Stakeholder Group How We Engage STRENGTHENING OUR SUSTAINABILITY COMMITMENTS THROUGH EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT Regulators and Policymakers • We engage with policymakers on a range of issues, including banking, fnancial services, cybersecurity, workforce development, small business, tax, trade and inclusive economic growth, among others. We engage with regulators We encourage our employees to think about how they can live We strive to maintain an open, ongoing dialogue with our more sustainably. Our GoGreen teams are a global network of global supervisory regulators and other policymakers. We as necessary to conduct business and provide commentary on proposed changes to relevant regulations afecting our business. For more information on the Firm’s political engagement, see page 55. employee-led action groups that work to foster a community of believe that responsible corporate citizenship demands a informed, engaged and inspired employees who contribute to our strong commitment to a healthy and informed democracy sustainability culture. The mission of the GoGreen teams is to through civic and community involvement. increase employee awareness of sustainability initiatives at JPMor- ESG Raters • We engage in open, transparent dialogue with rating agencies in order to better understand their methodologies gan Chase—including our sustainability commitments and what the INTRODUCTION We recognize that our clients, shareholders and other stake- and scoring, correct discrepancies and provide feedback. Our Corporate Sustainability and Investor Relations Firm is doing to meet them—and ofer employees opportunities to holders are interested in our performance on a range of ESG teams manage our relationships with ESG rating agencies and lead our eforts to identify and implement enhance- engage in sustainable activities at work, at home and in their com- ENVIRONMENTAL matters. We regularly engage with ESG raters to provide ments to policies, procedures and practices that can improve our ESG performance and address any known issues. munities. During 2022, the global GoGreen program expanded to them with information relevant to the Firm. • We also spend time and resources to educate relevant internal stakeholders about ESG ratings so they are pre- nearly 50 teams, an over 55% increase year-over-year, engaging SOCIAL pared to respond to questions from clients about the subject. more than 13,000 members, a three-fold increase year-over-year. Suppliers • We interact with our key suppliers on a frequent basis through various channels, including regular business In 2022, our employees were ofered the opportunity to engage in GOVERNANCE sustainability activities around the globe. Highlights of our We engage in dialogue with our key suppliers on topics includ- reviews, ad hoc meetings, phone, town halls, and email. We are committed to holding our suppliers to high stan- dards of business conduct and integrity, and we work together to make a positive impact in the communities GoGreen program eforts include: ing our ability to operate efciently and efectively, deliver Corporate Governance & ESG Oversight products and services that meet our clients’ and customers’ where we do business. • Participating in Earth Hour, going dark for one hour in our Stakeholder Engagement needs, manage risk and controls and drive sustainability, homes and within more than 30 JPMorgan Chase buildings. diversity, equity and inclusion throughout our supply chain. • Hosting events around the globe in recognition of World Earth Political Engagement and Public Policy Research Analysts • We provide information to members of the investment community, including portfolio managers, fnancial and ESG Day, World Environment Day and COP27. Managing Environmental and analysts and stewardship teams, through regulatory flings, quarterly earning materials, reports, presentations, • Collaborating with local community organizations to host Social Risks We strive to meet the information needs of members of the investment community, including portfolio managers, fnan- conferences and publications on our website. In addition, we respond to surveys and specifc information requests, beach and riverbank clean-ups, wildlife habitat enhancement Human Rights and engage with portfolio managers, analysts and stewardship teams through throughout the year. activities, tree planting and litter clearing. cial and ESG analysts, and stewardship teams. Data Privacy & Cybersecurity • Helping employees discover ways to live sustainably through Business Ethics onsite events such as electric bicycle demonstrations, per- sonal e-waste disposal days, reusable giveaways to reduce APPENDICES single-use plastics, and carbon footprint reduction challenges. • Sponsoring learning sessions with sustainability experts on topics such as making sustainable food choices, composting and gardening at home, recycling and waste management, and establishing a corporate beekeeping program to provide safe pollinator habitats for honeybees. 54

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