Sustainable Sourcing Resource Management Diverting waste from landfll: We strive to reduce our global waste stream through a variety of activities. We continued implementing our Total Waste Management We recognize that the environmental and social impact of our operations extends to Responsible resource management is an important part of our sustainability strategy, Program, which is designed to deliver a consistent waste minimization and recycling our suppliers’ practices, which is why we continue to develop and formalize eforts helping us reduce our environmental impact while improving efciency and reducing strategy globally for our non-hazardous ofce waste streams and targets a 90% to monitor and engage with suppliers concerning their sustainability performance. costs. We are focused on reducing our water and waste footprint, and appropriately waste diversion rate. As part of this efort, we replaced individual workstation bins Our eforts included the following: managing the waste we generate. Recent highlights of these eforts include: with centralized waste stations for landfll, recycling and composting, where avail- Supplier Environmental Sustainability Guidelines: In 2023, we established new Conserving water: Our target is to reduce water use by 20% by 2030, compared to able. This centralized waste approach increases employee awareness of proper Supplier Environmental Sustainability Guidelines, which are designed to educate our a 2017 baseline. Across many of our corporate ofces and branches, we have waste disposal and therefore decreases contamination rates, and helps lower costs suppliers as to how they can integrate positive environmental practices within their deployed a number of water efciency measures, including low-fow fxtures, aera- of individual waste bin liners and custodial services. We have deployed over 5,000 own organizations and to set the foundation for further incorporating environmen- tors and touch-free faucets. To build on these eforts, we are planning to install centralized waste bins globally in ofce kitchens and cafes, communal desk areas, INTRODUCTION and loading docks. We are also piloting AI-powered cameras and sensors to monitor tal considerations into our procurement process. smart meters across our real estate portfolio that will allow us to collect more accu- rate and timely water use data. This will help us better monitor and control our waste once it reaches the dumpster. This technology has the ability to detect dump- ENVIRONMENTAL Performance assessment: Throughout 2022, we invited more than 850 of our top ster fullness, improving collection efciency, and levels of waste stream contamina- suppliers, representing approximately 80% of the previous year’s total supplier water use, and to identify and prioritize further efciency opportunities. We are also planning to move retail branches to a new landscaping standard that will use little tion. In addition to in-ofce waste, we are also focused on reducing waste from the Our Approach to Environmental spend, to complete a third-party sustainability assessment, which evaluates prac- Sustainability to no irrigation depending on the local climate. The standard also aims to leverage construction and renovation of our buildings, requiring a minimum of 75% of proj- tices on multiple dimensions including environment, ethics, labor and human rights, ect waste be diverted from landflls, where local supply chains allow. Scaling Green Solutions procurement and GHG emissions. We intend to use the results of the assessments to native species that promote biodiversity and local habitat creation. Meeting Needs Responsibly establish baselines and identify future impact reduction or improvement projects Reducing ofce waste: To help meet our goal of reducing ofce paper use by 90% Improving lifecycle management of technology assets: We expanded our Portfolio Minimizing Our Operational Impact with each supplier. by 2025, we have optimized our ofce printer feet by 41% compared to a 2017 base- Lifecycle Management program to provide cradle-to-grave optimization of our tech- line by replacing older equipment, removing under-utilized printers and introducing nology assets. The program targets reduction of electronic waste (“e-waste”), efec- Advancing industry best practices: To strategically enhance engagement and tive asset recovery and redeployment, and proactive decommissioning of unneeded SOCIAL impact with suppliers across our industry, we spearheaded the creation of a fnan- no-printing preferences for some business roles. To further reduce paper use, we are working to eliminate single-use paper cups from our ofces in the U.S. and U.K. or unclaimed assets. As a result of these eforts, the Firm has prolonged the useful cial institution consortium within the Sustainable Procurement Leadership Council. life of equipment and achieved millions of dollars in cost-avoidance. The program GOVERNANCE The new group provides a forum for our industry to share best practices, and work We continue to reduce single-use plastics in our ofce pantries, cafes, and confer- ence centers. Since 2019, we have eliminated plastic bottles from cafes and pantries also helped identify and decommission hundreds of unnecessary servers and other on initiatives to build capacity and enhance sustainability performance of suppliers. devices in our branches, reducing power consumption. To further our target of APPENDICES in the U.S. and U.K. For more information on how we engage with our suppliers and our eforts to diverting 100% of e-waste from landflls, we select vendors to dispose of our improve supplier diversity, see pages 33 and 60. e-waste responsibly. In 2022 alone, our e-waste program diverted over 650 metric tons of solid waste, avoiding nearly 1,800 mtCO2e of GHG emissions. 23

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