Prudential 2021 ESG Report Table of Contents Introduction 25 Attracting and Retaining the 52 About this Report 3 About Prudential Best People 53 2021 Materiality Assessment 4 Letter from Our Chairman 26 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 54 The Global Environmental Commitment 5 2021 Highlights 29 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion by the Numbers 56 Stakeholder Engagement 6 Governing our Business 32 Practices to Promote Pay Equity 58 Reporting Guidelines 33 Learning and Talent Development Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 7 Corporate Governance and Board Oversight 36 Employee Health, Safety and Wellbeing Sustainability Accounting Standards Board 9 Cybersecurity and Privacy 38 Global Employee Engagement (SASB) 10 Ethics and Compliance Task Force on Climate-related Financial 12 Risk Management 39 Community Investment Disclosures (TCFD) 14 Sourcing and Procurement 40 Community Initiatives Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 15 Political Disclosure and Accountability 43 Financial Education and Engagement 59 Appendix 44 Impact and Responsible Investing 16 Sustainable Investing 60 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index 17 PGIM 45 Climate and the Environment 61 Environmental Performance 22 Chief Investment Of昀椀ce and General Account 46 Climate Oversight 63 A ssurance Statement Related to Greenhouse 47 Environmental Performance Gas Inventory 2021 65 Forward-Looking Statements and Disclaimer Disclosure Statement: Prudential’s ESG Report provides an overview of long-term Company goals and efforts in support of those goals. Some material is derived from other Company documents, and links are provided to those documents where appropriate. The report contains goals, commitments, targets, plans, initiatives and aspirational or otherwise forward-looking statements and actual results may differ, possibly materially, and no guarantees are made that goals, commitments and targets will be met or that projects and initiatives will be successfully executed. The report also includes numbers and percentages that are estimates or approximations and that may be based on assumptions. See Index for additional important information about these forward-looking statements. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 2

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