PPrruuddeennttiialal 2200221 E1 ESSG RG Reeppoorrtt Promoting Inclusion Through Our Cultivating Diverse Talent Business Resource Groups We utilize traditional and emerging strategies and partner with external Our eight Business Resource Groups (BRG) are employee-led organizations to recruit and support diverse talent. Our efforts have organizations designed to promote an inclusive culture to support been successful. As illustrated in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion by strategic business goals. Today, 38% of our U.S. employees participate the Numbers section of this report, 69% of external hires in 2021 were in at least one BRG. Members can grow professionally and expand diverse. We have long-standing relationships with many organizations to their networks. Additionally, the BRGs provide an opportunity for our help us attract diverse candidates. businesses to leverage diverse employee perspectives to inform product These include: development, talent management and market strategy. • Association of Latino • National Organization on Our Business Resource Groups are: Professionals for America Disability (NOD) • ADAPT: Abled and Differently Abled (ALPFA) • National Association of Partnering Together • Hispanic Association on Female Executives (NAFE) • APA: Asian Paci昀椀c Islander Americans Corporate Responsibility • Reaching Out MBA (ROMBA) 38% • BLF: Black Leadership Forum (HACR) • Student Veterans of America • PRIDE: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Of our U.S. • GI GO Fund • Year Up Transgender and Queer+ (LGBTQ+) employees • Jopwell participate in at • Disability:IN • Generations: Promoting Open Dialogue least one BRG • National Association of Black • Out and Equal Accountants (NABA) Across Generations • Juntos: LatinX and Allies • VETNET: Military, Veterans and Veteran Supporters Supporting Opportunity Youth • Women Empowered The national organization Year Up is a core partner in Prudential’s Our inclusion vision is the shared responsibility of all Prudential BRGs served as a critical point of connection for employees during the $180 million commitment through 2025 to support organizations that employees, supported by an in-house team of diversity, equity, and COVID-19 pandemic. As of late 2021, average monthly BRG membership improve employment and 昀椀nancial outcomes for opportunity youth inclusion (DEI) experts. In addition to expertise, the team brings more than doubled versus six months prior to the pandemic. APA, the BRG around the world lacking access to school, training or regular jobs. capabilities in strategic philanthropy and impact investing and a for Asian Paci昀椀c Islander Americans and their allies, experienced the biggest Year Up has provided Prudential with a unique pipeline of diverse robust set of partnerships that are driving Prudential’s efforts to leap, with a 45% increase in members versus 2020. early talent for the enterprise. Since 2019, the Company has hired promote social justice by building inclusive workplaces inside and outside of Prudential, accelerating economic mobility and creating In 2021, more than 170 employees participated in the pilot BRG 72 Year Up students —64% Black and 17% LatinX — for internships, Mentorship Program, and more than 140 employees took part in contract and full-time positions. thriving neighborhoods. This work spans over 40 years and remains a Prudential’s 昀椀rst BRG Pru Bono Marathon. critical part of our DEI efforts. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 28

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