ESG SOLUTIONS ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY THROUGH ESG INVESTMENT RESEARCH ESG Solutions is a team of investment bankers who provide ESG-related advice and Global Research produces a range of ESG-focused investment research to meet transaction support to advance sustainability solutions for our clients and to pro- investors’ needs for timely insights and analysis that support their broad range of vide clients access to ESG- and sustainability-focused capital across equity, debt and sustainability and ESG investment strategies. In 2022, we published approximately private markets. In Europe, the Middle East and Africa, ESG Solutions also co-ordi- 900 ESG-related reports across key regions. Our published ESG content has nates JPMorgan Chase’s investment banking coverage of clients in emerging green included regular thematic thought pieces on key developments in ESG and sustain- economy sectors. The group works with other investment banking teams across the ability; collaborative pieces between ESG and sector analysts that assess ESG issues CIB to identify and execute on ESG-related advisory and product opportunities. with industry context; and our ESGQ methodology, a proprietary scoring tool which Since inception, ESG Solutions has helped clients access ESG-focused capital across combines data designed to capture the long-term corporate responsibility profles of INTRODUCTION equity, debt and private markets and has had a key role in several IPOs. For exam- companies and their evolution over time with more frequently updated data points. ple, in 2022, the ESG Solutions team assisted Northvolt, a Sweden-based EV battery In addition, in the J.P. Morgan Perspectives series, we published several departmen- ENVIRONMENTAL manufacturer, prepare investor-focused materials to showcase its operational sus- tal ESG collaborations, most notably focusing on climate innovation, gender parity, tainability credentials to demonstrate how ESG principles are incorporated through- food security and cyber-security. Moreover, the J.P. Morgan suite of ESG fxed Our Approach to Environmental out its business. The team’s work supported Northvolt’s approximately $1.1 billion income indices (JESG index family) serves clients globally with ESG benchmarks and Sustainability pre-IPO convertible note for which J.P. Morgan acted as a joint placement agent. has approximately $40 billion in assets managed against it. Scaling Green Solutions To refect the evolving client demand for ESG Research, we appointed a Head of ESG Meeting Needs Responsibly GLOBAL MARKETS SUSTAINABILITY CENTER Methodology & Integration, who reports to our Co-Heads of ESG Research. We also Minimizing Our Operational Impact launched ESG Discovery, our frst digital platform for ESG research content in the Within CIB Markets, the Global Markets Sustainability Center (“GMSC”) provides sus- EMEA region to centrally house all ESG inputs from our sector and ESG analysts, and SOCIAL tainability solutions across asset classes to help clients who seek to realize their address clients’ needs for both thematic deep-dives and stock-specifc views. The sustainability strategies and transition their portfolios to a low-carbon economy. For platform leverages artifcial intelligence (“AI”) designed to identify the most rele- GOVERNANCE example, in 2022, GMSC developed a climate transition framework, working with a vant ESG themes for specifc sectors and stocks and to centralize views on the expo- large institutional client by leveraging in-house expertise and looking at traditional sure to and management of these ESG themes by company, allowing clients to APPENDICES and non-traditional climate data (e.g. news analytics). This unique solution allows screen for and compare companies, as well as access suggested engagement ques- for a practical multi-asset strategy solution to address the client’s needs for imple- tions f rom our sector analysts. mentable carbon reduction targets as part of their net-zero ambitions. The Firm also facilitated dialogue between investors, companies and regulators on key ESG issues by hosting our 7th Global ESG Conference in 2022, which was attended by over 700 participants globally. The Firm’s environmental sustainability strategy includes: scaling green solutions, meeting needs responsibly, and minimizing operational impact. Pictured: Dallas, Texas 16

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