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Lasik Eye Surgery & its Benefits In India, so many people wear contact lenses or glasses. Are you one of those peoplewholiketowearcontactlensesorglasses?Somepeopledo.Butyoujust feel the pain every day when you wear glasses or contacts that make you uncomfortable. Lasik eye surgery is the best solution to all your problems. Lasik Eye Surgery: Lasik Eye Surgery is limited to the use of glasses and contact lenses. Many Lasik patients feel they have regained their vision after surgery. During LASIK surgery, doctors use a laser to make a small incision on the surface of the cornea. As a result, the surface of the cornea is covered with scales. You lift this flap after the incision. This allows the retina, located at the back of the eye, to pull light back along the cornea. After Lasik Eye Surgery Most of the Patients are satisfied with LASIK procedures. Vision Improvement: Vision correction refers to one of several strategies for dealing with blurred vision in your eyes. Some People need vision correction. When the eye does not properly refract (refract) light as it enters the eye, a refractive error occurs and a blurred image is produced. After Lasik eye surgery, the most important benefit is the restoration of vision to see clearly.
NoPain: Manypeopleareuncomfortablewiththeideathatlasersurgeryismorepainful.LASIK is so popular because the procedure causes little to no pain. The surgeon injects numbingeyedropsduringtheoperation.Theseeyedropshavethesameconsistency asotherprescription or over-the-counter medications. After applying the eye drops, they immediately penetrate the entire eye when you blink. Only your eye will feel the numbness.Youreyelidsdon'tmoveandneitherdoestheareaaroundthem.The speculumyouusetoholdyoureyesopenistheonlythingyoufeelduringtheprocedure. Immediateresults: Thedayaftertheprocedure,patientsshouldnoticeasignificantimprovementintheir vision. After surgery, some people may not even want to wear glasses. Others may still beneeded,butmuchlessthaninthepast.Thedayaftertheprocedure,patientscan resumetheirdaily activities. You should avoid swimming and eye makeup for about two weeks. Allergy Relief: Youprobablysufferfromitchyandwateryeyesonaregularbasis.Thisisbecause pollen is likely trapped in your contact lenses, further irritating your eyes. After LASIK, younolongerhavetodealwithseasonalallergies.Youcanenjoythechangingofthe seasonswithoutfeelinguncomfortable.