CASE STUDY PROVIDING A SECOND CHANCE GLOBAL CAREER READINESS CASE STUDY COMMITMENT IN FRANCE The U.S. has more job openings than applicants, yet some qualifed candidates face obstacles to securing a good job: people with criminal records. Approximately one in three working-age adults In France, approximately 16% of young people ages 18 to 24 19 20 in the U.S. has a criminal record , and as a result, face economic barriers including hiring dis- are not in employment , education or training, suggesting crimination and lost job opportunities. JPMorgan Chase is giving people with criminal records a that they will need alternative pathways to obtain the skills second chance by supporting their participation in the workforce, communities and local econo- and experience necessary to succeed in the labor market. mies. We have made changes in our own hiring and recruitment practices, along with advancing a Across Île-de-France, there are more than 28,000 early school policy agenda that reduces barriers to employment for people with criminal backgrounds. leavers21, with youth from disadvantaged backgrounds dispro- In 2022, the Firm expanded our Second Chance community-based hiring models in Detroit and portionately represented. School closures during the pan- INTRODUCTION hoenix, with plans to continue expanding it to additional cities. These hiring models help reach demic are estimated to have widened the educational attain- P qualifed candidates, many with criminal records, who previously may not have considered the ment gap and increased the risk of dropouts amongst poorer ENVIRONMENTAL Firm as a potential employer. Through the Second Chance Business Coalition, we continue to work students, with unequal access to digital equipment, parental with more than 45 cross-industry large-scale companies to expand second chance hiring and support, and/or suitable space to work. JPMorgan Chase is SOCIAL advancement, including developing best practices and tools for employers. In 2022, 10% of new supporting the nonproft, Article 1, through p hilanthropic cap- JPMorgan Chase hires in the U.S. were people with criminal backgrounds. ital for a program providing high-quality career guidance ser- Feature: Our Racial Equity vices and tools for young people pursuing technical and voca- Commitment Additionally, together with JPMorgan Chase’s Legal Pro Bono team, community-based legal ser- tional education pathways in the department of Seine-Saint- Inclusive Growth vices nonproft organizations and law frm pro bono partners, we hosted expungement clinics in Denis and in the region Île-de-France. The program began i n Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chicago, Columbus, and Wilmington with the aim of helping eligible individuals prepare the docu- 2022 and is a iming to h elp 2,500 youths with their progres- Human Capital ments needed for the criminal record expungement or sealing process. Very few individuals who sion into higher education or employment by 2025. are eligible to have their records sealed or expunged ever apply because the petition-based sys- GOVERNANCE tem is costly, complex and time-consuming. The Firm has supported updating industry hiring rules set in Section 19 of the Federal Deposit APPENDICES Insurance Act. In 2022, the Fair Hiring in Banking Act was signed into law, creating opportunities for more people with records that ft within the Section 19 industry guidelines to join our work- force, as well as other fnancial frms. The Firm also supports Clean Slate legislation to automate the process of clearing or sealing eligi- ble criminal records and open access to jobs in places such as Michigan, Delaware, Connecticut, Virginia, and most recently Colorado—and continues to support eforts to advance measures in New York, Illinois, Texas, Missouri, and Oregon. The Firm announced its Racial Equity Commitment in 2022 to help close the racial wealth gap and advance economic inclusion. Pictured: Congress Heights in Washington, D.C. 19 Source: 20 Source: OECD (2022), Education at a Glance 2022: OECD Indicators: - France 21 Source: Région Île-de-France. (n.d.). Rentrée 2020: la lutte contre le décrochage scolaire continue. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Feb. 2023]. 32

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