Managing Environmental Human Rights and Social Risks JPMorgan Chase’s overall objective is to manage its business, and the associated risks, in a manner that balances serv- JPMorgan Chase supports fundamental principles of human rights across all our lines of business and in each region of ing the interests of our clients, customers and investors, and protecting the safety and soundness of the Firm. The the world where we have a presence. We recognize that modern slavery issues, such as forced labor, child labor and INTRODUCTION world today faces environmental and social challenges, such as climate change, biodiversity and ecosystem loss, and human trafcking, are a signifcant global challenge. We believe it is the role of government and the business commu- human rights issues. If not adequately addressed these challenges could create risks for society and businesses. nity in every country to protect human rights. We also believe that our Firm has a role to play in promoting respect for human rights. It is our policy not to provide lending, capital markets or advisory services to clients if there is evidence ENVIRONMENTAL Please see page 70 for more information on how we manage E&S Risk in certain sectors, activities, and locations. of forced or child labor, human trafcking or slavery. For more information on the Firm’s overall approach to risk management, including Climate Risk, see our Form 10-K SOCIAL Our respect for the protection and preservation of human rights is guided by the principles set forth in the United and 2022 Climate Report. Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Further, we acknowledge the United Nations Guiding Principles on Busi- GOVERNANCE ness and Human Rights as the recognized framework for corporations to protect and respect human rights in their own GUIDING E&S PRINCIPLES operations and through their business relationships. For more information on how we manage human rights and mod- Corporate Governance & Where relevant, JPMorgan Chase may consider a range of internationally recognized principles to inform the Firm’s ern slavery-related risks in our operations, business activities of our clients and customers and in our supply chain, ESG Oversight approach in managing certain E&S risks. These include: please refer to our FY2021 Modern Slavery Statement. Stakeholder Engagement • Equator Principles Political Engagement and Public Policy • International Finance Corporation Performance Standards, including Performance Standard 7 on Indigenous Managing Environmental and Peoples, and World Bank Environmental, Health & Safety Guidelines Social Risks • Relevant International Capital Markets Association / Loan Market Association principles such as the Green Bond Human Rights Principles, Sustainability Linked Loan Principles, Social / Sustainable / Sustainability Linked Bond Principles, etc. Data Privacy & Cybersecurity • Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures Business Ethics • Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures APPENDICES • United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights • United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights 56

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