Packaging Materials 25,000 One of our major ambitions this year 20,000 was to reduce our reliance on gel packs. They are small plastic ice packs 15,000 that help keep produce cool, but they are impossible to recycle after a 1200 number of uses. We have gradually 10,000 reduced their use by replacing them 1000 with permanent ice packs, which are 5,000 reused indefinitely. 800 0 Gel Packs Used Per Month (2023) 600 400 2000 200 When our kikapus are used beyond repair, we 1500 0 send them to Mlango WoolCool Fleece Liners Used Per Month (2023) Farm who use them on their organic farm for 1000 We tried WoolCool, a fantastic wool various projects. This liner that we imported from UK to see year, we sent them 219 if it would work in Kenya. Sadly, it kikapus. 500 failed for us because of the economics + the difficulty with customers returning the liners to us 0 for reuse. Kikapu Baskets Used Per Month (2023)

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