SOURCING RENEWABLES EXPANDING ON-SITE SOLAR We are working to scale our use of renewable energy from both on-site installations Commercial Solar Program Retail Solar Program and long-term energy procurement contracts to further reduce our operational Capacity (MW) 92.8 Capacity (MW) 15.7 emissions. Our goal is to increase the proportion of our global power needs being met by these solutions to at least 70% by the end of 2025, to help maximize the positive impact of our energy procurement strategy. On-site solar: We continue to expand on-site solar power at our corporate ofce 5.5 buildings and retail branches across the U.S. In 2022, we executed contracts for on-site solar at fve of our commercial campuses and approved planning for addi- INTRODUCTION tional solar capacity at another fve locations. We aim to complete construction at 62.9 10.2 all ten locations by the end of 2025, which would bring the total size of our commer- ENVIRONMENTAL cial solar program to over 90 MW. Within our retail portfolio, we have made on-site solar a standard feature of our branches, where local regulations and circumstances 41.9 42.7 Our Approach to Environmental allow. As of December 31, 2022, we had added solar installations at more than 400 6.1 Sustainability Scaling Green Solutions branches in nine states including Arizona, California, Ohio and New Jersey, for a 16.6 total capacity of 15.7 MW. With additional installations currently in the planning 29.0 Meeting Needs Responsibly stages, our goal is to increase total solar capacity at our retail locations to over 25 3.8 4.1 32.3 Minimizing Our Operational Impact MW by the end of 2024. 13.6 22.6 16.5 SOCIAL Long-term energy contracts: By securing additional renewable energy through 3.7 long-term PPAs and green power supply contracts, we seek not only to meet our 3.2 13.6 GOVERNANCE own energy needs but to steer capital toward projects that beneft the communities 6.4 0.4 and regions where we operate. In 2022, our eforts included expanding our use of long-term contracts across our global operational footprint. We now have renewable 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2019 2020 2021 2022 APPENDICES energy agreements serving ofce locations in France, Germany, Switzerland, Ire- 9 land, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg and India. Planned Installed Previously Installed 9 Cumulative capacity installed in previous years. 20

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