CASE STUDY SUPPORTING FEMALE ENTREPRENEURSHIP WORLDWIDE INTRODUCTION As part of JPMorgan Chase’s work to advance a more equitable economy, the Firm is helping to strengthen our local communities by addressing structural barriers to economic opportunity. In 2022, through our targeted philanthropic ENVIRONMENTAL commitments to local and regional nonproft organizations and employee engagement, we supported low and mid- dle-income women, Black and ethnic minority individuals, and migrants globally to start or grow small businesses. SOCIAL During December 2022 in Latin America, JPMorgan Chase committed $400,000 in philanthropic capital to Aliança Empreendedora and $350,000 in philanthropic capital to Impact Hub São Paulo to help Black female microentre- Feature: Our Racial Equity preneurs. Aliança Empreendedora leads a national network of hundreds of entrepreneur support organizations, Commitment and Impact Hub ofers its support to microentrepreneurs in dozens of municipalities across the country. This pilot Inclusive Growth program has the potential to raise awareness and catalyze a change in how Black female microentrepreneurs from Diversity, Equity and Inclusion underserved backgrounds are supported at scale over the long-term. Human Capital CASE STUDY THE SOUTHERN OPPORTUNITY AND RESILIENCE FUND GOVERNANCE Impact Finance and Advisory provided a $10 million loan to the Southern Opportunity and Resilience Fund (SOAR) APPENDICES in 2021, which was created to provide fexible, afordable capital and free advisory support to entrepreneurs in his- torically underserved communities across 15 southern states and Washington D.C. Through the Firm’s support, SOAR purchased loans throughout 2021 and 2022 originated by 11 participating CDFIs, allowing those CDFIs to maintain and increase their lending activities to small businesses. These CDFIs ofered low interest loans up to $105,000 to small businesses and nonproft organizations with less than 50 employees and less than $5 million in gross revenue. Through December 30, 2022, SOAR purchased over 1,100 loans at an average loan size of approxi- mately $55,000. Of these loans, 83% were made to minority- and/or women-owned business and nonprofts and more than 55% were made in distressed or at-risk communities.24 JPMorgan Chase grant recipients are working to increase access to afordable, climate resilient housing in areas such as Inland Empire, California. 24 Based on the Distressed Communities Index or in CDFI Investment Areas. 34

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