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OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW Conventional Nuron-powered WORLD’S FIRST installation SafeSet solution 1. Drill the hole 1. Combined drilling and cleaning — saving you up to 60% more time 2. Clean the hole by blowing out dust twice CORDLESS with compressed air 2. Inject the exact amount of mortar with smart cordless dispenser and volume calculator application — helping to 3. Prepare the hole surface by removing eliminate mistakes and waste SAFESET debris with steel wire brushing 3. Insert threaded rod or rebar 4. Blow out loosened dust and debris with dowel in place SYSTEM compressed air, twice, then again 5. Calculate and inject the exact amount of properly mixed mortar 6. Insert threaded rod or rebar dowel in place   

Nuron Special Edition Innovation Magazine US  Hilti (4) - Page 41 Nuron Special Edition Innovation Magazine US Hilti (4) Page 40 Page 42