance their Journey of Learning and add to his/her Learning Plan. There’s no need to sign up! Everyone is welcome at any time. Some clubs require a few basic supplies that can typically be found around the house. Share your ideas for Student Clubs on our Club Wish List. Page 11

2022-2023 School Calendar Fall Semester Spring Semester Aug. 1: Teachers' First Day Dec. 19-Jan. 3: Winter Break - No School Aug. 15: Students' First Day of School Jan. 16: MLK Jr. Day - No School Sept. 2: Staff PD - No School Feb. 6: Staff PD - No School Sept. 5: Labor Day - No School Feb. 13: Lincoln's Birthday - No School Nov. 1: Staff PD - No School Feb. 20: Washington's Birthday - Nov. 11: Veteran's Day - No School No School April 3: Staff PD - No School Nov. 18-25: Thanksgiving Break - No School April 10-17: Spring Break December 16: End of Semester 1 May 29: Memorial Day - No School June 1: End of Semester 2 & Students' Last Day of School LEARNING PERIODS (LP) LP 1: 8/15-9/13 (20) LP 6: 2/2-3/1 (17) LP 2: 9/14-10/11 (20) LP 7: 3/2-3/24 (17) LP 3: 10/12-11/8 (19) LP 8: 3/27-4/28 (18) LP 4: 11/9-12/16 (21) LP 9: 5/1-6/1 (23) LP 5: 1/4-2/1 (20) Page 12

T h e BEST N R E Y U S O J A N S W E R Q U E S T I O N S That in the BEGINNING You Didn't Even T h i n k t o A S K L V A A R L T L N E E Y C YVC MRA CH A R TE R SC H 00 LS