2023 Partnerships We Are Proud Of ARABUKO FARMERS VEGGIES 4 PEOPLE SAGRI ROAM COOPERATIVE & PLANET Collaboration with citrus fruit We partnered with Veggies 4 People We worked with Sagri, a Japanese We partnered with ROAM and M- farmers in Makueni, Machakos, and & Planet, a 4-year, EUR 2 million Satellite Imaging Company, to Kopa, both Kenyan businesses, to Kitui regions. project with IKEA Foundation World conduct soil sample testing & bring more e-bikes to Greenspoon. Vegetable Centre, to work with satellite imaging on 2 of our supplier We helped map organic citrus organic vegetable farmers in Kiambu farms: Kagira & Farasi Lane. This helps us deliver to our farmers, especially during the and Muranga and provide them with customers in a carbon neutral months of October, November, and a route to market via Greenspoon. Sagri wants to make it more manner, quietly, efficiently and with December. affordable for farmers to get critical zero pollution. We have plans to establish fresh information for farming, for instance: Addressed supply shortages during produce pick-up stations in 2024. soil nutrition, chlorophyll levels, water Our riders also love these bikes peak seasons. retention, pH, and more. because they come with a second battery in case of low range!

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