Prudential 2021 ESG Report Disclaimers The information provided in this report re昀氀ects Prudential’s approach to ESG as at the date of this report and is subject to change without notice. We do not undertake to update any of such information in this report. Any references to “sustainable investing”, “sustainable investments”, “ESG” or similar terms in this report are intended as references to the internally de昀椀ned criteria of the Company or our businesses only, as applicable, and not to any jurisdiction-speci昀椀c regulatory de昀椀nition. Our approach to inclusion of disclosures in this report is different from disclosures included in mandatory regulatory reporting, including under Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) regulations. While this report describes events, including potential future events, that may be signi昀椀cant, any signi昀椀cance does not necessarily equate to the level of materiality of disclosures required under U.S. federal securities laws. No reports, documents or websites that are cited or referred to in this document shall be deemed to form part of this report. Prudential is not responsible for the information contained on third-party websites, nor do we guarantee their accuracy and completeness. Forward-Looking Statements Certain of the statements included in this report, including those regarding our ESG initiatives, constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are made based on management’s current expectations and beliefs concerning future developments and plans and their potential effects upon Prudential Financial, Inc. and its subsidiaries. All statements other than statements of historical fact could be forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made, are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are beyond our control and are dif昀椀cult to predict. Prudential Financial, Inc.’s actual results may differ, possibly materially, from expectations or estimates re昀氀ected in or implied by such forward-looking statements. Certain important factors that could cause actual results to differ, possibly materially, from expectations or estimates re昀氀ected in such forward-looking statements can be found in the “Risk Factors” and “Forward-Looking Statements” sections included in Prudential Financial, Inc.’s SEC 昀椀lings, including our most recent Annual Reports on Form 10-K and subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and current reports on Form 8-K. Statements regarding our ESG initiatives are subject to the risk that we will be unable to execute our strategy because of market or competitive conditions or other factors. Except as required by law, Prudential Financial, Inc. does not undertake to update any particular forward-looking statement included in this document as a result of future events or otherwise. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 65

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