Prudential 2021 ESG Report Environmental In November 2021, Prudential expanded its Performance commitment to achieve net zero emissions Progress against Global Environmental Commitment Climate across its primary home of昀椀ce operations by 4 20501. To accelerate the company’s longstanding Reduction Target (U.S. & International) commitments to mitigate the impacts of climate MB = market-based emissions as of 12/31/2021 change, we have expanded the scope of the commitment to include our primary home of昀椀ce operations located in Brazil and Japan in addition to U.S. domestic operations, and set an 94,235 interim goal to become carbon neutral by 2040. The expanded 2021 commitment maintains a 46% Reduction from 2017 2017 baseline and includes greenhouse gas 2 (GHG) emissions from operationally controlled , corporate owned or leased “Home Of昀椀ces”, garages and data centers located in the United States, Brazil and Japan3 . 50,480 The November 2021 announcement includes GHG Emissions GOAL: 55% 2021 PROGRESS: 84% interim greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals from 2017 by 2030 MB of 55% reduction by 2030 and 97% by 2040, both compared to a 2017 baseline. This ESG Report and all future GHG reduction goal disclosures re昀氀ect the Company’s expanded 2021 commitment. GHG Emissions GOAL: 97% 2021 PROGRESS: 48% from 2017 by 2040 MB 2017 2021 4 Scope 1 & 2MB GHG Emissions [MTCO2e] 1. Previous and current goal details are reported in the Appendix. 2. As documented in Prudential’s Inventory Management Plan, the Company de昀椀nes its organizational boundaries using the Operational Control approach per the World Resource Institute (WRI)/World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. Under this approach, Prudential will account for 100% of the GHG emissions from operations over which it has control. This includes domestic and international properties (home of昀椀ces, data centers, and garages) which are either owned or leased by Prudential Financial and for which Prudential has operational control. 3. Prudential fully divested its South Korea business (POK) in 2020 and Taiwan businesses (POT) in April 2021. The POT business was included within Prudential’s 2021 GHG inventory for the months prior to the divestiture. While POK should be removed from the 2021 GHG inventory, its contribution to the base year is de minimis (~5%) and both POK and POT businesses will be removed from Prudential’s 2022 GHG inventory for the 2017 base year and all intervening historical years in the 2022 ESG Report. 4. Detailed year-over-year emissions including location-based updates provided in the Appendix. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 47

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