SENSITIVE SECTORS, ACTIVITIES AND LOCATIONS REQUIRING ENHANCED REVIEW • Soy: Non-U.S. clients involved in production, refning or trading of soy.50 INTRODUCTION The following are examples of sectors, activities and locations we consider sensitive or in need of enhanced review to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of the transaction and associated risks. • Growers/producers (non-U.S.): We require Roundtable on Responsible Soy (“RTRS”) certifcation. ENVIRONMENTAL • Oil Sands: Clients involved in oil sands. • Processors/traders (purchasing non-U.S. soy): We expect sustainable sourcing policies in place and a RTRS • Coal Mining: Clients involved in coal mining. chain of custody certifcation. SOCIAL • Forestry and logging: Clients involved in forestry and logging. • Coal-fred Power Generation: Clients with operations involving coal fred power. • Growers/producers: We require Forest Stewardship Council (“FSC”) certifcation or equivalent (e.g., Sus- GOVERNANCE • Large Hydroelectric Power Generation: Clients involved in hydroelectric power (>20MW plants). • Agriculture: tainable Forestry Initiative (“SFI”), or Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certifcation (“PEFC”)). APPENDICES • Pellets pulp and paper: We expect adoption of a sustainable sourcing policy and chain of custody 49 • Palm oil: Clients involved in production, refning or trading of palm oil. certifcation. • Growers/producers (plantations and mills): We require Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (“RSPO”) mem- List of Acronyms • Cattle: Non-U.S. clients involved in the rearing of cattle or processing of beef products. bership and their adoption of a No Deforestation, No Peat and No Exploitation (“NDPE”) Policy. We require Global Reporting Initiative Index • Cocoa: Clients involved in the production, processing or trading of cocoa products.51 RSPO certifcation or a time bound plan to achieve certifcation within a reasonable timeframe. Sustainability Accounting • Locations: • Refneries: We require RSPO membership and the adoption of a NDPE Policy, along with a RSPO certifca- Standards Board Index tion or a time bound plan to achieve certifcation within a reasonable timeframe. We also require a chain Prohibited Activities and Sensitive • The Arctic52 Sectors Activities and Locations of custody certifcation. • UNESCO World Heritage Sites, UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Reserves, and Ramsar Sites • Traders: We expect RSPO membership, along with a sustainable sourcing policy that includes a target to • Legally protected areas, e.g. a national park achieve 100% RSPO certifed sourcing, and a RSPO chain of custody certifcation. • Habitats of biodiversity importance53 49 Does not include fast moving consumer goods (“FMCG”) manufacturers and retailers selling products containing palm oil. 50 Does not include FMCG manufacturers or retailers selling products containing soy. 51 Does not include FMCG manufacturers and retailers selling products containing cocoa. 52 For the broader Arctic region, JPMorgan Chase utilizes the defnition according to the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme. 53 May include habitats with signifcant importance to certain species (e.g., threatened, endemic, or restricted-range species); and/or certain ecosystems (e.g., highly threatened, unique or support globally signifcant concentrations of migratory or congregatory species). 71

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