Prudential 2021 ESG Report Community Initiatives The Prudential Foundation: THE PRUDENTIAL FOUNDATION DISBURSED $48 MILLION IN 2021 2021 Snapshot 23% A spotlight on its impact in a single year Financial Inclusion & Capability: affordable wealth-building 40% Prudential was founded on the belief that 昀椀nancial security should be solutions for individuals and Inclusive Communities: within reach for everyone. It’s a challenge we’ve embraced for nearly small businesses supporting cities – including 150 years and steers our efforts to help people now and in future 12% $48M Prudential’s headquarters city generations achieve peace of mind and a more secure future. Our work is Matching Gifts and of Newark, New Jersey – to Volunteering Grants: increase opportunity for guided by a core belief that pro昀椀ts and social progress, working together, supporting the causes 昀椀nancially vulnerable groups can bene昀椀t our shareholders, customers, employees, and communities. employees give to and serve 6% For over four decades, Prudential has sponsored research, incubated 19% Disaster Relief: partnerships, and innovated and scaled distribution channels and Talent and Workforce: immediate help and resiliency services to more fully understand and meet the challenges of 昀椀nancially training programs and investments for disasters and connections to next-generation humanitarian crises underserved communities. In February 2020, we reached $1 billion in quality jobs assets under management in our impact investing portfolio. In 2021, The Prudential Foundation surpassed $1 billion in grants since inception, providing catalytic capital for organizations on the front lines of creating inclusive workplaces, thriving communities, and accelerating economic mobility for all. 18 9 4 0 % Our approach has focused on: Organizations funded Nearly 40% of grants bene昀椀ted • Driving inclusive economic growth for low-income communities, Newark, New Jersey particularly in Newark, New Jersey, Prudential’s headquarters • Developing and scaling innovative 昀椀nancial products and services that increase short-term and long-term 昀椀nancial health 2021 Prudential Foundation grantees include: • Reducing barriers that prevent equitable wealth-building pathways • YouthBuild Newark, supporting training, career pathways, and an • Upskilling and reskilling workers for in-demand and high-quality jobs advocacy agenda for opportunity youth in Newark • UnidosUS, supporting 昀椀nancial coaching and wealth creation pathways for Latinos through its Financial Empowerment Network • Student Freedom Initiative, supporting a new microgrant program to provide emergency cash assistance for HBCU students Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 40

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