Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 118 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Implementing our Climate Strategy (continued) TCFD Strategy Recommendation (b) The financial planning process also covered a During 2022, mandatory online training modules A series of three educational videos to explain Incentives review of our own net zero operations target, were provided to over 14,600 colleagues across how Barclays is addressing climate change were For Executive Directors, a proportion of both which supported decisions around how we Risk, Compliance, Internal Audit and other widely publicised to colleagues via a dedicated bonus and Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) is redirect real estate and technology capital functions covering climate as a Principal Risk. A internal communications campaign, each video driven by non-financial performance measures, investment across our businesses, including the separate mandatory online module was explaining one of Barclays' three climate strategy including measures related to climate and branch network in BUK, to deliver our stated implemented across the Corporate and pillars. Since the creation of the initial series, we sustainability and colleague measures, including targets. Investment Bank, Trade and Working Capital as have published two further videos providing diversity, inclusion and engagement. well as other client-facing teams, which covered colleagues with updates to our progress against We will continue to enhance how our climate Further details on Barclays' remuneration can be found from climate change, how the firm manages Climate two of the pillars: achieving net zero operations + page 197. strategy is embedded into the way we think risk, as well as the Group's sustainability-related and financing the transition. about financial planning over the coming years. statements and policy positions and how they Barclays’ performance against non-financial Across the Corporate and Investment Bank, should be applied. Skills, culture and training measures (including ESG metrics) is also explicitly colleagues attended a series of talks titled considered in the determination of the incentive Building our expertise ‘Confident ESG Conversations’ featuring internal Further details on Barclays' sustainability statements and pool and therefore directly impacts pay levels of + policy positions can be found from page 60. experts who delivered insights and briefings on We continue to invest in our resource and employees as a whole. In 2022, non-financial Barclays' climate strategy, with a focus on action capabilities to ensure colleagues across the In addition, for the benefit of a broader internal performance was assessed against three needed to both deliver for Barclays and to organisation have the appropriate skills, audience, a centralised resource on the internal categories: Customers and clients, Colleagues support our clients’ own climate objectives. competencies and knowledge to execute our employee training website was created called and Climate and sustainability. The Colleague A 'Sustainability Academy' was launched on 12 climate strategy and transition plan. 'Sustainability' with the focus on 'Addressing category included measures of diversity, December 2022; the programme enables c.300 climate change' where selected existing and new inclusion and engagement. The Climate and During 2022, we had two main objectives. Firstly Corporate Bank employees to trial two separate ESG-related training material was placed. This sustainability category included climate-related to ensure our people had a good understanding 16-week ESG training initiatives co-delivered by included e-learning modules and videos on a measures including performance against green of climate change risks and opportunities, as well Barclays and two external ESG training providers. range of topics including but not limited to financing targets, emissions financing reduction as their responsibilities under the bank's evolving The training will serve as a pilot, with a view of climate change and its impacts, Barclays' climate targets, carbon footprint reduction and increase approach and policies - training was developed to TM further expansion within Barclays following change strategy, BlueTrack , and climate in renewable energy usage, as well as measures address this and was targeted at impacted completion. The Sustainability Academy seeks to change and the financial sector. This provides relating to our investment in communities. colleagues. Secondly we wanted to embed a deepen ESG knowledge and capability within our colleagues the opportunity to enhance their more general understanding among a broader front office teams so that we can best help understanding of the topic. internal audience of climate change, its impacts clients transition to net zero whilst also driving on society and the bank's strategy and response. growth and Client Satisfaction scores. In the Business Bank, a core training module was delivered to over 1,200 colleagues which covered climate-related concepts, risks, opportunities and legislation. There were also targeted training modules to meet the needs of bankers who cover customers in the agriculture sector and in the specialist client solutions team.

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