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Final ESG Score and Analysis Once S&P Global Ratings has determined the How Investors Can Use the ESG Evaluation How Companies Can Use the ESG Evaluation company’s ESG Pro昀椀le score and Preparedness opinion, they are combined to produce a relative – Enhances ESG analysis to understand future – Supports access to markets by demonstrating overall ESG Evaluation score on a 100-point scale. risks and opportunities as well as how prepared awareness of future risks & opportunities and Evaluated companies receive a report which details a company is to effectively manage them effectiveness of management’s long-term the analysis and delves into the rationale behind the – Acts as an aid to understand how management sustainability strategy scores. This report can be kept con昀椀dential to use as and the Board of Directors will use ESG to – Acts as an aid for company and/or their an internal strategy tool or shared with investors and support long term business strategy investors to benchmark stakeholders as companies see 昀椀t. ESG Evaluations – Can help inform stewardship engagement – Utilized as a tool to elevate communication and can be point-in-time assessments or monitored to build con昀椀dence by providing second opinion account for event-driven changes, providing timely – Score can be utilized as KPI for sustainability- analysis of new developments. linked 昀椀nancing or to build thematic portfolios. – Score can be utilized as KPI for sustainability- If requested, S&P Global Ratings may assess a linked 昀椀nancing company against TCFD disclosure standards. Environmental, social and governance evaluation analytical approach >

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