Why It Matters So Much We’re driven by the belief that food can change the world. It matters where your food comes from primarily because it has a direct effect on your health, your quality of life, your longevity, and your likelihood of ending up spending more or less time with doctors in white coats. Food systems today don’t prioritize health, they don’t really think about how to help you as a consumer, make the best decisions for yourself. It’s easier to order yourself fast food, thick with saturated fats and empty calories, laden with sugar and salt to make it highly addictive, than to think about what you plan to cook this week. But we all have to make the change. Food systems also matter because they are changing the shape of our planet. It’s always been central to our philosophy to question the status quo, and to go a little further to do the right thing. But the way our food is grown, the length of supply chains, the amount of food that is flown across the world, and the quantity we all waste, is contributing to the rapid heating up of our world. That’s where our decisions are so epically significant. It’s impossible to understate how much it matters, and how much you, as a reader of this report, as a citizen and as someone who wants a bright future, can do every day with the money you spend on food. Love, This has turned more from a note into a polemic, but food systems, human health, and climate change keep me awake at night. We’re doing everything we can to have a positive impact but we still have so much to do. This report is about keeping ourselves Juliet accountable to our North Star of sustainability, please walk this journey with us!

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