Employee Wellbeing WORK/LIFE PROFESSIONAL MONTHLY PAY A CULTURE OF BALANCE DEVELOPMENT CHOMA PARTY & BONUSES OPENNESS All employees have access to To celebrate successes, and We pay all our employees All our employees are We promote a culture of our Udemy account. In 2023 communicate where we are above livable wage, which is encouraged to explore their radical transparency, we offered 67 courses in as a business, we have a higher than minimum wage. best working environment. sharing statistics and KPIs almost any subject area. We monthly Nyama Choma with all our employees. make this part of our bi- party where all employees All employees are on a In 2023, we installed an annual assessment cycle. are invited. department-specific bonus office gym to encourage We have a weekly scheme that is directly tied working out. anonymous employee We carry out regular training to their team’s performance. satisfaction poll so that we on Health & Safety, and We also provide a staff can gauge if there are any have improved our safety discount on Greenspoon teams that are struggling. equipment and training purchases. through 2023.

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